Seems strange that you haven't received anything yet, its been a while since the results were out. Maybe because they're moving office or something? Maybe they've kept the prizes for themselves.....?
hey man I didn't get alot of the stuff from DW1, and most of what i did get was like... tshirts...
Wow.. congrats!
I know it's all volunteer run, and there's no guarantee, but considering a lot of guys put incredible amounts of free time into their entries with the hope of winning prizes (not to mention PTO time to work on it)...
I know it's all volunteer run, and there's no guarantee, but considering a lot of guys put incredible amounts of free time into their entries with the hope of winning prizes (not to mention PTO time to work on it)...
Just seems a bit wrong.
You know what seems a bit wrong not hearing anything about Unearthly for 2 months :thumbup:
It sucks you didn't get your prizes i hear alot of sponsors usually flake out.
Just kidding who knows what's going on I am sure they won't jack everyone but if rawkstar hasn't gotten anything and it's been quite some time I say his dues are ... due.
The challenges alone bring you so much publicity you can't really complain so much but you do have the right to what is owe to you (as stated in the contest details) yes you didn't sign a contract but you trust in them to follow through with the commitments "promised" in the challenge details (how would they feel if they were you?!).
Some people wouldn't have even entered if they knew no one would get what is described in the prizes section, everyone wants to win these challenges and I would be pissed not right away but 6-months to a year after hell yea.
It's always good to get gifts it brings up your enthusiasm (at least mine) and pushes you more, if you don't get excited over material things every now and then there is no point in complaining cause you could care less about them, but money that's a different story that you should be concerned about.
i can't remember where you placed, and ga's navigation to find older pages is regoshdamdiculous... but i can find the prizes page, and man, those were some cool ass prizes dude.... i'd be pissed too.
dude, rawkstar.... t-shirts WERE the prizes... don't front with that :P i may just have to break out my indian tear and world's smallest violin
Yeah I also think that is a bit messed of a messed up thing to do... I mean I already knew DW is by de facto at least three weeks late, but this just shows way worse organisational skills. I mean, they use the winner's art to promote the contest at lots of CG shows, with big ass banners etc., you would think they would at least hold to their promises of what the prizes are.
Someone needs to start a thread over at GA though :P
Fred is writing an update about UC 2009 and DW 5 that'll, apparently, go out this Wednesday evening/Thursday AM. Pester him about your prizes after that maybe?
lol @ Firebert, yeah lol some tshirts and some games + a limited access account for 3dsk was basically all there was for DW1, still i think there was some stuff that i never got, but its not really that big of a deal.
I waited a loooooong time but finally got mine in November last year. Never liked how DomWar was organized, I always feel it ruins the whole thing, vowing every year to not participate, then ending up joining in anyway because it's the only one around
I won 3rd place in the collada challenge, took about 6 months of constant badgering to get the $500 prize. Didn't get the t-shirt, but did get the license key for swift.
It does seem a bit out of order with DW, as they use the winning artwork heavily for their own interests and promotion, at least reward the guys who helped them get there.
I have no clue how its structured so I can't really comment on either but I'll speculate wildly and see where it goes.
I wonder how much of it is bad organization and how much of it is sponsors failing to participate fully? Does the money to buy the prizes come in up front when sponsors first join up or is it all privately funded and Fred just hopes to recoup some of his cash as he goes?
Sorry to hear about your current situation, I personally have seen the prizes as they where at my house and where shipped to a DominanceWar Team Lead (TaehoonOh). A very trustworthy person to start the overseas shipping and local shipping. Somethings I should point out is alot of things are out of our hands. Yes sometimes these competitions do take awhile to clean up and finish, but you have to remember these companys who sponsor us aren't in any real hurry to send the prizes out either.
Most of the time we are waiting to get all the prizes lined up and delivered to us so that we can cover shipping all at once. The trophies and medalions have to be printed at a 3d printing shop who normally probably has a packed schedule as it is, so we have to wait for them to get to our order. The prizes are free to us so beggers can't be choosers. Yea we can bug them about the prizes and shipping them to us but really that won't solve anything. It might just burn a bridge or two.
But anyways sorry for the wall of text short story took awhile to get the prizes and they should be shipped out asap. Im really sorry for all of this stress you guys might have been going through. But the prizes are real and do exist trust me.
Thanks for clearing that up Ryan. I know from helping with dom war the past few years there is a lot of work that goes into it behind the scenes on top of all of our real jobs during the day.
Hopefully we can get these cleared up very shortly.
Ryan owns life!
Thanks for commenting on the issue, dude. Sometimes it's a simple issue as that, but without any official word most people would just assume the worst.
A friend showed me this thread. Against my better judgement, I guess I should comment and tell a little about what has been going on.
First off, there is no staff for Dominance War, Game Artisans, or Unearthly Challenge. There is no secretary to answer peoples questions or to take down 20+ judges' comments, artists' shipping address, walk to the post office 30+ times because there are 50+ champions located in over 50+ countries, or paint 50+ medallions. There is no team for creating the DW or UC page designs, or programming. Furthermore, yes, there is slight funding for the event by sponsors, this covers about 20% of the actual cost of running each event. A single individual has been investing so much money that in the past 5 years, he could have bought a house and with the money used for the maintanance of the network of websites, he could be driving a top of the line mercedes. Sponsors are included in each event because the more game companies sponsoring an event, the more likely they are to hire an artist in that event. It's great exposure for artists. No money is made from showcasing artwork from contestants. Posters? Only a few are sold and they cost $10 to make and $10-17 to ship. They are only sold so that artists have something to remember a grand event with. They yield zero profit, take a ton of time to create, and would be taken out of the store except for a sentemental individual who hopes people will enjoy owning a piece of a grand and great event.
In the rules of each dominance war and UC, there is a claus that states, the organizer is not liable for prizes and that DW, UC or Comicon can be terminated at any time. However, it has never been done and it's still my hope that all prizes can be paid for and dilivered with a bonus item in the near future.
I am happy to see that Dominance War has made it this far, and that artists believe it is organized by a staff and that funding is secure and that the many people running it are all fat with money, but, this is hardly the case. It began as a passionate hobby, and continued as such by a single individual for 5 years. Aftermath, helped tremendously in DW4 by finding additional sponsors, and for this, I am greatful. Also, the mods on GA helped tremendously in keeping GA from sinking during my absences to run each major event. As someone stated in this thread, Dominance War expanded too quickly, and with UC adding to the equation, there was never any time to build a solid foundation with a dedicated staff.
For this reason, all competitions have been suspended to 2011. In 2010, concentration will be put into acquiring an office (Game Artisans Montreal) and a staff of passionate people who would love to see a world event, prosper. As always, I am not creating GA Montreal for the money, I am creating it because I think it can be a big asset to the game content community at large.
To this day, my accountant thinks I am idiot, but I still hope that one day, I can simply make an honest living with something I am passionate about, keep all online activities such as DW, UC, Comicon etc, free for everyone, and make GA Montreal affordable and helpful for all local artists in montreal.
Katz - At this time, all I can give you is an IOU slip.
Rawkstar - Same as Kats. I cannot give the swag promised from DWI, but I'll find something else I am sure, perhaps a printed trophy like dw 3 and 4 because you.. are the legendary winner that started it all
OOze - All though I have your medallion, it's not painted. So another IOU slip.
Once GA Montreal opens March 18th, it will take a bit of time to get fully functional, regardless, I'll be sure to begin finishing everything up and tieing loose ends before anything new is started
Wow Fred, had no idea. I think i speak for a lot of people when i say thanks for coming out and letting us know what's going on internally, it's easy to think the worst, that the organizers of the event just don't give a f*($ and this is all some kind of scheme for easy money. Keep fighting the good fight, and good luck getting this stuff manageable, you guys really do provide one of the greatest services to aspiring game artists there is!
I got a whole box of stuff, not everything that was promised though, but I'm not complaining, I didn't join the contest because of the prizes. Because of UC I'm living in California now working at Blizzard!
Thanks Fred!!!!!
keep it to 5 prizes per catagory, and i dunno... a cookie for everyone who enters. no need for 50 fkn medals or whatever they were for the top 50 entrants, that's just pandering to carebears, who cry cos they didn't win.
I would rather keep it the way it is. I always believe that rather than reduce something to nothing, it's better to find a way to support what is already there and take pride in making it better. Since getting supporting funds online does not work, I will simply change things around so that a physical GA can support all online activities. Plus, I don't like doing a half ass job. Reducing prizes, categories, teams, judges, and/or languages, would simply mean I am settling for less and if I can't take pride in what I do, sooner or later, I would get more and more lazy until finally, I'd simply give up.
I would rather keep it the way it is. I always believe that rather than reduce something to nothing, it's better to find a way to support what is already there and take pride in making it better. Since getting supporting funds online does not work, I will simply change things around so that a physical GA can support all online activities. Plus, I don't like doing a half ass job. Reducing prizes, categories, teams, judges, and/or languages, would simply mean I am settling for less and if I can't take pride in what I do, sooner or later, I would get more and more lazy until finally, I'd simply give up.
Its clear that the competition has been great for the artist community. A lot of people have landed better work after/ attention after competing in the Dom war. Do what you need to do to keep it going. The effort is definitely appreciated.
*puts in translator*
Ohhhh.... PISCES...
No seriously, I doubt anyone here knows what's up... Just have to wait for someone at GA to get back to you.
if you have email adresses of the ga staff, give them to me
I got my eat 3d download, but i neither got the crazy bump download, nor the money, nor the stuff that needs to be shipped.
That is complete BS man. I realize it's just prizes and you didn't really lose anything but that's just unethical!
Wow.. congrats!
I know it's all volunteer run, and there's no guarantee, but considering a lot of guys put incredible amounts of free time into their entries with the hope of winning prizes (not to mention PTO time to work on it)...
Just seems a bit wrong.
You know what seems a bit wrong not hearing anything about Unearthly for 2 months :thumbup:
It sucks you didn't get your prizes i hear alot of sponsors usually flake out.
Just kidding who knows what's going on I am sure they won't jack everyone but if rawkstar hasn't gotten anything and it's been quite some time I say his dues are ... due.
The challenges alone bring you so much publicity you can't really complain so much but you do have the right to what is owe to you (as stated in the contest details) yes you didn't sign a contract but you trust in them to follow through with the commitments "promised" in the challenge details (how would they feel if they were you?!).
Some people wouldn't have even entered if they knew no one would get what is described in the prizes section, everyone wants to win these challenges and I would be pissed not right away but 6-months to a year after hell yea.
It's always good to get gifts
That jacked Katze, hope you find out what's up.
It really blows to hear all that, dude. I hope you get your stuff in the end.
i can't remember where you placed, and ga's navigation to find older pages is regoshdamdiculous... but i can find the prizes page, and man, those were some cool ass prizes dude.... i'd be pissed too.
dude, rawkstar.... t-shirts WERE the prizes... don't front with that :P i may just have to break out my indian tear and world's smallest violin
Someone needs to start a thread over at GA though :P
I won 3rd place in the collada challenge, took about 6 months of constant badgering to get the $500 prize. Didn't get the t-shirt, but did get the license key for swift.
It does seem a bit out of order with DW, as they use the winning artwork heavily for their own interests and promotion, at least reward the guys who helped them get there.
disrespectful stuff anyway.
I wonder how much of it is bad organization and how much of it is sponsors failing to participate fully? Does the money to buy the prizes come in up front when sponsors first join up or is it all privately funded and Fred just hopes to recoup some of his cash as he goes?
Maybe Vig is onto something. It's definitely a bummer but maybe DW grew too quickly and became quite difficult to manage.
Hope you get your swag
Most of the time we are waiting to get all the prizes lined up and delivered to us so that we can cover shipping all at once. The trophies and medalions have to be printed at a 3d printing shop who normally probably has a packed schedule as it is, so we have to wait for them to get to our order. The prizes are free to us so beggers can't be choosers. Yea we can bug them about the prizes and shipping them to us but really that won't solve anything. It might just burn a bridge or two.
But anyways sorry for the wall of text short story took awhile to get the prizes and they should be shipped out asap. Im really sorry for all of this stress you guys might have been going through. But the prizes are real and do exist trust me.
Hopefully we can get these cleared up very shortly.
Thanks for commenting on the issue, dude. Sometimes it's a simple issue as that, but without any official word most people would just assume the worst.
Mad props to you.
First off, there is no staff for Dominance War, Game Artisans, or Unearthly Challenge. There is no secretary to answer peoples questions or to take down 20+ judges' comments, artists' shipping address, walk to the post office 30+ times because there are 50+ champions located in over 50+ countries, or paint 50+ medallions. There is no team for creating the DW or UC page designs, or programming. Furthermore, yes, there is slight funding for the event by sponsors, this covers about 20% of the actual cost of running each event. A single individual has been investing so much money that in the past 5 years, he could have bought a house and with the money used for the maintanance of the network of websites, he could be driving a top of the line mercedes. Sponsors are included in each event because the more game companies sponsoring an event, the more likely they are to hire an artist in that event. It's great exposure for artists. No money is made from showcasing artwork from contestants. Posters? Only a few are sold and they cost $10 to make and $10-17 to ship. They are only sold so that artists have something to remember a grand event with. They yield zero profit, take a ton of time to create, and would be taken out of the store except for a sentemental individual who hopes people will enjoy owning a piece of a grand and great event.
In the rules of each dominance war and UC, there is a claus that states, the organizer is not liable for prizes and that DW, UC or Comicon can be terminated at any time. However, it has never been done and it's still my hope that all prizes can be paid for and dilivered with a bonus item in the near future.
I am happy to see that Dominance War has made it this far, and that artists believe it is organized by a staff and that funding is secure and that the many people running it are all fat with money, but, this is hardly the case. It began as a passionate hobby, and continued as such by a single individual for 5 years. Aftermath, helped tremendously in DW4 by finding additional sponsors, and for this, I am greatful. Also, the mods on GA helped tremendously in keeping GA from sinking during my absences to run each major event. As someone stated in this thread, Dominance War expanded too quickly, and with UC adding to the equation, there was never any time to build a solid foundation with a dedicated staff.
For this reason, all competitions have been suspended to 2011. In 2010, concentration will be put into acquiring an office (Game Artisans Montreal) and a staff of passionate people who would love to see a world event, prosper. As always, I am not creating GA Montreal for the money, I am creating it because I think it can be a big asset to the game content community at large.
To this day, my accountant thinks I am idiot, but I still hope that one day, I can simply make an honest living with something I am passionate about, keep all online activities such as DW, UC, Comicon etc, free for everyone, and make GA Montreal affordable and helpful for all local artists in montreal.
Anyways, sorry for the long rant.
Rawkstar - Same as Kats. I cannot give the swag promised from DWI, but I'll find something else I am sure, perhaps a printed trophy like dw 3 and 4 because you.. are the legendary winner that started it all
OOze - All though I have your medallion, it's not painted. So another IOU slip.
Once GA Montreal opens March 18th, it will take a bit of time to get fully functional, regardless, I'll be sure to begin finishing everything up and tieing loose ends before anything new is started
(hi fred)
Thanks Fred!!!!!
keep it to 5 prizes per catagory, and i dunno... a cookie for everyone who enters. no need for 50 fkn medals or whatever they were for the top 50 entrants, that's just pandering to carebears, who cry cos they didn't win.
Its clear that the competition has been great for the artist community. A lot of people have landed better work after/ attention after competing in the Dom war. Do what you need to do to keep it going. The effort is definitely appreciated.
I truely agree.
Sounds like a reasonable plan!:thumbup: