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Greetings from Loki Clock!

I am more of a future 3D artist than an active one, as I only have enough practice to work my 3D program of choice. I have a handful of models under my belt. I will eventually be making my own models for any 3D video game projects I start, and have already made scripts for exporting 3D models from Blender 3D as my own document format and loading them into an OpenGL program. However, I have many projects in progress, and will probably be a student soon enough, so I will not have time to focus on 3D art for a while. When I do have time to do some serious study, I am confident that this is the place for it, from seeing the activity here and the recognition of the value of minimalism. So, for (distant) future reference, hello, my name is Loki Clock!

A link to my website follows. As you can see, there are 3D sections, but there's nothing much to look at there in terms of the actual 3D models. Except in one render, they're models of geometric shapes, and that remainder is a model of an amorphous blob.



  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Instant crits on your website and your work. You need to expand your creation, and give your website a professional look even though you have worked hard on it.

    No matter, welcome to the polycount, here you will find personnel from beginner to advanced level who help each other in terms of their work with crits and suggestions, in order to make the best out of them.

    Welcome again. :)
  • LokiClock
    Thanks! As for the web design, I feel a website is better without gradient hypercolor buttons, splash screens, and 28k warnings. Refinement is the name of the game. Yes, I definitely need to expand my portfolio. I have a lot of content that I just haven't gotten around to putting up, particularly analogue drawings.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, you really have a thing for clocks.
    Welcome to Polycount.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    no offense but I agree with NightWalkr completely, I couldn't click through 2 of your links without wanting to hang myself, granted my website is not the best laid out, but you should def. check out the article on websites thats floating around polycount, its a great read and I think you can accomplish what you want (lack of flashiness) and still make it more appealing to people. A great example of nicely laid out websites are Pior Obersons and Art-Machines.
    Especially Piors because I think his is kind of what you are going for, the only real color on his page is coming from his artwork, yet its laid out nicely so you can see the work without having to click 7000 links to get to the work.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Welcome to polycount!
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome to PC, Loki!

    If you're looking for 'folio crits, I'd seriously suggest splitting off your CC stuff from the rest if you want to be taken seriously. Nothing against the crew of course (I was Flavor, shhh, don't tell anyone), but it's kind of a big silly in-joke at best to most people.

    Anyway, good luck on your future 3d endeavors.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    LokiClock wrote: »
    Thanks! As for the web design, I feel a website is better without gradient hypercolor buttons, splash screens, and 28k warnings. Refinement is the name of the game. Yes, I definitely need to expand my portfolio. I have a lot of content that I just haven't gotten around to putting up, particularly analogue drawings.

    Even if you had more content, no one would be able to see it. If you are an artist, you showcase your art as fast and easy as possible. I tried to find your art, I tried very hard, but after three clicks I just gave up.
    Even if you are coder, you put screenshots of your game/engine instantly in the face of the front page.

    You page doesn't sell anything but text, which is almost useless these days for folios. Its 2010 not 1997 so you can be liberal with images now :)

    Other than tat Welcome to polycount! Get crackin' on posting some art :D
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    First, welcome to Polycount!

    I got to be honest man...your portfolio has been the most boring and unpleasant one to browse that I've ever seen.

    And I see a lot of them...cuz I'm always clicking on peoples portfolios under their sig.

    Are you an artist...or a coder? I can't tell if you're even being serious with images like these...

    Just...what the hell?
  • serialkiler
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    that centaur with the Dong is awesome!
  • Ghostscape
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    what the christing fuck is that website
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