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[Portfolio] – Brandon Morris, 3D Artist

polycounter lvl 18
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Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys. I recently redid my portfolio. I was hoping to get some feedback about the content, desgin, pretty much just what you all think of it overall and what you would think of it if you saw it as an application for a job. I REALLY appreciate anyone that takes time out of their to look and provide feedback, thank you :).



  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Looking very solid. It would be cool if you showed texture maps though. I would take off the qualifiers next to the programs in your resume. If you've used it to create portfolio quality art, list the program, if you don't know it well enough to create good art don't list it. During an interview you'll be able to give details if they ask about it.
  • OzMa
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    Hey man, you have very good low poly stuff there. Congrats :)
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    @ PredatorGSR: I definitely see your point and I agree about removing the qualifiers. The only thing I am afraid of is removing Zbrush entirely. I know the program enough to work in it, but I have not used it enough to create a portfolio piece it in. So I don't want someone looking at my resume and thinking I have no experience with it...that's the only reason I did it that way, I can' think of a way around it. Also I was going to put up texture sheets but a lot of my work is from work, and I'm not sure how much of the assets I can show like that, a render of a model is different then a game asset...I need to look into it because I am proud of my UV skills and my flats...I want to work them in somehow :P.

    @OzMa: Thanks a lot man, that really makes me good ^^.

    Thank you guys again for your help and insight. I definitely will be fiddling with the stuff you all suggested :D.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    My first impression from the front page was that you had done lots of skateboard designs (i used to skate lots) It was only until I clicked the first one, that I realised this was not the case and there were wireframes and larger images. Seems a bit out of place with the up/down format. It might be better having the .jpegs larger and in a line. Your art is great, no crits on that.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    dude! I play dungeon hunters all the time, awesome! super clean stuff, love it!
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Wow i was thinking of making an iPhone RPG myself, seems like i really need to step up the artwork... how long were you allowed to spend on a cmplete outfit? Say one of the 3 base ones?

    On the website, i really like the paneling, though they could stand to be a bit wider. The header doesn't seem to fit in though, maybe fade out to BGcolor at the top? The text is a bit too close on the right hand border, would probably look better if you had equal space at the left and bottom side.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    My first impression from the front page was that you had done lots of skateboard designs (i used to skate lots) It was only until I clicked the first one, that I realised this was not the case and there were wireframes and larger images. Seems a bit out of place with the up/down format. It might be better having the .jpegs larger and in a line. Your art is great, no crits on that.

    I understand what you mean. I went with the capsules/skateboards/snowboards to try and present the thumbnail work in a different way and allow myself to show off a lot of work without a lot of screen space or clutter. I am also a little OCD with the face that it would look a bit strange since all my images are different resolutions. Which would mean I would have a lot of larger images all different sizes everywhere. This solved both those problems for me, but I agree it's something I should look into and I'm going to work in photoshop and see if I can find something that looks right while not making a viewer scroll too much around and keeping things looking very same-ish.
    moose wrote: »
    dude! I play dungeon hunters all the time, awesome! super clean stuff, love it!

    You don't know how big of a smile this put on my face, thank you! :).
    Snader wrote: »
    Wow i was thinking of making an iPhone RPG myself, seems like i really need to step up the artwork... how long were you allowed to spend on a cmplete outfit? Say one of the 3 base ones?

    The outfits were probably the most stressful part. I was given about a week total to do the original 3 class outfits. It was a good time to really nail them down and make them look good. All other 30 outfits had to be done in 4 days if I remember. So that's why you see a lot of reusing, color changes, and not polished work. In the end, on the smaller Iphone screen it's hardly noticeable, or at least that's what I tried for. But those days were long and hard. The schedule was so tight we cut helms from the game. That's why if you look at the Wooden armor set for the warrior or even the base Rogue they have different heads that never made it in the final game, we pushed this feature to the end of the project (because coders were behind on the systems) and it suffered.
    Snader wrote: »
    On the website, i really like the paneling, though they could stand to be a bit wider. The header doesn't seem to fit in though, maybe fade out to BGcolor at the top? The text is a bit too close on the right hand border, would probably look better if you had equal space at the left and bottom side.

    A gradient on the top of the header, I am going to have to try that, it's not a bad idea at all. My design skills, especially web design are very weak so tips like this really help me try different things out, thanks! For the text are you talking bot the text on the header? I agree again, It was place there because originally I wanted the banner to extend left and right to infinity, but due to my extremely poor web skills I wasn't able to do this, so that is why it's a bit off and too close. I have a friend that is going to help me this weekend go over and code the website properly, instead of the hack job I did, haha, so if the infinite edges don't look good I will definitely move it inwards more as it is much too close.

    Thanks again so much for your helpful crits and comments guys :D.
  • Hazed_blue
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    Hazed_blue polycounter lvl 18
    I dig it. Nice work.

    I too had the impression of skateboarding from the thumbnail shapes. I think this is due to the fact that every other element on your site uses a square/rectangular silhouette; the thumbnails are the only round shapes that I see. That's a personal thing for me though, YMMV.

    I understand the purpose of the gifs, but I think that your screenshots do a good enough job of displaying your models, to the point where I don't think the gifs are really necessary.

    And I love the Sackboy.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    Hazed_blue wrote: »
    I dig it. Nice work.

    I too had the impression of skateboarding from the thumbnail shapes. I think this is due to the fact that every other element on your site uses a square/rectangular silhouette; the thumbnails are the only round shapes that I see. That's a personal thing for me though, YMMV.

    I understand the purpose of the gifs, but I think that your screenshots do a good enough job of displaying your models, to the point where I don't think the gifs are really necessary.

    And I love the Sackboy.

    It's strange, I had never heard of the skateboard thing until I posted here. I have never been a skater so I guess I just never saw it or anything, haha. I broke it up into the capsules to try and make it unique, but I'm not sure it's working how I wanted. I am very poor at design...does anyone know of a fun/unique way to present these assets? Any help on this would be really great! :D.

    Your right about the .gifs. They are mostly filler space while I am on parental leave. I have most my work files at work and won't return for another 2 weeks so they are kind of fluff that shows off the work that I do have, a little bit more. Since starting work my personal work, especially stuff I can show, has dropped as well. So again..it's kinda fluff that I felt just showed off stuff a bit more.

    Thanks! He is my favorite personal piece.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I'm bringing this back from the dead a bit. I updated my portfolio a bit with some new work. I was hoping to get some more feedback on it. Anything will help. Thanks for looking guys. The link again is http://www.brandonmorris.info/
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