Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Portfolio up, looking for critiques

I finally decided to get my website up and running. This is currently the test page, I'll be moving it over to a .com soon. I wanted to get peoples opinions on the layout. I was essentially going for a simple single page layout. Im not really big into web design so I stuck with IWeb to create it, its very simple and user friendly IMO.

Let me know what you all think :)



  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    Right off the bat I asked myself where the resume and contact information was. I would move the resume link, which is currently at the bottom, to the top underneath the header and I also would suggest having your email in the header as well.

    I can't really critique the design because its just a two color page with standard heading fonts, but its simple and gets the point across; however some of your pictures are far too big that I can't easily see whats in them without scrolling all over the page (I'm using a 1280 x 1024 resolution). Also I would include your name stamp on the images so they can be linked back to you, as well as texture sheets and all that technical stuff.

    What kind of job are you looking to get? It might be helpful to include a title at the top to help get the point across to whoever is looking at your site (Lee Stansbury: 3D Environmental Artist, or something similar).
  • zerafian
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    thanks Mike, you comments are exactly what I was looking for. I can see what I want but other sets of eyes will find issues I never even recognized.
  • stocko2k
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    awesome work man i really like the urban scene the 3rd lighting on it is stunning
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Layout wise, your site is decent but not great. It takes a lot of time and clicks to look at your work. Every image I want to look at I have to click a thumbnail, then click the zoom button on the page that loads to see full size, and that is just to get an idea of what the image is. It is kind of a chore, and after clicking on 5-6 of the most interesting images I got bored and left.

    Part of the problem is the volume of work. You have 26 images to look at. No one is going to look at more than 8-10, and most will probably only look at 5-6. If people are only going to look at 10 images max, you want them to be your 10 best work. That means cutting out everything else. This is especially important because the quality and type of work you are showing varies significantly.

    I think you really need to focus on what kind of job you are trying to get, and choose only the work to show that highlights those skills.

    Also confusing is the fact that what the thumbnails means isn't always the same. Some images are only texture sheets, some are just renders, some are renders, textures, and wires all on one page. Pick a method and stick to it.

    When you click through to the image, they are often super large. They need to fit on the most common monitor sizes properly. The web standard is 960 pixels wide, which fits comfortably on a 1280 screen with a sidebar. You should reformat your images so that they are 960 across, and as much vertical as you need. To use my site as an example, everything is 960, and users only need to click once and scroll as much as they want, which is much more user friendly. http://konradbeerbaum.com/
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    whats 2d hidden object mean?
  • zerafian
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    I went ahead and took the advise from the two of you since two of my coworkers also agreed. I scaled the images back quite a bit so you dont have to search all over the page, just scroll down.

    As for posting just a handful of work that is my best, there are reasons why I havent done that, the work that is actually on here will change once a certain time has passed.

    I appreciate the helpful words, they will definitely help as I continue to tweak it.
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    i would take the apple logo off of your tab header, any reasonable employer will hate you for it
  • ngs616
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    Nice work. I especially like the jungle and cliff game assets! and the 2d hidden objects and first hand painted.

    Keep it up! :D
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    looks very good to me :)

    Though in my opinion the low poly and game sections are the best, so they could be on top.

    I love the "low poly" content.

    Some of "Game" content lacks small stuff here and there imo. For example the urban scene has weak lighting. There are black spots, light that comes from invisible lightsources, weird reddish "sunset" etc. The enviro is really cool, it is just that lighting lets it down a bit.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    It takes a little bit more work, but you should put the images inside of an html page and link to that page instead of linking directly to the images. That way the images will load at full size and allow you to scroll down, instead of automatically resizing the images to fit entirely within the browser window.
  • shogunato
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    shogunato polycounter lvl 12
    i really like your work,
    keep up your nice work man !
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