I bought this book 2 days ago and this is very interesting.
They are some technical description about Tenchu 4, Gundam, Naruto, Basara, SoulCalibur , etc///
this is not a tutorial book but sometime they will explain about melscript for Tenchu, or Optimisation for Soulcalibur 4 on Ps3 and PSP, or shader, etc...
They also explain how they build level on Tenchu 4 or how they will create the rain effect on the floor.
Lot of little thing, but lot of tips!
I really this book but this is full Japanese!
Here is the full list of the game you can read about in the book :
I remember seeing many of these kinds of books when i was in taiwan, they had stores dedicated to game art books. I brought a whole bunch of the english ones, but i remember seeing MANY japanese ones, I really wish there were more places willing to make english versions of these kinds of books! OR if there are... WHERE ARE THEY ?!?!?!
This looks awesome, would love to read... can you translate it for us .!?!?! :P
No this is kind of book will stay in Japanese.... and yes they are very very interesting...
That one is an annual magazine and there are no translation. But there are some book yeah... you can find the English version... This is very rare.
The pink book is my first one and I can see there is a 2nd one now!!!
and a french colleague found the pink one in an English version on eBay O_o...
But yeah in Japan because of the very large doujin community there a many books teaching about game creation, pixel, 3D, etc...
But shity Japanese language is damn difficult ahaha
EDIT : Oh lol Lamont you gave the same url hahaha!
These books look cool. Too bad I can't string together a single sentence of Japanese! I've always wanted to see inside Japanese studios about their art processes and such.
You know what's odd? There's a Book-off store downtown here. Great prices. I might go there to seek these out just for the hell of it.:)
Tsutaya usually has this in stock over here, as well as the monthly CG World magazine that always has something interesting from the jap gamedev scene (along with other 3d shenanigans). I think this annual Game Graphics mag is a sort of compilation of their game features. Last issue I think it was Final Fantasy, showing the wireframe for that black dude's afro among other things
Lamont : damn no was working but I will ask to my wife to do some research
xvampire : oh yeah it's written "normal texture" on the bottom... You know.. SE... probably have a very good team for the shader... This texture is maybe before the normal for filtering some info... haha no really I don't know...
Cool thanks for those links! Interesting watch. Funny how they are stuck in those stuffy cubicles. I would really not like to be in a cube...
Lamont : damn no was working but I will ask to my wife to do some research
Nah, it was just a bit on Ponyo, and the little Ponyo museum/exhibit. A bit of them drawing out some frames, Miyazaki doing this thing and then the movie. But I didn't watch it on TV, I wanna get the DVD.
Pretty much replace what you saw in that Final Fantasy video you posted with an old Japanese man, a fish-boy, 2D animation and people saying sugoi to everything.
Cool, I can watch them. Hard getting used to not having a DVR, get up to wash dishes and *poof!!* you miss that girl with the painted eyebrows getting chased by a komodo dragon.
You know what's odd? There's a Book-off store downtown here. Great prices. I might go there to seek these out just for the hell of it.:)
they have plenty of cg-related stuff (like a whole nerd shelf with game art books)
some aren't so exciting (HOW TO MODEL A DOA-LOOKING CHICK OMGZ), but some really neat ones too
I got some really sick japanese artbooks there, lol
book stores here are a treasure trove of information. all of it is locked away in the Japanese language. I have a pretty fat tome dedicated to bikes in anime. If you can think about it, someone has probably done a book on it.
I often just write down the ISBN number and order online though, no point paying 50% over the odds just because you're standing in brick and mortar
I have this book... it's AWESOME. you do not need to know how to read japanese to get what's going on if you have some knowledge of any 3d package... if you can follow a comic book, you will know what this guy is cooking up. I can read a tiny bit here and there, but I took the book to a friend who can read it and basically told him what I saw going on, and he read it back exactly as I explained it.
It's based on ps2 tech/polycounts though, but mighty useful as a starting point as he demonstrates how to model ps2 quality deformation joints and a few other awesome techniques. Included is a dvd of all the files that are in the book in various formats, max9 being one.
I often just write down the ISBN number and order online though, no point paying 50% over the odds just because you're standing in brick and mortar
Yeah, I find most of my books at odd stores that sell all kinds of stuff. I just go in and go to the book section right off. Also, I find that some stores put them in different sections, like you will find the CG Game book in the art section in one store, the computer section the next or the software section in another.
This looks awesome, would love to read... can you translate it for us .!?!?! :P
or else
but id learn japanese for this lolz ....
That one is an annual magazine and there are no translation. But there are some book yeah... you can find the English version... This is very rare.
I always advise that one too :
The pink book is my first one and I can see there is a 2nd one now!!!
and a french colleague found the pink one in an English version on eBay O_o...
But yeah in Japan because of the very large doujin community there a many books teaching about game creation, pixel, 3D, etc...
But shity Japanese language is damn difficult ahaha
EDIT : Oh lol Lamont you gave the same url hahaha!
Oh and I bought that one too :
You know what's odd? There's a Book-off store downtown here. Great prices. I might go there to seek these out just for the hell of it.:)
omg so cute! i think i want
also i hope u guyz dont miss this one, its not new book, but this is really2 amazing book
covering from 3d low poly , technical stuff and even cinematic story telling in popular japanese game.
Then come in Japan and watch the TV all the day&night
and can see more here (jump to 3:17) :
im very2 confused why the normal map is brown
omhg how todo the afurooo?? how how?
xvampire : oh yeah it's written "normal texture" on the bottom... You know.. SE... probably have a very good team for the shader... This texture is maybe before the normal for filtering some info... haha no really I don't know...
Cool thanks for those links! Interesting watch. Funny how they are stuck in those stuffy cubicles. I would really not like to be in a cube...
Pretty much replace what you saw in that Final Fantasy video you posted with an old Japanese man, a fish-boy, 2D animation and people saying sugoi to everything.
Because its object space instead off tangent space normals.
also leave that for pro´s ^^
Part 1/5 :
Part 2/5 :
Part 3/5 :
Part 4/5 :
Part 5/5 :
they have plenty of cg-related stuff (like a whole nerd shelf with game art books)
some aren't so exciting (HOW TO MODEL A DOA-LOOKING CHICK OMGZ), but some really neat ones too
I got some really sick japanese artbooks there, lol
I have [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Game-Graphics-Behind-Favorite/dp/0060567724]this one[/ame], kinda old but still nice.
I'll get that sweet 2009 book probably
(and hope it will find a US publisher
I often just write down the ISBN number and order online though, no point paying 50% over the odds just because you're standing in brick and mortar
I have this book... it's AWESOME. you do not need to know how to read japanese to get what's going on if you have some knowledge of any 3d package... if you can follow a comic book, you will know what this guy is cooking up. I can read a tiny bit here and there, but I took the book to a friend who can read it and basically told him what I saw going on, and he read it back exactly as I explained it.
It's based on ps2 tech/polycounts though, but mighty useful as a starting point as he demonstrates how to model ps2 quality deformation joints and a few other awesome techniques. Included is a dvd of all the files that are in the book in various formats, max9 being one.