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Stryker ICV

Here's some shots of a Stryker ICV I made for my final semester at AAU. Looking to get some insights into how I could improve going forward here, and tips for anything that might help on future projects of a similar aesthetic. Further details about the project can be seen at my site, www.JoshRife3D.com. Thanks PC!!




  • throttlekitty
    The rivet overlays aren't cooperating with other parts of your texture; notably the blackened impact in the center (first shot). No other crits :)
  • Grok5620
    Great looking model and excellent lighting Amadreaus. The only concern I have is the UV layout and size of the texture sheet. My worry would be that if you were to res down your textures they would get very muddy very fast. Depending on what engine you're using it might have been possible to do more UV overlapping to help maximize your resolution. Were there any parameters for the model and texture itself?

  • BlackulaDZ
    Nice model man, I think the spec needs some love though
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    the giant hook/hoop things make it look cartooni. other than that, very nice.
  • Amadreaus
    Yeah, the budget was 2k diff/spec/nrm. This was my first time doin hard surface transfer maps to a low poly model, so I made some mistakes that I won't repeat of course :)

    Thanks for the crits, I'll look at the spec and try to get it to read better. I've been fighting it, trying to get it right. Still needs work.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Great model!!

    I think your biggest problem right now is your lighting.

    Its very yellow (or it's the texture)

    maybe give the lighting more contrast and throw a blueish back-light in there

    and the specular-parts look simply white, so it looks more like a texture / display error
  • serialkiler
    21k tris - 2048 texture thats not current gen, is next gen ^^
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    I'm confused by those...shot gun shells (is that what they are?) on the ground.

    ...Was the enemy throwing them at it?

    Was someone walking near by and accidentally dropped them?

    Well, the model itself looks good, good job!
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    The breaklights on its rear end look a bit pink.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Biggest improvement I think you can make, is presentation. The lighting looks blobby, there is barely any specular (a common problem when using Marmoset it seems) and shadows are lacking as well. Using a groundplane so it doesn't look like it's floating could help too.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    What rollin said.

    Also there are _alot_ things that just could've been baked in rather then modeling them... you needed to unwrap that stuff and wasted really alot of space in your uv map. Also mirror more, you used only 1/4 of the texture space for the actual body of the vehicle....

    Specular is too yellow and dark.

    and read the comments to the overpaints I did.



  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    hals fairly to the point but fair.. a good thing i tend to do to test my uvs is fill the "white" space in my UV maps with red in PS lets me more accurately judge how much un used UV space i got so i can try and use it better.

    there are also ALOT of details like he said that need to be normal mapped. your wasting a buttload of polys the bits on the front and side definately should have been. you got a 2048 texture.. thats alot of space.. use what you got :)
    its a nice peice though. dont let the fact it can be improved impact that fact.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    No, the problem isnt that there is much space left, in fact he did pack the uv pretty tightly, the problem is that there are alot of tiny bits eating up space for the large parts of the stryker
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Do they really use AA12s on these like that? Looks cool but I can't imagine being the dude who has to reload those.

    On the next vehicle asset I'd consider mirroring more of the main body - you have made pretty good use of a unique unwrap, but a small, separate decal sheet would allow you to get a lot more out of this. With a vehicle you can pretty much mirror both sides because you'll never see both sides at the same time, and that would get you a significant amount of space back, so you could up your texel density or use a smaller map.
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    Man, just making a bunch of small changes here would greatly improve this. I can't wait to see what you next! Look up some high to low poly modeling.
  • achillesian
    wow way too many floaters
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    wow way too many floaters

    Someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

    It's perfectly fine how he did it...if he didn't use floaters it would increase the tri count by making cuts to connect everything.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Just one comment about your presentation, you should brighten your texture sheets for display on your website, so that people can actually see what is in the texture. Don't change the ones you actually use on the model of course.

    I second what others have said about and baking more stuff into the map. I actually just finished going through the bake process on a complex prop myself, and I found that when you doing the baking you tend to get biased towards having more stuff in the model because you are rotating around at close zoom levels. When you zoom out to a realistic render size though, those little details become much less significant, all that matters is that there is a spec hit on the normal map to give the detailed look. So keep that in mind, and keep zooming out to keep your sense of scale.

    For the spec, I find that creating a layer of noise, and then running it through a couple photoshop filters gives a nice looking spec variation. Overlaid onto your spec map, and it gives you nice varied highlights. You can also get that bloom/overexposed effect on parts of the spec without blowing out the entire model, a look that seems to be pretty popular these days.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I made one of these but I dont think il bother digging it up again. :)
    the left side is missing a lot of details that should be different from the right side but perhaps this styker is different, dont remeber what ICV stands for so it could be a differnt model from the normal stykers I guess.

    I think your model is very nice but the biggest problem is the scale of some things and the bolts in the chassi that gives it a blend of cartoony look.

    UV map is pretty horrible if its meant to be optimized but i guess thats already pointed out.

    Keep it up!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    if this is a stryker, then i'm an explosive sockpuppet. the colour choice is garish, there's no stowage and random stuff on top of it to make it look more interesting, the dirt is random, and doesn't make any sense, and any semblance of accuracy has been thrown out the window with the bathwater.
    if i made a model like this, i'd be ashamed of myself.
    its a complete mockery of the real vehicle.
    oh and what did you use all those 21 000 polys on, perfectly rounded handles?
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    21k polys woot!?
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    dejawolf wrote: »
    if this is a stryker, then i'm an explosive sockpuppet. the colour choice is garish, there's no stowage and random stuff on top of it to make it look more interesting, the dirt is random, and doesn't make any sense, and any semblance of accuracy has been thrown out the window with the bathwater.
    if i made a model like this, i'd be ashamed of myself.
    its a complete mockery of the real vehicle.
    oh and what did you use all those 21 000 polys on, perfectly rounded handles?

    Are you off your meds or something you've had a lot more hate than normal
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    Are you off your meds or something you've had a lot more hate than normal

    i've always hated artsy-fartsy renditions of real world military vehicles.
    its like entering a public toilet where someone has taken the sourest shit in the world, and having that disgusting air blow into your face as you open the door.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i've always hated artsy-fartsy renditions of real world military vehicles.
    its like entering a public toilet where someone has taken the sourest shit in the world, and having that disgusting air blow into your face as you open the door.

    Which is why they're probably here trying to get constructive crits on how they can improve their work.
  • Amadreaus
    Nice, I appreciate all the insights into this! Relying more on the normal map for details and mirroring + decal sheets for unique details will be the approach for my next vehicle for sure. I should point out that it's 21k tris, so around 10k and some change in polys.

    There are plenty of mistakes here that I won't be repeating in the future. Thanks very much for all of your collective time and wisdom!

    @Dejawolf, I'm sorry this thread offended you so much, man. Maybe we should all stick to marginal M60a3's.
  • hijak
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i've always hated artsy-fartsy renditions of real world military vehicles.
    its like entering a public toilet where someone has taken the sourest shit in the world, and having that disgusting air blow into your face as you open the door.

    That's really not constructive at all, if this is so bad why not show us your rendition of the stryker, because to be honest all ive seen from you is that half modeled T34, and that hardly gives you the credibility to badmouth someones work in such a way.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i've always hated artsy-fartsy renditions of real world military vehicles.
    its like entering a public toilet where someone has taken the sourest shit in the world, and having that disgusting air blow into your face as you open the door.

    yes but your personal hatred is not part of the discussion. keep it for yourself
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Amadreaus wrote: »

    @Dejawolf, I'm sorry this thread offended you so much, man. Maybe we should all stick to marginal M60a3's.

    the time of words is over, i shall officially destroy you and your puny work.
    bbl in a week. gotta work on my ULTIMATE TANK MODEL.
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