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ATI RADEON HD 5870 vew video card slow as shit?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
Okay what the hell, I just got this card in my new dell and it can barely run crysis warhead with medium settings? This card is supposed be awesome anyone have experience with this card or what driver to use for it. I have the latest drivers installed. I should mention I'm running windows 7 64bit if that makes a difference.


  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Did you have an nvidia card before this ati 'thing'? Could possibly be leaving you with some driver hell.
  • serialkiler
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    whats the other pc specs like ram etc..
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I've got a 5770 and i'm running warhead comfortably at Gamer-Enthusiast (High/Very High).
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    This is a brand new pc from dell no previous video card install, here is the system spec. This seems extremely slow for a high end card like this, any one want to suggest a way to bench mark it?

    windows 7 64bit
    Studio XPS 435T/9000
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 2668 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I also just gave borderlands a try, the screenspace ao looks like shit compared to my girlfriend's computer running an nvidia card. The ati card has this shitty grainy colour noise all over the screen space ao looks like junk, some problem in crysis.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    thats the problem : ATI :P
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Can´t agree with that, i have a HD4870 and everything looks like it should
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    something's probably wrong with your card.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah sounds like a faulty card or drivers, that computer spec should run pretty much everything including Crysis silky smooth with no issues!

    Maybe look around on the ATI forums (I assume those exist) for people with similar issues?
  • muppo
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    I guess who installed/configured the o.s/bios on your pc wasn't paying much attention or perhaps your card is broken.
    note that ati ssao doesnt work properly with dx 10/11, so turn it off or use dx9, your grainy look might be a consequence of this.
    FOR THE CRap performance just run a benchmark (just google one of them) and see if your scores match with any review of the 5870 (anandtech.com, guru3d.com etc)
    if scores are lower try updating all the drivers of your pc
    hope this helps
  • Clockwork
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    The card is great (unless faulty). Your problem is running it in a piece of shit Dell, IMHO.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Have you checked inside the pc, and in the settings that it is the card specified?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    muppo how do you know the ssao does not work in dx 11? I've searched a bit for a benchmark program and not really come up with much all the drivers are already up to date. From what I've read so far windows 7 doesn't let you install direct x 9.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    As someone suggested, could be faulty card. Check the ATI Catalyst. Specifically the overdrive. See what your temperatures read at.

    Also you mention "new pc from dell no previous video card install"

    So this came with built in Intel graphics and you bought the card separate?

    Did you::
    Update the Bios for the MB. (see dells site)
    Disable the onboard graphics in bios if possible.
    Uninstall the Intel video drivers. (use REVO uninstaller to do it throughly)

    Another thought:
    If it had no graphics card installed previously (ie inboard graphics). That means the Power supply isn't leaving any headway for a Monster Card like you have. So in short, you may be underpowering the card as well.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I just looked up the specs, I guess I misunderstood the "new pc from dell no previous video card install". That card comes with the system. So other than Catalyst Check. You most likely have something bad. The builds and heatsinks on system vendor cards is not as exact as aftermarket/separate.
  • muppo
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    simple suggestion: wipe the os, just make new and clean install and gather all the components drivers from hardware manufacturer site (not dell) so you have latest up to date drivers .
    as for ssao i just remember 5xxx had problems with some games/dx used on a couple net reviews when card came out, note that certainly ati does support it properly ,dont worry about that , it is just prolly restricted to some games and or drivers version. my intention wasn't telling you ati ssao was faulty, but the grainy effect could be related to that , especially when talking about visual quality, from my expirience ati is a bit ahead over nvidia.
    as for win7 it does have dx11 yes but it also support dx 9 and 10/10.1.
    and as oxynary said if your motherboard got integrated videocard be sure to disable it on the bios.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Figured out the screen space ao problem. It was actually the colour profile I had set on the monitor hardware. Anything darker than a certain value would have exposure noise it it, adobe rgb was the colour profile I've switched to the custom colour profile and it fixes that problem. I'm going to try some drivers today and try to figure out how to compare some benchmarks to see if I can get crysis running at a decent fps, borderlands runs fine.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    malcolm wrote: »
    Okay what the hell, I just got this card in my new dell and it can barely run crysis warhead with medium settings? This card is supposed be awesome anyone have experience with this card or what driver to use for it. I have the latest drivers installed. I should mention I'm running windows 7 64bit if that makes a difference.

    Lucky yours can actually run anything, I had two XFX ones and they just completely locked up after 5-10 mins of running like a bag of shit on my new machine, so I bought a nvidia instead and not looked back. I even tried it on two different operating systems and got same effect with them, I've not had a ATI in the last 6-7 years and thought I'd go with the nicer cards they did this time around, but was a big mistake really.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Agreed, ati sucks shit. The only reason I went with this card is because dell doesn't offer any good nvidia cards with the machine I built. Stupid dell. I've spent the last whole day getting the catalyst control center to load so I can calibrate my monitor. Turns out the whql certified drivers don't fucking work, I needed to install the beta drivers. Ati is shit and so are their drivers.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Might need to uninstall all drivers first before attempting to install new ones on top. Revo Uninstaller.


    No offense, but you bought a dell. Unless you reinstalled the OS by hand without their bloatware. There may be other things interfering.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Not sure where the Dell / ATI hate is coming from, I always had a good experience with both brands. The key is to wipe the OS and then install it fresh, if possible NOT from a restore CD because you usually end up with the same bloatware added. Then grab the latest ATI/nVidia non beta drivers from the respective website.
    Unless your PC is broken or you decided to "tweak" the BIOS everything should go smoothly from that point.
    And if not, I found Dell always very helpful in replacing broken stuff. Not sure why everybody doesn't like them, but maybe I was just lucky :)
  • psychoticprankster
    I'm so not buying a dell now or an ati I'm building my rig myself now, thanks for the warning!

    Glad I'm an nvidia fanboy now!
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    The computer's great, super fast I'm completely happy with the dell, I've had the same bad experience with an ati card in my old computer, took forever to find drivers that actually worked with it. I'm totally unimpressed with ati's lack of archived drivers, or at least I couldn't figure out how to get to them on the ati website.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I don´t know where your problem is, i need 5 seconds to find the latest drivers for my ati card.I never had any problems with my ati except for gta 4 when it came out but that was fixed for me with the first patch.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Look before hating ATI by default. Have you done a clean install of the OS when you got the system? Or are you still running all the Dell installed items?

    I'm sure its fast. It can be faster without the bloatware if nothing else. Your also setting yourself up for more pain in the future when you have all the items you want installed, but try to install something else to find there is a conflict or slowdown with the Dell programs. You having this issues with the ATI is already showing something is awry. I don't have faith in Dell to release a unbuggy system that they have verified for speed/stability with their bloatware before releasing to public. So then you have to reinstall the OS, and all your programs. Versus doing it now before you get totally settled.

    And hey, if nothing else, a clean install would show if there is something hardware wrong with the card or system. Right now you have too many variables, and trying to blame what you think its the obvious candidate. Its not always so black and white.
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