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SteamPunkIsh R2D2

Found this Picture on google images, so i thought it would be pretty cool to model.


HighPoly Renders, Not 100% Finished.


C&C's wanted and welcomed + any other ideas i can add to it, to make it different, and also a nice render Material to get good renders for HP stuffz

Also, i know there is no shadows o nthe ground so it looks weird, and their is pinching atthe dome bits, im tying to fix that :)


  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    this is a neat idea!
    model a LOT more, put in some details you don't see, get creative. right now your model mimics the picture in the basic realm of it. there's some things that need adjusting, but it just feels like it needs some more creativity. think about how it would actually work. sure it has hoses and and dodads, but are those hydraulics for legs, or just tubes? would there be wheels of some sort underneath the feet covers? how would those be propelled. think in functionality and again, get creative with it! that is what makes steampunk stuff interesting to look at. thinking outside the box and how to make it all functional in the higher grade of technology with simple old power of the tools of that time period.
    make the feet larger in height and thickness.
    model out the meshing under the dome and deform it over the model.
    model out the planking for the boards.
    enlarge the gauges on the front.

    granted, this is of course all depending on your final output for the model, but i would not only model all this stuff out to achieve a better look, but also to keep the skills up to speed with some good ole' practice.
  • Wyldcard
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    lol this is freaky, I've been researching steampunk for the last few days for a piece I'm working on. This little fella has popped up like a million times ^^.

    Like Firebert said tho, functionality is key from what I've been seeing. Or rather, OVER-functionality. Why use 1 cog when 3cogs some wires and a set of pulleys will do the job too :D.

    Think about the final map too, Steampunk is general not a clean science, grease, oil and lubricant will be plentiful. Make him a bit dirtier than the shiny original methinks.

    Looks pretty good tho for a direct copy so far.
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    I like it! I'd say bring those side bars a bit more, and make the pressure gauges a little more extruded. The bottom makes it look a bit too symmetric with the four cables being perfectly arranged. Just give it a little variable and it could go a long way.
  • Wyldcard
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    Just thought, he needs something like a big old stove pipe coming out the back. Belching some smoke out. Steampunk R2 has a huge carbon footprint!
  • .Murder
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    thanks for the comments guys! really inspired me! i've started the model again, but i feel so muhc more for this model now! i can really some the potentialy for soemthing awesome, ive got some pretty sweet ideas knocking about in my head now!
  • .Murder
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    Just a quick update 35m349e.jpg

    Ignor the top bit, havnt gota around to tht yet, so thts why it looked messed up
  • .Murder
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    good job so far. needs some goggles and big shoes though, maybe a zeppelin and a propeller that runs on pulleys attached to bicycle pedals. don't forget your pistons and unnecessary arm that feeds coal into his little furnace.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Do the wooden slats run top to bottom or do they stop at the center band?
  • .Murder
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    Stop at the centre band on my model
  • .Murder
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    Nout sure how kep i am on the glasses Bracer thing around the eye, but of a weird shape, any ideas anyone?
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