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Video games, censorship, ESRB, and banning

ngon master
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ZacD ngon master
Video games, censorship, ESRB, and banning (and restricting sales to minors)
I originally wrote up a big thread of this, and then fire fox crashed, so now I'm going to be a lazy bastard and point out some things that I think are important topics.

List of banned games by country http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games
About video game violence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_controversy

I view video games as a form of art and any country that bans or restricts games are committing a crime against their people and to art (almost as bad as the catholic church knocking peckers off of Greek statues and replacing them with fig leaves).

  • "No games have been banned in the US, although several have been refused a rating below Adults Only (AO) by the ESRB. Console makers will not license AO or unrated games and most retailers will not stock them, forcing a sort of self-censoring to obtain a lower rating by omitting content, The Witcher or Indigo Prophecy."
    Shortened quote from wiki
  • Germany and Australia both ban games based off excessive violence or nudity.
  • Video game violence and its effects on kids is also a popular topic, there's a lot of "studies" on both sides of the topic.


  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    The ESRB's descriptions are often ironically vulgar and hilarious.

    In this action-adventure game, players control Dante, a veteran soldier of the Crusades, on his journey through the nine Circles of Hell. The game depicts a surrealistic underworld populated by demons, shades, blobs, mythical creatures, historical figures, the undead, and the scythe-wielding "Death." As Dante pursues his beloved Beatrice through Limbo, Lust, Anger, etc., he must battle several creatures along the way.

    Players swing their own giant scythe and employ magic—glowing white crosses—to battle the winged, the lost, and the damned. Blood often splatters out of monsters' bodies when attacked; weakened monsters can be finished off with a set of commands leading to tongue-evisceration, but more often, some version of dismemberment. Amidst the sounds of moaning, drowning, crying, and chastising, some bizarre creatures appear (a veritable monster's ball), accentuating the surreal nature of the game: a pestilent Bertha blob spews its anger, sometimes more; a King Kong-sized Cleopatra—demon-like, purplish, topless—reigns over the level Lust; and "unblessed infants" with sharp blades-for-arms zealously attack Dante in dark spaces. These "unbaptized" demons resemble babies only in size, as they tend to hack, slash, scream, and impale/get impaled as often as taller demons. The most intense depictions of violence occur during cutscenes—the tapestry-style animations and the CGI-enhanced cinematics: Templar soldiers cut townspeople in half; a man is decapitated and his head hurtles toward the screen; a man gets stabbed through the eye with his own crucifix, and a soldier impales a woman through the chest by throwing a sword at the fleeing victim—Intense Violence at M.

    The game also contains some sexual content and depictions of nudity. During one sequence, a distraught demon-like creature seizes Dante's right hand and slowly guides it across her bare chest; during another, "shade minions" in high heels moan lustfully—in the Lust level—as tentacles protrude from their stomachs, their lower regions. As for the nudity: a tapestry-style (hand-drawn) image of a topless woman embracing a man; the same art-style depicting a slave woman—breasts exposed—lying on the floor with the guilt-ridden; a naked woman on a stone slab levitating in the air (only her breasts are fully defined); the aforementioned topless Cleopatra; and a bluish devil/demon in boss-battle mode—its penis visible during the flying and fire-spewing, the standing around (there are equivalent physics applied to female/male body parts).
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Somebody should do a text-to-speech of that, mashed up with some grindcore music.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Best part is "(there are equivalent physics applied to female/male body parts)"
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    dead or alive?

  • Carl Brannstrom
    Wow, living in Australia as a gamer must suck...
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    corv wrote: »
    Wow, living in Australia as a gamer must suck...

    People will just download the banned games, especially the young people they use as an excuse for the bans.

    The australian governments stance on R18+ games is so archaic and misinformed that it borders on comedy.

    Ironicall they end up acting as a catalyst to games developers losing money to piracy.

    Also we are completely fine with psuedo snuff films like Hostel coming into the country and Canberra (our captial) is the porn hub of australia.
    So you can get your fix of 18+ ultra depraved sexual acts or excessive violence, just not as a game...

    But then this is a country which outlaws the sale of alcohol in certain aborignal areas instead of dealing with the underlying social issues.

    Oh and we just got a Chinese style internet censorship approved. Joy!! :P

    Won't someone think of the children?!!

    Oh sorry no I didn't mean you parents.... no you don't need the burden of responsibilty in raising your children and monitoring their interaction with media.

    No parents just relax, take some prozac, we'll do the thinking for you, after all you have consuming to do, take a load off.....
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry, double post but this topic gets me irrate and I need to vent. :P

    I really detest the complete black and white mentailty of the uninformed masses and beuarocrats.
    Where is the wisdom in their call to blanket ban violent games? Where is the understanding of the underlying issues of our increasingly apathetic society? It's certainly not games or media in general which are the sole cause for all our failings.

    I think the use of negative emotional stimulus such as witnessing acts of extreme violence can actually be used in a really positive manner if handled correctly and has much more impact than when its used poorly.

    Just as a personal case study, I watched both Pans Labyrinth vs Rambo 5.

    In Pan's Labyrinth the beating the poor farmer gets infront of his son was a terrifyingly real depiction of a sadistic act. However the whole scene was handled so carefully I came away from it even more stead fast in my beliefs against the act of harming others.

    On the other hand, the scene where Rambo straddles a jeep and reduces people to chunks of meat was just one of complete titilation. To the level of absurdity.

    I got nothing from that film except for an increased heart rate...pretty much makes you think you did something exciting but its just a cheap trick. I learnt nothing, I gained nothing. I lost $12. :)

    The thing is I don't think either of these movies would force a normal brain to commit an act of attrocity, even with repeated exposure. One film shows repurcutions to acts of violence and the other is so far removed from reality the normal mind would never think they could commit the same actions without paying with their life.

    An insane mind on the other hand might, but then again an insane mind might do so just because they felt like it or someone cut the off in traffic or they didn't like the colour of the tie the news anchor wore....thats why they are classed as insane.

    I do think there is a point to be made for all media developers to have more social responsibilty for their craft.

    However not just game developers.
    If you ban R18+ games you must start banning film and literature.

    If you don't then you are just a hypocrit.

    As for sex..... people need to grow up..... we all have the bits, we are born nude, some of us do our best work nude. :D
    Everyone is sexual, even those who attempt to repress it, its the whole point of us, to multiply.

    As long as the sex is contextually valid to growing some form of plot and/or character arc and doesn't harm anyone then leave it alone.

    Oh and stop blurry out mens nipples on TV FFS, WTF is with that? They are just pointless reminders of what we could have been!!
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I think it's extremely weird that anything is restricted because of children.

    They're children. Society is primarily made of adults, is it not? Adults make the decisions and go to work so they can buy stuff to make them forget about work and then periodically make more children so that there will be more adults to keep going to work and buying things 20-some years later.

    So why would there be any sense in filtering and controlling all media to make sure it's harder for children to see it, when society is inhabited and run by adults? Are people really trying to keep violence, sex, and dirty words a secret from everyone until they reach a certain age? What possible purpose would THAT serve? Even if it were possible, it would just make it more difficult for people to handle those things responsibly when they eventually discover them.

    Is it supposed to be a contextual thing? Like keeping fantasy sex and violence away from kids because they might not understand that it's not real or not serious? How old does someone really need to be to properly appreciate the subtleties of cock jokes and boobies?

    If anything, it seems like it'd be more sensible to get all that stuff out of the way sooner than later so that kids grow up knowing the difference between playing a game/watching a movie/ telling a joke and fucking/murdering eachother. If that's something that they're really supposed to have trouble understanding (which seems to be the implication), then we should work on explaining it to them by showing them as much of each as possible until they get it.

    As it is, it's no wonder kids keep growing up with a case of the crazies. Their whole world is a paradox of social norms that somehow don't apply to them, but only to the people they're supposed to grow up to be (and even they can't agree on what's okay and what's not). Makes no sense.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think fly soup hit a good point, since when is its societies job to regulate stuff for kids instead of their parents. If they are that irresponsible as parents should they be having kids? The usa seems to think we need to protect our kids/adults as long as possible, can't drink till 21 causes people to abuse more than if they drank wine and stuff when they were 13 with the family, the 21 year old age makes a big deal.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Oh and stop blurry out mens nipples on TV FFS, WTF is with that?
    You what? That's a new one. Where did you see that?

    You've probably all heard about our situation here by now. If not, let me once more invoke the name of Michael Atkinson (*throws salt over shoulder*), South Australian governor general, beligerant asshat and the one man standing between the Australian people and a sensible rating system. The rest of the states have given the R-Rating for games the OK, but because it has to be a unanimous vote, we've quite literally got one man holdng up the entire country.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Im jsut glad that im a gamer living in the US. The censorship is kinda lenient compared to places like Germany, England, and Australia.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    Jackablade wrote: »
    You what? That's a new one. Where did you see that?
    Admittedly it was on US TV show but I still don't get the need for anyone to blur anything.

    Ass cracks, nipples, even cleavage gets the blur treatment these days.
    It just brings attention to it!

    Boobies are the devils work son!
    Don't look at the boobies...here I'll hid them under this blur for you...there much better, you can't see them now, under this blur, you can't see those...those soft pillows of awesome...like 2 kittens under a blanket.....2 gentle clouds floating in the sky....mamma....
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