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Upgrading display drivers funks with desktop icon arrangement

polycounter lvl 14
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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14

Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I have a boat load of icons and folders on my desktop and I'm particular in how I like them organized. I'm always avoiding updating my drivers for this reason.

It'd be nice if nvidia saved a file snapshotting your icon placement and put things back to where they were after a restart. Kinda frustrating.



  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    never had that problem, this is probably due to change of the resolution
    try using another admin account for updatng your drivers, this should keep your icon position
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    IIRC, Ultramon has a "Save Icon Location" somewhere, but I haven't used it in ages, as I move to using a dock to hold all my icons, then moved to Win 7 - where I pin everything I use regularly to the taskbar.
  • swytch
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    swytch polycounter lvl 8
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I don't have pity with people that can't organize their work environment. Its actually a good practice to sort out your desktop once every week or two.
    Its your own fault to begin with being not structured and depending to much on other software.

  • griffinax
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    Take a screenie and do it yourself? :O
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    renderhjs wrote: »
    I don't have pity with people that can't organize their work environment. Its actually a good practice to sort out your desktop once every week or two.
    Its your own fault to begin with being not structured and depending to much on other software.


    My folders are grouped across an area of 1920x1200 in a particular manner and that's the way I do it.

    nVidia is a large intelligent company. It's inexcusable to not put my icons back to where they were after the resolution flips to 640x480 for driver updates or whatever it needs to do. It'd be interesting to find out if this is handled for the Quadro users...

    Anyway this thread is old so not a big deal.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I wouldn't blame nvidia for a switch to some wack-pot low res... yell at MS who can't seem to update their base driver to include higher resolutions than what was available in 1992.

    Seriously MS take a 10 min away from re branding vista and add in every resolution known to man.

    I feel your pain when I would give presentations my desktop would jumble. Drove me nuts I settled on this.
    Down in the lower right is a toolbar that references a folder on the root of my C drive. In that folder I put shortcuts to useful things, like a downloads folder I keep on my D drive, network locations and my external archive where I dump everything. It's awesome having a clean clutter free desktop.

    Notice at the top left I have a few of the same shortcuts thats so I can get to those areas when browsing through the file menu like PhotoShop > SaveAs. But with them in the toolbar I don't have to go back to the desktop to get to them, handy when there are a lot of windows open and WindowsKey-D would jack up my workflow.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Until I find something better, I'm using the free version of Stardock's Fences with titles off, and the fence areas 100% transparent. I think it can still memorize and restore icon position without any fences laid out, but I did not realize this until after I had my icons all setup how I wanted them, so I never got to try it.
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