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Help request with Female model

I need help with female topology , hair, arms, and faces.I followed a lot of tutorials but i still struggle when trying to create my own character.When I pelt map it's still difficult for me to paint on a texture in Photoshop as the overlapping is still present.Also does anyone know how to get edge lines to display in black during the renders?



  • Mark Dygert
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    I think you're off to a good start, at least from what I can see.

    A few things:
    - The shots have a lot of dead space around the model, med sized image, tiny character lots of gray background. Adjusting the aspect ratio of the render frame will help you get a tighter shot, or take bigger renders and crop out the fluff.

    - Not sure what 3D app you're using so its hard to get specific about the black wires question.

    - Posting the UV layout would probably help us make suggestions about the unwrapping.
  • Jacecr
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    I was using 3ds max sorry about that.I really hope to learn the new Graphite modeling tools.I'll post up my UVWs asap.
  • Jacecr
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    Hair unwrap

    character unwrap,Hand lip nose and ear distortion on pelt :(

    Colored in photoshop

  • Mark Dygert
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    Humm... There are a lot of opened edges and seams on those UV's that can be stitched together. In the UV editor if you click an open edge then press S (stitch) it will weld the two open edges (might need to turn on Keyboard Shortcut Override for S to stitch).

    If you're running 2010 there are a few additions to stitch in the form of buttons down in the lower right corner of the UV editor window: Stitch to Source, Stitch to Target, Stitch Average.

    Once you get everything stitched together you can then relax the uv's to help minimize distortion. It's sometimes best to turn on soft select pick only the distorted area to relax, it seems to help it solve better as well as not effect other areas that are pretty much prefect.

    Once thats done you'll have an easier time painting and you'll be using the space more effectively which means more pixels for everything.
  • Jacecr
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    awesome!!I'll try to address those issues.Do you have an email that I could contact you through, in the future, for advice?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    a few things with the model itself. you may want to make the hands and fingers a bit larger (some closer shots would be nice) Also where the upper arm meets the elbow should be tightened in a bit. I would also make the thighs a little thicker, because right now they're the same size as the calves basically, and proportionally thats not usually the case. But its def. off to a good start..
  • Jacecr
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    i didn't catch that, thanks!
  • Jacecr
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    I made a few adjustments,I'll try to upload some closeups of the hand.I looked at the topology on a Poser model.It helped alot.
  • Jacecr
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    If you want to render the wireframe, you can do so by checking the "Wire" box on your material in your shader basic parameters.
  • Jacecr
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    Does anyone know how I might make a Hoody?I was hoping to create a hooded jacket.Also how can I make the eyes smaller without shifting the texture or distorting the vert?
  • Mark Dygert
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    It's not always perfect but in Edit Poly you can check on "preserve UV's" and then shift and scale things around and it "should" help maintain the UV's.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    the face needs work, the overall silhouette needs tons of work, especially the armpit to arm area. the boobs are too squished together to look natural. separate those. your arms tend to taper in a weird way.
    look at models that have their arms out like this and study the lines and shapes of muscles. here a ref for ya.
  • Jacecr
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    garriola83 thanks I'll look it over again.I know the proportions are off but it's hard for me to figure out what to change.Unwrapping is another issue in term of how to create a nice even Pelt unwrap.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    think heads for height, 8 heads is typical VG proportions, 4 heads down should be the crotch area, the rest are legs. the elbow show meet the waist, not hips or ribs, when relaxed. the hands should lay in the middle of the thighs when relaxed.

    heres a pdf of siple proportions, i suggest you digest it
    eat up and good luck!
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    and dont worry about pelt, its plenty useless if your going for game specs anyways. pelts only useful if youre doing a high end animation that needs every little detail on the texture. remember for games, you fake it till you make it. and OPTIMIZE! pelt uses up a lot of room for game spec unwraps. should try modeling first.
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    I'm going to side with garriola83 here and say that the biggest thing to worry about at this stage is modeling and proportions.
    Make sure when you start a project that you take the time to sit down, plan out your character, and either draw up or have someone else draw you up some nice clean reference sheets. This will save you oodles of time when blocking out and refining larger shapes.
  • Jacecr
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    yeah I never drew my character up.:( I started doing the Joan of art tutorial and got to the point where I understood the basis and try to evolve the body into a character I was thinking of.The joan of Arc model looks very Manga like so I think it messed me up when I attempted to create a more realistic model.

    3d total has a tutorial on clone modeling but I never had a chance to look into it.(where you start with a base body and reuse it for other characters) Does anyone know of any similar tutorials?

    garriola83 -when you say the "elbow the line up at the waist" do you mean the bottom of the rib cage or the top of the iliac crest.Also the wrist should line with the crotch and great trocanter right?
  • System
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    System admin
    As people are saying the proportions are off;
    Head to waist vs waist to feet, apart from that the neck is too wide and gives her a mannish bodybuilder look. You could get away with an ffd modifier, expand the top half or contract the lower half.

    Keep going :)
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    Jacecr wrote: »
    yeah I never drew my character up.:( I started doing the Joan of art tutorial and got to the point where I understood the basis and try to evolve the body into a character I was thinking of.The joan of Arc model looks very Manga like so I think it messed me up when I attempted to create a more realistic model.

    3d total has a tutorial on clone modeling but I never had a chance to look into it.(where you start with a base body and reuse it for other characters) Does anyone know of any similar tutorials?

    garriola83 -when you say the "elbow the line up at the waist" do you mean the bottom of the rib cage or the top of the iliac crest.Also the wrist should line with the crotch and great trocanter right?

    yes those are all true, this is all basic life drawing stuff. if youre going to school for this, really really pay attention to the models and the books they give you and what you pick yourself
  • rmay9000
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    I hope this points you in the right direction. The link garriola posted uses eight heads for their proportions, I used seven since not very many people are actually eight heads tall. This depends on what kind of look you are aiming for, and both are "correct".
  • Jacecr
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    WOW! thanks so much for that! That helps alot.I've since redraw the model I plan to base the character off of http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/0ff2IWXBCtf61htiV2zKivA4-7ieOV6lrBsZXFG_Wuk?feat=directlink
  • Jacecr
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    Right off the bat, her hips are too wide.Will I ever get this right?
  • Killaball
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    Modeling characters takes a lot of practice, so keep at it. Take all the critiques you get and try to apply them.

    If I may give a critique, don't use that concept art to base your model off of. You can use it for an idea of what hair color she has and the style she has along with cloths and such, but my suggestion to you is.

    Go to 3d.sk and use some of those images as reference to modeling out a female. They have their models stand in t-poses as well. With those pictures you'll be able to model out the character with better proportion.

    Also check out some tutorial videos such as Freedom of Teach - Organic Modeling 1 (Human Anatomy with Tareq Mirza In Maya). This is a good video to follow to help a beginner make a nice human model.
  • Jacecr
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    Thanks I was wondering where I could go to find some references to model.Rather than me having to draw everything.
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