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No longer a Wii-virgin...need your help on best games for:

- driving

- horror


- action/adventure

- yer flat-out favorite

Not gonna be doing online (methinks).

Some rationale and a replay rating would be cool to hear too!
These will mainly be played by a 'mature' middle-aged kid :poly142:



  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Did you play the popular titles on GameCube? A lot have been remade with Wii controls that were top notch last-gen. You can't go wrong with the Metroid Prime Trilogy box set. Satisfies two genre's there at the same time...FPS & action/adventure.

    edit: My Wii doesn't get much play. It is more of a Mario, Metroid & Zelda box. So yeah Super Mario Galaxy is tons of fun. Zelda might look a bit dated but it's good.

    edit 2: Wii Sports Resort for the Frisbee Golf. More of a party game with others over as you drink away.
  • Snipergen
    Zelda man, Zelda Twilight Princess.

    After a few months you'll realize the wii is a piece of shit and there are almost no fun games around for it.
    Wii fit is fun however with some friends and beer around. You just fall off that damn thing!
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    All the wii sports titles are great.
    Twilight Princes for sure.
    Punchout is awesom.
    Band Hero is a blast.
    THere are some fun games to get off wii ware, like Lost winds and Lost winds 2
    As mentioned the Metroid bundle.
    hmmm what else,
    I suppose the Mario Titles are good too. Not really a fan of the new one it's a bit complicated, but I play with my kids so that's a factor.
    I hear Resident Evil 4 is bad ass on the wii.
    I have also wanted to try the New Cabella's big game hunter, hahahaha. It looks cool shut up.
    Wii Fit is fun too.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    ah yes, Lost Winds. That might be what I'm looking for in my reference thread. Thanks Josh, heh.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The bosses in Twilight princes were sooo weak but it was a decent game.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    The Metroid Prime games are an absolute delight with the Wiimote. For the rest, I think anything else I have on the console is a bland rehash. All fairly solid experiences, but not the least bit creative or memorable; couple that with the hassle that is setting the thing up and making sure you've got enough room and spare batteries, and you'll find why my Wii gets used hardly at all.

    Also get Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - it's a GameCube game, but much better than anything to have been released on the Wii, IMO.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Dead Space: Extraction is supposed to be pretty good.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12

    That's pretty much all the decent Wii games on one list. Don't forget to dive into the back catalog of Gamecube games, as there's some gold still in there.

    Disclaimer: I don't have a Wii, and don't plan on getting one.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Hmmm.. sounds like Resident evil 4 is made for you! I'd seriously recommend it, really cool game with lots of extra features and replay value, and the controls are great!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    http://www.metacritic.com/games/wii/scores/ <--- your complete list of well scored Wii games, plus, if you missed any classic games from previous generations, check out the Virtual Console store.
  • mLichy
    Yeah, definitely Zelda, although yeah, the bosses are easy usually. Otherwise Mario Kart or Super Mario Galaxy or whatever. But like others said, no one even uses there Wii's anymore.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Resident Evil 4 is awesome, I third it!

    House of the Dead 2 and 3 are fun too play, just for the laughable voiceovers (games not THAT bad either)

    Wii Play is fun just for the pool...

    That Cabela's game isn't too bad, if you MUST play it though, get it on 360.

    Bass Pro Shop's The Strike is fun (But my second love is fishing so you may not think so)

    Twilight Princess bored the crap outta me, and I love Zelda games so take that for what its worth...

    That's about all I have for the Wii. I have the Wii sports and Fit, but those get old REAL quick.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    No More Heroes. So much blood!
  • 00Zero
    the new super mario one. its so fun with 4 players
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    on the GC front (just got one a few weeks ago...)

    - The second starfox game for GC is awesome so far (NOT the one with dinosaurs)
    - Megaman/MegamanX collection if you can find them
    - That FZero game, sooooo fast

    Have fun!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Resident Evil 4 (WAAAY better with the Wii Mote)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    - driving

    - horror

    - FPS

    - action/adventure

    - yer flat-out favorite

    Not gonna be doing online (methinks).

    Some rationale and a replay rating would be cool to hear too!
    These will mainly be played by a 'mature' middle-aged kid :poly142:

    I was going to say RPG or RTS RPG but Mario would do for WII
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    the new mario. the normal playmode is great if you are alone and bored and coin hunt is awesome with 2 or more players.

    galaxy is decent aswell, just couldnt be bothered to find all the stuff unlike with the new mario bros.

    zelda is sweet and mario cart is always good if you have people around.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Of the ones I own, actually these are the only ones I own. Zelda has never come down in price! I refuse to pay 59$ for it when I bought Batman AA for 25 a couple weeks ago. Freakin Nintento...

    Smash Bros Brawl
    Metroid Prime Trilogy
    Zack and Wiki
    No More Heroes
    Mario Galaxy
    Any of the lightgun games. I have Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and it stroked my Resident Evil boner just fine before any other games came out. If you're not a fan you probably want Dead Space: Extraction or House of the Dead overkill, which I also plan to get. Come to think of it, I wish they did a port of the original Area51, I played so much of that in crappy arcades.

    Future purchases, if it helps:
    Muramasa the demon Blade
    Dead Space Extraction
    House of the Dead Overkill
    New Super Mario Bros
    Twilight Princess
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    How is nhl 2k9

    Has anyone played it?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8

    - driving = Mario Kart? :D

    - horror = Resident Evil 4 (if this counts as horror)

    - FPS = Umm.. are there any good ones...? Try other's suggestion with Dead Space: Extraction (it didn't sell very well, though, but might be a good game)

    - action/adventure = Any Mario game/ Mario Galaxy

    - yer flat-out favorite = Super Smash Bros. Brawl, imo the only reason to own any of Nintendo's last few gaming consoles.

    Not gonna be doing online (methinks). =That's fine. Internet is much better on every other platform, imo :P


    Other games I highly suggest:

    Dokapon Kingdom: Lesser known Atlus game, but INCREDIBLE amounts of addictive fun. It's what would happen if a JRPG and Mario Party had a baby... a cracked-out, AMAZING, hilarious baby.

    Speaking of Mario Party, Mario Party is a great game too if you want a fun game to play with friends

    Wii Sports & Wii Sports Resort are good fun

    Paper Mario is a good suggestion, along with Okami, Twilight Princess, Muramasa, Metroid Prime, and of course the new Super Mario Bros is a must (IF you can find a copy). Punch-out is really good too, so I've heard.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    I'll say this, No More Heroes is a game where I suplexed a magician into the ceiling so hard that he turned into blood and coins.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    wii sports

    super paper mario

    mario galaxy & galaxy 2 (coming soon)

    new super mario bros (great fun with 4 of you on screen)

    Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker

    Speedball 2

    Cannon Fodder VS Sensible Soccer
  • OpethRockr55
    No Silent Hill: Shattered Memories from anyone? I think that's probably the best horror game on the system.
  • anoon

    I just got this. Absolutely love it. Can't believe it hasn't been mentioned.

    Developed by the same group that did Godhand and Bayonetta
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    The new Mario
    Mario Galaxy
    Twilight Princess
    The Metroid Trilogy
    Resident Evil 4
    Wii Sports Resort
    Raving Rabbids TV Party
    Dokapon Kingdom
    and the new Punch Out is awesome!

    Also pick up some classic NES and SNES games in the VC store, and you should be busy for quite a while. I suggest The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

    Ooops...forgot the Boom Blox games. Those are good fun too. Like many Wii games, even better with friends.
  • wailingmonkey
    Wow! Looks like I've got my work cut out for me. :poly124:

    Thanks for all of the feedback dewds and dewdettes!

    I'm going to start with Resident Evil 4 (since I kinda gravitate to
    shooters) for now and work my way thru the lists...don't think
    the wife will have as much fun with RE as me, but she seems to dig
    the basic 'sports' so far...so maybe 'Resort' next.

    Grazie again for all the titles and advice! :)
  • slipsius
    mario galaxy is one of my favs. but i dont have the system. personally, i love all the downloadable ones... the tower defences and stuff
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Its crazy how there isnt that many good games for gamers. We've got this great fluid interaction with the game world finally, no one can be bothered, or figure out how to use it except in mediocre minigames.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Calabi wrote: »
    Its crazy how there isnt that many good games for gamers. We've got this great fluid interaction with the game world finally, no one can be bothered, or figure out how to use it except in mediocre minigames.

    It's Nintendo, what are you expecting, seriously? They aren't known for their "gamer" type games, their known for being bubbly, cute, convenient, and being able to throw the same 20 characters into hundreds of different games that don't typically make a whole ton of sense.

    The Wii accomplishes this.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    If the shit games they put out weren't making them such a mountain of money, i'm sure we'd see more innovation out of Nintendo. This trend is sure to continue, actual gameplay that pushes the envelope is going to become a niche market.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Two Listen wrote: »
    It's Nintendo, what are you expecting, seriously? They aren't known for their "gamer" type games, their known for being bubbly, cute, convenient, and being able to throw the same 20 characters into hundreds of different games that don't typically make a whole ton of sense.

    The Wii accomplishes this.

    Nintendo have always made games for gamers, marios and metroids and zeldas are pretty harcore when you go to actually play them. The trouble is Nintendo are always the only ones to make the best games on their consoles, and the only ones to really utilize the tech, plus only to stick to the cutesy and the already well established.

    They must do something to scare other devs away, or have a clause which tells anyone they are not allowed to make any games better than them.
    If the shit games they put out weren't making them such a mountain of money, i'm sure we'd see more innovation out of Nintendo. This trend is sure to continue, actual gameplay that pushes the envelope is going to become a niche market.
    I think its well known that they arent making a shit ton off of games not compared to the other consoles. They arent making the games that the buyers want otherwise the sales of the games would be higher.

    It doesnt take a genius to work out they just need to keep making the games they've made before or games similar to the other consoles, but with more fluid controls, not gimmicky controls.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    It's difficult to be dark, brown, gray and completely cliche on the Wii's system specs. Maybe next system.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    nintendo are laughing all the way to the bank - still the only one of the big three to consistently remain in profit.

    The games are a little shallow but the real innovation here is they have captured the casual gamers market, and brought an unconventional control device to the mainstream - and made it work - where so many other peripherals fail (sega!)
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I picked up a copy of the Metroid Prime Trilogy at Game Crazy a few weeks back. They should currently be selling it for $25 for brand-new copies. If there are any Game Crazys in your area I would strongly advise picking this game up. This goes double if you haven't played any of the Metroid Prime games yet.

    I haven't gotten too far into the game, but from what I did play I was very pleased with the integration of the motion controls. I have only ever played the first Metroid Prime game, so that was the one I started off with on the Trilogy. The controls don't take very long to get used to, and are quite intuitive. They are a good fit for the explorative nature of the game.

    I also picked up a copy of Punch Out at Game Crazy. It's Punch Out. It is very much like the original NES game, only with much cleaner 3D animations, sound effects, and interface. The core game has not changed. (for many of us, this can be considered a good thing)
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Got Dead Space yesterday and it completely blows Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles away, took me and my bro about 7 hours to finish. Little replay value though.
  • die_Kröte
    Had my Wii for about a year now and there's a lot of crap out there. When oh when will someone make my dream fantasy adventure rpg that makes good use of the wii motion plus? I grin just imagining the swordplay if it could be done well enough. The world may never know...

    Anyway, for a recommendation, since I'd never played the other 3D Metroid games, the trilogy was a great buy and extremely fun to play.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    I got a Boy and His blob and Muramasa for Christmas. Both are great 2d games, Blob is quite lightweight but fun and Muramasa is crazy great looking.
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