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Angry Id Man (does he look angry?)

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Calabi polycounter lvl 12
So I've got this guy who's a bit angry at things on the internet. I'm wondering if he looks angry enough? Does he even look angry at all? Is there anything I can do to make him look more angry?

I want him to look as angry as possible, but I need to do it in as few polys as possible. I cant add a load of wrinkles to emphasise the angryness. I'm gonna have to retopolologise him in as few polys as possible.

Is there anything else wrong can be improved with it, apart from the block sticking out of his lower lip?



  • Titus S
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    Cheeks need to be higher, eyebrows pinched closer, more wrinkles at the top of the nose...

    Make an angry face and feel which muscles are being moved on your face.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the help. I listened to your advice and came up with this.


    I think it looks a bit better.
  • Titus S
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    Calabi wrote: »
    Thanks for the help. I listened to your advice and came up with this.


    I think it looks a bit better.

    The brow in your older one was a better rendition. I think i explained it bad... I'll do a quick paint over in paint O_O (I just formatted waiting for cs4 to finish installing).
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for that paint over, that did confuse me for a bit I thought that eyebrow line was the bottom of the upper eye so I ended up with a wierd chinese caricature.

    Maybe he looks a bit constipated instead. Constipated, angry, could be close enough.

  • philnolan3d
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    Nice work so far, always happy to see 3D-Coat on forums. :)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Whatever you do, don't use any reference, it will only waste your time.
  • philnolan3d
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    As opposed to sarcasm, which helps everyone.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I've never helped anyone in my entire life.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Okay. I'll say the exact same thing in a different way, because it matters. Unfortunately, it's too late, but I'll try to make it right.

    Hey, nice work so far! This guy's lip is weeeird! hehe

    I think it would really help you a lot if you looked up some reference of angry faces. There are lots of pictures online you can find that will help you out. Just search for "Angry Face" or something similar! Also, you could search for pictures of a pig nose! Hehe, piggies are cute!

    Good luck and don't crash from this sugar rush! /troll
  • Michael Knubben
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    Phil: Amusingly enough, 'not helpful' is honestly what I thought when I read your post, heh.
    Praise alone isn't going to help anyone, certainly not when it's clear they're not above criticism!
    Criticism such as:
    It's all very blobby, which is the #1 pitfall with sculpting. One way to fix that is to stick to lower subdivisions for fleshing out the big shapes, rather than doing it at a high subdivision. If I were you I'd just delete the higher ones and start over on those.
    You could also (as a second step, not a replacement for working at lower levels!) use the flatten brush to define some planes and generally pull things together
  • philnolan3d
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    True I wasn't particularly helpful but at least I didn't go in the opposite direction.

    He's using 3D-Coat so there is no going down in subdivision. So it's usually best to start at a very low resolution, sculpt the details as high as you can, then increase the resolution and repeat. It actually looks like he's at a fairly low resolution right now so this shouldn't be needed but just in case...

    For clearing the lumps, if the smoothing isn't helping enough you can try a couple of things. First click the cube icon next to the layer name in the Voxtree to switch to Surface mode, things are generally faster there so the smoothing might work better.

    If not go back to voxels and hop over to the retopo room. Retopologize the model, at least the rough spots, then leave the retopo there and go back to the Voxel room. Create a new layer in the Voxtree and in the tools on the left (or spacebar) and pick Merge . In the Params panel click Choose From Retopo and the retopo mesh you created will appear. Press the subdivide button a few times to smooth it out. Make sure you're on the new layer you created and hit Enter to create a nice smooth mesh. if you like you can carve away some of the old mes, then right click the new layer and pick move to... (pick the old layer). That will merge the two layers together.

    Hope that helps.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Dont worry I can take it. Your first comment KP was a fair one and I laughed(I know what you meant), but I did weep a bit at the second(not really). I did use refs honest! Baby faces as refs, then a John Prescott then I kind of got a bit lost and he ended up with something like a pig nose.

    And I googled and got a heck ton of gifs but this was one place I got an angry ref.
    I guess I wasnt seeing what was there clearly enough.

    The lastest one does look a mess, its because I dont want to go into higher voxels because of the performance slow down, and the wrinkles wont show up in the polygons anyway(no normal maps). I'm trying to get the angry without the wrinkles so much. Those are my excuses anyway(blows raspberry).

    I'm gonna go back to the second one, forget about adding a shed load of wrinkles move the brow down and build some geometry up around the top of the nose cheek area, and possibly, maybe, make it an accurate pig nose.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I made a few adjustments and this is what I've ended up with.

  • Goldensly
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    heh, first thing that came to mind was its as if "Pizza, the Hut" had arms and legs :) Definitely a big change from what the initial images were.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, I had to change it because a babys arms wouldnt be long enough to position like that, and a full human body would just look stupid, walking on his butt. I think this more fits the style of game its going into though.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    hrmm... what is this supposed to be?

    if you're looking for angry babies

    if this is a caricature

    I don't know what an Angry Id Man is...

    note: the expression is going to come from his eyes and his furrowed brow... now he doesn't look angry... he looks crazy and... like his eyes are going to roll out of his head.

    the shape of his eyes should create (><)

    it's interesting how simple lines can give you some pretty dramatic emotional reactions.

    experiment with these lines on paper... see what you get by doing two simple brush strokes

    1. straight across parallel
    2. ><
    3. straight line with a sad mouth under it

    then draw eyes between the lines under the lines above the lines...

    and do as many as you feel like (probably won't do any of them... so this suggestion is more for my benefit :) lol.)

    also... look in the mirror. Make a bunch of faces... see where your face wrinckels up and see what your nose is doing... etc etc.

    Good luck man. hope this helps.

  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks alot for the tips nfrrtycmplx.

    Its just supposed to be a monster for a community made game, sort of the personification of an angry internet man.

    I did do the things with the paper, I also did lots of iterations on the model adjusting the brows, eyes and nose and bit of the mouth. Here's a conclusion, I dont think it looks too bad.

  • Sandro
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    Try to spend most of your time on lower subdivision levels. Forms are too lumpy at the moment.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm gonna loose the lumpiness anyway by virtue of retopoing it.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    retop doesn't work that way.

    and while your face is improved it still has a lot of issues.

    Not really sure what to say that is going to help at this point, and knowing the concept is that of an angry internet guy... I'd say it looks more like some sort of clay fighter goblin thing... eating a license plate

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. But it's hard to tell where this one should go.
  • philnolan3d
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    retop doesn't work that way.

    I'm not sure if this is exactly what he meant, but if you retopologize, then bring it back into the Voxels room and hit the subdivide button a few times before committing it to voxels, it will smooth out any smaller lumps. I use this techniqque a lot myself.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    retop shouldn't be a method you use to get good sculpting results is what i mean... if it's supposed to be smooth, smooth it out.

    Retop is used for 2 things

    - resurfacing problematic areas of your mesh
    - creating a low poly model to project normals map data.

    If you're having trouble getting smooth sculpts using the tool you're using... use a different tool.

    Retoping shouldn't be a substitute for technique.

    that's what i mean.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    -also could be used to redistribute polygon density to areas of the face that need more detail vs the back/top of the head... so 3 things... the list may grow.
  • philnolan3d
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    Why can't retopo be a technique? You do what you need to do to get the job done. Just like using Photoshop to touch up a few frames of your animation isn't cheating. It's not like you have to worry about the poly flow or anything.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    retop shouldn't be a method you use to get good sculpting results is what i mean... if it's supposed to be smooth, smooth it out.

    Retop is used for 2 things

    - resurfacing problematic areas of your mesh
    - creating a low poly model to project normals map data.

    If you're having trouble getting smooth sculpts using the tool you're using... use a different tool.

    Retoping shouldn't be a substitute for technique.

    that's what i mean.

    Technically I wont be using this to get a normal map or anything just to get a simple low poly model. But I understand what you mean.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    The Angry man is converted to polys. He's about 3000 triangles I need to half it if not reduce it to 2000 at the maximum.

  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    This confuses me.

    What is it supposed to be? A blob man who has failed at consuming his keyboard, got pissed, and is now trying to type about how pissed he is on twitter even though the keyboard is in his mouth?

    I'd like to see a quick concept or a bit more of an in-depth description of its intended purpose. Unless I'm just missing something, and am totally out of the loop.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Two Listen wrote: »
    This confuses me.

    What is it supposed to be? A blob man who has failed at consuming his keyboard, got pissed, and is now trying to type about how pissed he is on twitter even though the keyboard is in his mouth?

    I'd like to see a quick concept or a bit more of an in-depth description of its intended purpose. Unless I'm just missing something, and am totally out of the loop.

    He's sort of the id of an angry internet man. He has a keyboard in place of his mouth, he uses his useless ill formed fingers to mash out expletives on the keyboard and express himself.

    He's fat because all he does is sit down and be angry with everything. He cant use his legs to walk anymore and his toes have formed, so they are swearing at everything. He uses his large butt cheeks to move around with.

    He's going into a simple community made game from Rock paper shotgun. There testing out how easy it is to make a game in Unity. What purpose he will have in that game isnt exactly clear yet.
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