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3D Fighting Strategy & its own Game Engine [with video]

Team name:
Wizards of the Blizzard


Brief description:


We are a team developing a 3D Game Engine since 2007. Our focus is on gameplay. Our Engine have the following features already implemented:
* Animated Characters and static Objects
* Sound Engine (Format support: Ogg, Wav)
* 3D Engine (supports for selection, 3D movement, Action System using animations of skinned characters and list of actions to create combo and to store multiple commands, Support for 3D Model Formats: Md5mesh and .OBJ, among other things...)
* User Modifiable Interface
* Lua Script Support to load and unload Characters, Objects and to define the Scenario. (So artists could easily test different Characters, Objects and Scenarios Sets without the need of compiling the source code)
* VBOs, World specific drawing optimizations, Memory Sharing support for Wav, Ogg, Md5mesh and Obj, among other optimizations.
* Compilable under Linux and Windows. And could be ported to all other platforms supported by SDL.
* Effect's System featuring a extensible set of effects that are configured via Lua scripts, but that are implemented and extensible in C/C++. In a way that artists have more possibilities and a faster way of testing. And that programmers could set things up for performance.
* Well Documented code in our wiki for the developers and a documentation of how to use and modify the Lua scripts and other settings for the artists who are going to work with scenario design and modeling.
* Bounded Box Collision detection.
* Basic Artificial Intelligence

The Game

Have you ever wanted to show that annoying strategy addicted friend of yours that if this was an action/fighting game you could beat the crap out of all his armies with one guy?

Or are you the strategy addicted friend that cannot keep up with all the button smashing and quick pace of a fighting game but wants to show that brains overcome brute force?

Well in our game the idea is to bring both worlds close together and let you fight it off to decide who is better.

In this game we try to create a new genre of 3D Fighting Strategy Games, where you can choose a character and, based on its abilities, fight against an opponent in an open scenario either in a close combat, action/fighting game style, or by commanding several minions and coming up with strategies to stop that damn enemy from smashing the skulls of your dear summons.

Target aim:

Our aim is to produce a complete 3D Game Engine released as shareware/freeware. Some parts could also be released as LGPL or GPL.
And to release our Game as a Proprietary Game.

- Every work accepted by artists will have an instant reward by being recorded in our Art's Page.
- Every work accepted by developers will have an instant reward by being recorded in our Credit's Page.
- If the game sells well, job opportunities will arise for everyone on the team, who was working actively.
- The fun and challenge of producing a very different and interesting game.


Our Engine supports Linux and Windows right now.
Languages used: C/C++, GLSL and Lua.
Libraries used: SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL, SDL, SDL_Images, tolua++, libnoise, GLU and GLEW.
Our Engine supports Md5mesh and .Obj 3d model formats, so any tools that could create it are welcome (I normally use Blender), the test of Characters and Objects done by artists could be done easily without compiling the code, by just changing some filenames in a lua script. The Scenario also could be entirely changed by script, so artists designing those features will have a fast test process available.
Our Sound Engine supports WAV and Ogg. (mostly because MP3 is copyrighted)

Talent needed:

The genre is fantasy and the art style would be if we have a line from realistic art and cartoon, it would be something pending more to the realistic side. But not too realistic.


Concept Artist
Task: Design and create Characters and/or Scenery.

3D Character Modeller
Task: Create characters designed by our concept artists.

A mix of the above tasks is not only possible but desirable.


Effect's Specialist
Task: Extend our shader framework in C/C++ and implement new shaders and features. Use our Effect's framework to include or use new features like a particle engine.
Knowledge: C++ and shaders (GLSL and others)

Task: You does not fit in any pattern so there is no name that could describe what you do. But you program so well that you do not like when people give you a main task, you like to program and wants to do as always lot of tasks. Just because you can!
Knowledge: Strong skills. If you do not know if you have enough, this is not your place.

Team structure:

Danilo (myself) - Team Leader, Multi-specialist Programmer with emphasis on Logic.
Mario - Multi-specialist Programmer with emphasis on Physics.
Mark - Multi-specialist Programmer.
Jonathan - 3D Character Modeler
Cean - Animator
Yigit - Illustrator and Concept Artist
Joshua - Environment Artist

Freedom boils in Passion, Passion feeds Motivation and Motivation is the energy necessary to create Super Humans.

Our philosophy is that if you give true freedom to a small team of motivated multi specialists, they could do more than a group of 40 non motivated specialists with little freedom.

You can contact us with our Contact Page.

Previous Work by Team:
I am an experienced programmer in the last semester of Computer Engineering, who have already produced a complete 2D Game and released it in GPL. I made a demo of a 3D flight action game, which I have used its basis for the composition of this Engine. I have also developed a 2D physics engine, an applet simple game and more...the details and the projects I did could be seen in my site: http://www.fog.neopages.org/projects.php
Mario is also an experienced programmer who is already a Computer Engineer, was a member of a previous Game Group and a Robotic group at his university. He had also developed alone a bunch of softwares and speaks fluently japanese. He is famous for learning incredibly fast.
Gustavo programmed an entire simulator of soccer in OpenGL, used as a tool for a Robotic Group. He learns fast, programs fast and is very dedicated.
I, Mario and Gustavo worked together in a Robotic group for some years. In this way, we are used to work together and to divide tasks fastly and in a cooperative way.

Additional Info:



Note that the models used in the screenshots and in the video are from Doom 3. We are using them as examples only.

ANY Feedback is welcome. We are not gonna get hurt or anything, just give your opinion, suggestion, question or anything.


  • zweifel
    We are looking mainly now for one more concept artist (with a focus on nature, oriental elements and fantasy), one more 3d character modeller, one more animator (with a focus on fighting) and one 3d environment artist (create vegetation, small objects and fantasy architecture).

    Some work in progress:


  • zweifel
    Thanks for all applications. The members were updated in the first post.

    We are looking mainly now for one more concept artist (with a focus on nature, fantasy and/or oriental elements), one more 3d character modeler, one more animator (with a focus on fighting).

    A litle bit of our Work In Progress:



  • Mech
    Concept work is very original, good job.
  • ima
    Offline / Send Message
    ima polycounter lvl 8
    Love the artwork! Engine does seem to be running at a low framerate in the video though.
  • zweifel
    @Mech Thanks

    @ima Thanks. Do you think so? Strange, in fact it was running with 300fps normally, therefore since the video was recorded in fullscreen mode the computer could have had a little slow down. Thanks for pointing out.
  • Rhinokey
    Offline / Send Message
    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    the fps of the vid did not look too low to me, but it looked like the characters were moving really slow, like slow walking and suc
  • Shiraz
    Reminds me of Dota or HoN, it should be interesting to see this develop and progress though so Good luck.
  • ima
    Offline / Send Message
    ima polycounter lvl 8
    @zweifel, Could just be the framerate of the video itself.

    You should try recording at 60fps or something, if you are not already.
    Should result in a smoother video.
  • CheeseOnToast
    Offline / Send Message
    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Great stuff guys. If I wasn't already over-committed then I'd jump on this. Any plans to include more advanced shaders? It looks diffuse-only at the moment.
  • zweifel

    @Rhinokey I see, so maybe it is the velocity of the character.

    @ima Linux doesnt have nice recorders, I will try recording at Windows next time. :/

    @CheeseOnToast We are using Lambert or Phong shaders with fog. But you are right, we are still needing a lot of work on this side. This is one of the reasons we are seeking a Graphics Programmer.
  • zweifel
    We are still looking for one more concept artist (with a focus on nature, fantasy and/or oriental elements), one more 3d character modeler and one more animator (with a focus on fighting).

    Work in Progress (this time from our Engine, that is now supporting bump mapping and other shaders):


  • zweifel
    Lot of changes!

    New Compensation Model

    We have a new compensation model added to the old one, the following is a part of it, the complete compensation model could be sent if asked:

    In the case our game sells, the profit will be divided the following way:
    75% for the game studio ( A )
    25% for the members involved ( B )


    The money received by the studio will be used to create it and sustain itself in the future (paying people to work, contracts, taxes, etc) until the next game release.


    The 25% will be divided in two groups: 12% for the programmers, 10% for the artists and 3% administration.

    Each group will divide the money based on a meritocratic system, that is, considering the total number of tasks accomplished and how much each individual did, we can divide the money rightfully.
    I think this system, although subjective could solve everything better than anything else. But if we happen to find some difficulty in arriving at a common sense.

    Then we can use the following determinist metrics (which are dumb, but if we are idiot enough to not find a common sense, I see no better solution):
    Programmers: LOC (lines of code) as a metric to define the percentage. (used in the final code)
    Artists: number of arts produced multiplied by an common average time to do it. (used in the final product)
    Administrators: period of time executing the job

    Modified Website

    We got a modified website with some samples of our art and the screenshots are updated as soon as they are available.

    Check it out a lot of previously unseen art on the:

    And lot of new screenshots on the:

    Talents we are looking

    We are looking for:
    - one concept artist (with a focus on nature, fantasy and/or oriental elements)
    - one 3d character modeler
    - one animator (with a focus on fighting).
    - one physics programmer or graphics programmer.


    We have a 90% of the characters designed and a ongoing story. Further details are only available for member, although much can be said from our arts.

    Improved Engine

    We implemented HDR and some other new features in the Engine, as could be seen on the following image:
  • zweifel
    An update in this project thread, yes, we are up and rocking it!

    And looking right now for one or 2 more professional concept artists and up to 2 modelers.

    Some samples of our progress is a metallic material test:


    And a 3d model:

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