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What is your past experience with art tests?

polycounter lvl 14
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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
Not really the art test itself but after you submit it. I'm finding the experience to be a bit clausterphobic...no real acknowledgment that it was received. It's only been a couple days and I know it's the holidays, but I'm just curious what you guys have gone through in the past?

Initially things were very positive. My portfolio was complimented on, had a fun phone interview...then took the test...and silence...heh. I guess I R suckz. I suppose they are waiting on other submissions...

I should do some of my xmas shopping that I put on hold cause of the test. Pass the time faster...


  • ScudzAlmighty
    i finished a test a little over 3 weeks ago and haven't really heard anything yet. i sent a follow up e-mail about a week and half after submitting just asking if there was any feedback and it took until the beginning of this week to tell me there was no feedback yet.
    funnily at the same time iwas submitting mine, someone posted the same test here on the LP under 500 thread, but since he hasn't poosted a I GOT A JOB thread yet there may still be a chance right?
    and of course as i type this someone on GA.org says they've just got a job there...:(
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Yupppppp, haha :P

    Sometimes it best just to take your mind off of it, and as you said... time will go by much much faster.

    Sometimes it does take a "fair" amount of time to receive feedback, and sometimes (not to fun but it does happen) you'll never get any acknowledgement what so ever... and you may out of the blue get a phone call, or it may just slide, so you just keep on going :)

    For now man, do some x mas shoppin, spend some time with family / friends, go play a game or something just to relax and take your mind off of it... or go start another uber piece :P

    Good luck buddy!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Its probably the industry standard hurry up and wait game. rush to do things then wait a few weeks as everyone gets their say in. on all of the art tests I've done HR emailed me back that day saying they got it and would hand it off to the art team, then get back to me.

    but you are right about it being the holidays, starting next week most studios will probably be closed till the new year so everyone is super busy. if you dont hear back from them early jan, I would just send a polite email asking if they got the test, or maybe even beginning of next week.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Don't think too much into it. You got this far, I'm sure they will give you a fair chance (if they had no interest, I'm sure you wouldn't have even gotten the test).

    Scudz don't worry man, they may have multiple positions open. You never know.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Definitely can't put a lot of thought into it. It will make time go by slooow...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    don't worry, it's the holidays, people are going to be out the next week at least.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I did a few tests since being layed off. Sometimes you hear back. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes it just takes forever. Most people have a shit ton of work to do and now that it's the holidays. You'll be lucky to hear before the new year.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Haven't done any tests myself, but i kinda know the feeling from entering contests and such. Can really deflate you from doing more art waiting to hear if you got the job or won the contest.

    I think the best you can do is expect the worst, just assume it didn't work out, this way you can continue pushing forward, doing more art tests, doing more art, etc.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I did a art test last year that didnt even get a automated reply saying they received it. A couple of weeks later I chased it up and some HR person said they'll forward my chase up to the art director.
    Another couple of weeks later no response so I emailed them once more and then I never heard back from either of them again and havent contacted them since.

    So I still dont know if they got it or not :p
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I just did an art test like a month/month and a half ago. Submited it at like 9am on a friday and recived an email response 2 hrs later to set up a phone call with the head of the 3d Art team about working there. After taht phone call and talking about how I really wanted to be an envio artist in the long run I recived a phone call and offer to join the Environment team from the Lead Environment Artist on Monday after he looked at my test, folio and talked with 3d Art lead.

    Obviously im sure this isnt what you want to hear as you want to hear most people have to wait a long time before hearing back up some times you dont. But as said before its the holidays, im sure it will take a week after everyone comes back before anyone starts and phone calls/interviews/responding.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Or you could be like me do an art test for a company and hear back and since you were learning the program and it showed but now they won't even reply to your emails now that you've been using the program for a year and half. :D

    I was a maya guy but they wanted it done in max so I tried and couldn't finish in time but I sent it anyhow... now that company won't even respond to me. :D
  • Mark Dygert
    You probably killed them with how awesome it was. Next time try not to be so amazing.

    But seriously crank out another piece while you're waiting, update your portfolio and send them a "hey remember me, oh and check this update out" email.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Well. For me it was something like that:
    I've sent a portfolio there was no answer.
    after a couple of weeks
    I made a knew one and sent and they said it wasn't good enough.
    after ~ 2 month
    I made a knew one and sent it with a pretty crazy letter. and got down to working on the test. I've done the test and then it's been a 1-2 weeks till I got a reply. But the HR was about to have a vacation so they suspended me for a couple more weeks. Then I came, did an interview and so on.

    But I have this strange attitude for art test now. Because where I worked at, once a new art test came up all the companys "leading" artists would gather around, poini fingers and laug like "omfg looks how shitty it is. Man this shit. How can you such a lousy modeler. Oh, he welded this stuff to the main body!Muahaha. Quick call somebody else, they've got see it."

    Everytime. This always left me freaked.
    But don't take it too serious. I'm sure there are tons of good companies. It's just a little story I shared.

    With some other company I did an art test for it was kinda different, cause i just came to their office and took all the data required for it. And then brought it in after completition and got the feedback immideatly.

    and I think crazyfingers made a nice point. Just keep moving forward, without dwelling on this thing. Thats a loseless variant.
    I'm sure you'll be great someday.Just keep doing it.)
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    It's better than doing a good art test for a very respected company, and not getting any acknowledgment ever at all. True story.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Isn't moving forward all we can do anyways?:smokin:

    I'd be curious to know what the longest people have waited and then actually got the job?
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah the only way I knew that my test even got looked at is when the art director emailed me back to say my link to download the .zip wasn't working, so after a few minutes of freaking out it turned out to just be a glitch and he got it working, and I haven't heard anything since. But yeah give them time to have their Christmas too, Im sure they have lots of stuff to finish before the end of the year, and maybe once things get back going normal next year you should hear something, just try and be optimistic, no reason to cause yourself extra stress.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    retleks wrote: »
    It's better than doing a good art test for a very respected company, and not getting any acknowledgment ever at all. True story.

    Ahh yes this. Always good. Or having a family emergency and letting them know hey there's no way this can be done by this time so I'll give it to you on this day and then they just ignore you after you submit.

    True Story.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    I think the only art test I've done was an on-site art test that was part of a 5 hr interview, and then they ended up offering me $10/hr... heh

    If it's around the holidays, I wouldn't get too worried. Our office is closed for a couple weeks, and I imagine others do something similar.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Last one I did was the one for splashdamage. I didn't hear anything back, but I keep telling myself it was because they didn't, and still don't have any openings:p.

    In the past couple of weeks I've had some good oppertunities, so I'll be working @ one of those very soon, but splash damage was a place where I really really wanted to work at.

    My previous 2 art tests both did yield a response, it was something like: We need e generalist(when their site said: env artist lol) and the other one said: Your cartoony/painterly textures arent good enough, which was true.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I hate it when companies take forever to come back to you. Aside from the quality, it just shows how (little) they appreciate your effort and work. Makes you wonder if you really want to work for some of those places, but then again, you already wasted your time. art tests....feh. Only do them for people who're really serious afyer you've spoken with them for quite a while. Not for people who want the art test first and then talk. /rant off
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    I havent had an art test or anything related to it so I cant say that I've experienced it; however, I did submit my portfolio for my Advance Business Communications (this one credit you need to graduate from software engineering)

    I was commented on it, yet I have been waiting for my marks. I think they do this just so you cant have a good holiday.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    For whatever reason, I can't get past the art test stage. I've done the interviews, where they said everyone liked me, and my work, I've done the art test, where they said it was great. But I still can't get hired.

    The last art test I did was for a company in California. The way they did things was, check your work on your portfolio, email you, and see if you're interested, get your contact info, setup a phone interview, see if they like you, and if they do, THEN you get the art test. I got the test, did it in the time they asked, 1 week, and they setup another phone interview. Everything went great, but they gave the position to someone else, so I can only believe the other guy was better/more qualified.
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    Kwramm wrote: »
    I hate it when companies take forever to come back to you. Aside from the quality, it just shows how (little) they appreciate your effort and work. Makes you wonder if you really want to work for some of those places, but then again, you already wasted your time. art tests....feh. Only do them for people who're really serious afyer you've spoken with them for quite a while. Not for people who want the art test first and then talk. /rant off

    Any project you do, whether they get back to you or not is valuable, it shows future potential employers that you can be assigned something and finish the task, and if you work hard on every test you get you can always put it in your portfolio (if the company doesnt mind) and thats something else to add to your portfolio, something that you know at least one game company is looking for, and many others are most likely wanting the same thing. Plus every time you complete a project your building skills, practice, practice, practice, remember?
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Do some art tests, then work on your won stuff and then you'll see what's more fun ;)

    Seriously, some test do make sense and some can be fun. But I also came across tests that made you really wonder if an artist looked over your resume and folio before having the HR drone hand you the standard art test that makes you repeat things you've done the past years and which you have in your folio.
    I don't mind however when a place wants to see skills I haven't shown in my folio, or when the offered position has greater requirements than the last one....or if I'm really desperate to work at one specific studio, then I'd also do an art test. But those uber cool places have quite interesting art tests from what some friends told me, so it's cool ;) My beef is more with the boring and mundane art tests that don't test anything other than that you have enough time to do them.
    Especially when you already have a job and look for change and only work on art test on evenings or weekends, you soon realize, after having done a few art tests, that your social life is disappearing fast! This makes you appreciate places who can do without an art test or who at least give you an interesting one :P

    Remember, interviews, art tests and so on do not just tell the company something about yourself. It also works the other way round. And sometimes you realize that a place may not be worth bothering with at all if the art test itself is already boring as heck. You don't really want to do this full time then.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I'd be curious to know what the longest people have waited and then actually got the job?

    That is what I was curious to hear about too.
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    I think with N-Space, I applied in August, got the environment art test in March, emailed back and forth about it till the very end of May when they started hiring character artists, and then asked if I could take the character art test, was contacted the next day after sending it in, a week later I had the interview and started 2` weeks after that.
    It was my first game job and DS work at that, I had graduated in August, I think it might be pretty difficult for almost everyone the first time they get a job.

    Figured I'd note the time I got an art test where I passed it and they canceled when they asked when I could come in to have the interview, and I said I'd need to figure out a flight. They didn't realize I lived in Orlando :\
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Art tests just recently played a large role in getting me a new job, and not just an art test for the hiring company either. The result of an art test for a different company helped fill out my portfolio, so even though things didn't work out with that one company it still helped make me a more appealing candidate for others.

    As others have said you most likely need to just wait a little while for a response. It's tricky, because if you're around the quality they're looking for but not quite exceptional, they don't really want to give you a definitive "no" in case things don't work out with a candidate they might be slightly more interested in. So sometimes it's not an issue of yes and no so much as yes and not-right-now. Even for someone that they definitely want to hire though, the process has to go through several people who are generally much more concerned about the project itself than dealing with people outside the company, so it can take a while. This can be pretty stessful and reserve-fund-draining for the unemployed but sadly them's the breaks.

    Best thing to do is just move forward and send them a gentle prod every once in a while, when you have new personal work to show them. Hey guys, I just finished this totally awesome mech model that I thought you would be interested in seeing, hope things are going well on Project X, looking forward to an update on the results of my art test, etc etc.
  • 3dskillet
    The last art test I did, I past
    , and got a follow up phone call.

    then I did'nt hear back for a week
    when I did , they said they reviewed my resume
    and felt I did'nt have enough experience for the job.

    I felt a little odd about that one
    a) they where probably right
    but ...
    b) guess they should have read the thing before they gave me the art test

    oh well,
    working again, and loving the new place a whole lot
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