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How long should an Environment Art test take?

Hi guys,

did not know where to post this, so here we go. How long should an Environment Art test take? I know prop- few smaller props take up to a week.

What if it is a full environment w/ atmosphere and such. Is it still one week? Is asking for 2 weeks too much?

Please let me know asap!

Thank you.


  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i've never done one before myself, but i think that would be very specific to the goal at hand. Like how large is the environment, can it be broken up modularily or is it going to be mostly unique, does it have to be in an engine? Sorry i cant help much but it just seems like a very broad topic
  • Mazvix
    I still appreciate your support, thanks. I know for sure texturing won't take time because it is an illustrative style, so I can easily create tileable textures to save time. It is a ruin scene in the snow. Christmas is coming up friday, so I do not want to say a week and I get side trackted, not that I will allow myself anyways.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    A small props should take you half the day not a week. (depends on size)

    Many art tests vary in complexity. I have seen some that should take longer then 24 hours and others only 8 hours. The employer that hands you the test will generally suggest how long it should take. If not then just ask here. Most of us could give you a general idea of how long it should take, It just depends on what it is.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    The art test I did for Turn10 (a generator prop) was like 3 days, I think. One I got recently was 7 days, another had no time limit (rather complex scene).
  • Mazvix
    Thanks guys, ya they asked me to tell them how much time I need. It is moderately complex. And I meant you have a week to finish a prop and then you end up finishing it in 3 days, sorry. I was thinking of using UDK for a quick lighting fix, but I have to put into account that because I have not done any lighting in UDK, I might have technical problems, so that by itself is downtime. Thought also of doing it max.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Were you specifically given permission to show this? I wouldn't assume that you should, even if they didn't specify.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    it depends on the company. I had to model a scene in a week about as detailed as that drawing. :D It all depends. I wouldn't show concepts of an art test unless you got permission first or it's available online, and even then I would be careful with it.
  • Mazvix
    Thanks for the heads up, I took it down. So a week is good enough? I do not think anyone ever asked for 2 weeks, especially with new years AND christmas this friday...
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    wow you guys are lucky haha. For my United Front art test I was given 3 nights as I was currently working. they said they normally give 2 days and its quite a bit of work, a couple buildings and some little props. a lot was reusable though.

    for something like this a week should be good but like you said xmas is next friday so you would really have to focus on it.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Also don't really focus on the deadline. do as much as you can and make it good. don't fall into the trap I fell into, the I won't have time to finish... don't let your brain get the better of you. that's easier said than done though.
  • Mazvix
    Ya I learned a lot from Unearthly. The most vital part of all this is planning, which I am planning to do this weekend. Thanks for the help.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    As long as they tell you...
  • CrazyMatt
    Funny I'm taking the same art test as well.
    Though I'm not very inclined to continue with it, because if anyone were to read the description about how it's to be created. I'm sure I can speak on behalf of Mazvix that... IT makes no sense!

    I'm sure you'll do a great job with it mate. As for me, I'm rather disgruntled by the lack of common proper info such as poly limit, texture size budget (and type of textures needed), and at least a rough concept of a layout as to what exactly 'we' are working with. While needing to see a destination to a finish.
    TWilson wrote: »
    As long as they tell you...

    Believe it or not. It's probably the only art test in history that lacks definition and proper instruction to follow through with.^
  • Mazvix
    I agree with CrazyMat, it is very vague. But I realized if I want to grow, I have to use my creative instincts and for sure trust myself and my artistic ability that I will do this in a way that will make them say Wow... (this is confidence not arogance)

    Promised myself I will not be afraid of the unknown lol. Thanks for the support though!
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