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The curious elf

Hi there, just would like to present this recent model I've done. It's intended for a game engine with a polycount of 14k, I know it might be a bit too high though. I'm really seeking for feedback and critiques, thanks guys.:)


  • brandoom
    Offline / Send Message
    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    You should post some shots of the wireframe. The only crit I have is the proportions of the face.. it seems a little stretched - nose looks a little long, bring the eyes down a bit. The mouth looks fine where it is, just everything else needs to come down a smidge.

    Good job.:)
  • ultragpu
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks man, I think the slightly stretched view is due to the perspective view in Maya, I guess I should set the camera focal a bit higher since the orthogonal view has a much tighter look.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    I usually set angle of view to 90 for accuracy.
    OK, now for comments. PERSONALLY, I think this model needs a lot of work. First is the 14K polycount. For what you have, that can be greatly reduced. I can't tell without wires but I think you have polys in places that are unnecessary and don't have enough in other places, like her hands for instance. They're looking a little bit like claws.
    Your character also seems to be "formless" which makes her look out of shape, and combined with the lingerie look and hooker heels isn't very flattering. I would make her head slightly smaller, but the face works. She's an elf.
    Her chest seems a little wide, like her boobs are trying to get away from each other, but that could be the perspective or the costume. I would also spend some time on the spec on her clothing. I think you were going for some type of sheen cloth like satin, but it looks like just a default blinn with no spec map.
    I know I probably sound like a huge ass, but I'm only saying this stuff cause I think this model has the potential to be way better.
  • achillesian
    Offline / Send Message
    Is this smoothed?
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Looks like a drag queen.
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