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Broken 360, what to do

So the audio crapped out on my xbox recently, its out of warranty and they want to charge me $120 + shipping to repair it, which seems a little nuts. Its about 3 years old so i think it would be better to buy a new one then spend that much repairing one(that has already been repaired after a RROD).

So, im thinking get the arcarde version and throw my HD into it, is there any reason why i wouldn't want to do this?

Then maybe sell my broken one on ebay, for whatever i can get for it...


Maybe try to pick up a banned xbox on the cheap and repair it myself?

Also, would a new 360 arcade come with HDMI out?


  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah all new consoles have hdmi.

    I would say pick up an arcade and just toss your hard drive on it unless you wanted a bigger hard drive. The pros have the 60 now and elites the 120 or the mw2 one with a 250gig.

    I would say just grab a new arcade though. No sense in messing with a banned one that might not be fixable no matter what.

    Perhaps your old one could be fixed. Might just be a loose solder connection. If thats the case. Mod her up..
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Been there, dealt with that. I had one of the first released 360's and it served me faithfully for 3 years until one day it gave me the finger, scratched my brand new Gears of War 2 disc, and died on me.

    Anyway, I upgraded to the Elite and I'm happy with it so far, the 120 GB HD is pretty nice. So I don't see any problem with getting the arcade version if you're throwing your own HD on it.

    Not sure how much a busted 360 would go for, not much I would imagine. Better than nothing though.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Now that it's out of warranty, a good plan is to carefully (carefully!) remove the case, and then look for the smallest component from inside the X-Box 360 you can safely remove. Take that component and cram it forcefully into your pee-hole. It'll hurt, but it should probably remind you Who's the Boss between you and Microsoft. That's right: you're Angela, and Microsoft is Tony Danza. Or is it the other way around?

  • EarthQuake
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    Yeah im really tempted to rip the thing open, its out of warranty anyway. It still works fine, the audio just plays at like 1%, tried new cabled etc and isnt a problem with my speakers.
  • rasmus
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    Just picked up the cheapo-version myself and can confirm HDMI goodness, though the actual cable is sold separately for anything but the Elite I think.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Might as well crack it open then, especially if you can get your hands on a soldering iron. I know a lot of people who repaired their own. And even if it doesn't work it should be fun just tearing it open :thumbup:
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Also, expensive HDMI cables are a total scam. I have a $12 HDMI cable from frys, and my PS3 looks glorious.
  • Dippndots
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    he video on my xbox died last month after 3 years of faithful service, so I just picked up an Arcade and threw my HDD on it worked perfectly
  • EarthQuake
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    The cable company gave me an HDMI cable a year or so back and i didnt return it when i moved, SUCKERS. so that isnt an issue
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    If your a decent person you could buy a new one, put your broken one in its box and swap the serial and return it.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    AFAIK Arcade only comes with composite output, so no HD of any kind, i may be wrong about this, maybe they just only put composite cables in there, but it doesn't list HDMI or component for it... so ... i guess buy at your own risk.

    This happened to me too, and I just can't justify spending another 200-300 on a console i already own, maybe i'll go and sell my 360 games to gamestop for 25 cents each... i liked it alot, it was my console of choice, but then it died and there's lots of other shit i'd rather spend money on than buying another 360. maybe once they drop the price to 100-150, or once xbox 720 comes out i may buy another one, but buying a 360 twice is fucking retarded and I refuse to do that.
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    The cable company gave me an HDMI cable a year or so back and i didnt return it when i moved, SUCKERS. so that isnt an issue

    I stole mine from my Dad, hes like "this cable thing is left over from when they hooked up the tv, so I just left it in this drawer here"


    he still thinks its there.

    Arcade sounds like a plan, but yeah everyone's said that already.
  • Disco Stu
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    No that would be a half way crook.
    If your a decent person youll get a ps3 ^^
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I wonder how much RODD'ing and over faults inflated the 360 sales.
  • EarthQuake
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    rawkstar wrote: »
    AFAIK Arcade only comes with composite output, so no HD of any kind, i may be wrong about this, maybe they just only put composite cables in there, but it doesn't list HDMI or component for it... so ... i guess buy at your own risk.

    This happened to me too, and I just can't justify spending another 200-300 on a console i already own, maybe i'll go and sell my 360 games to gamestop for 25 cents each... i liked it alot, it was my console of choice, but then it died and there's lots of other shit i'd rather spend money on than buying another 360. maybe once they drop the price to 100-150, or once xbox 720 comes out i may buy another one, but buying a 360 twice is fucking retarded and I refuse to do that.

    The ones on newegg are listed as having HDMI, sweet.
  • sicsided
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    rawkstar wrote: »
    but buying a 360 twice is fucking retarded and I refuse to do that.

  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yes all new 360s have hdmi hookups. THEY DON'T INCLUDE THE CABLE THOUGH!!!

    Elites no longer have the cable either. Hell they don't even have the component cables any more these days as all the consoles come with now are the good ole audio and yellow video cable. YAY

    But you have an hdmi cable so you are good.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    ZacD wrote: »
    If your a decent person you could buy a new one, put your broken one in its box and swap the serial and return it.

    I've been in many arguments with people who whole heartedly believe this does not count as stealing. Or any other crime for that matter.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    What's their logic? if Microsoft is trying to scam you... scam Walmart?
  • Sean VanGorder
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    That's the problem, they have no logic...or souls.
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    didnt read whole post, but from the skim you should read this, it has pictures and everything- very good all round site that;

    Xbox Reflow

    Also for cables this is the only place, really good price and excellent cables- excellent quality. I bought an optical audio cable it had a nice braided mesh that prevented it from bending past the 30degree max - nice feature! i think it was 2.50usd. amazing.

  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    sXe Seany wrote: »
    I've been in many arguments with people who whole heartedly believe this does not count as stealing. Or any other crime for that matter.

    The only time I have done anything like this is when the exact same thing is a lower price at another store, instead of repackaging the one I already opened, I buy the cheaper one and return it at the more expensive place.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i have a 360. its just been lying around mostly, gathering dust. microsofts cooling system is made of cocklick, there's some tutorials on the web on how to improve it, and at the same time make your machine a lot more silent.
    and here's how to open the 360:

    fixing an RROD could be something as simple as a clout of dust blocking the cooling.

    with some deft hands, you could try finding a fix for the audio, then modding it out to something like this: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0tqH65A3-U[/ame]
    and sell it for a lot of monies.

    oh, if you're using HDMI for audio, try wiggling the cable around a bit in the socket and see if that fixes or changes the audio. could be your cable has gotten roughed up, and the connections have gone bad. in that case the solution is either to solder on a new socket for the HDMI, or get a new HDMI cable.
    alternately, you could try an arrangement usually used for stereos, and connect the red and white cables into a scart, and then into the screen.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The only time I have done anything like this is when the exact same thing is a lower price at another store, instead of repackaging the one I already opened, I buy the cheaper one and return it at the more expensive place.
    The only time I have done anything like this I killed a hooker in the back of a van and then drove it off a cliff into the ocean. But she had a std so it was fair.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Buy a new arcade, put your HDD on it.

    Take apart your broken one, sell the parts individually on Craigslist, you'll make up the cost of your new purchase pretty fast. Bunch of nubs trying to mod all the time, fuck up a solder or drop a drive, willing to spend the $30-$40 on a replacement part, not willing to spend it on a new machine.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    I echo the buy arcade, slam your hd on it, I did it this summer, definitely has HDMI, etc.
    also repair the other one and sell it back to gamesuck or something like that.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Mine also dies after 3 years, I ended up buying the Elite with the 120gig drive and using the data transfer cable (free from MS, about £10 online, I borrowed one from work).

    I now have a bust 360 that I wanted MS to recycle, but I've had no joy with that.

    I considered chucking the fucked on onto Ebay (marking it as broken), but since the massive hardware banning a few weeks ago ebay have been actively warning people off used 360s. It'll likely end up in a skip.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Can't you just try to fix it (again)? It's dead, there's no warranty left, you can't lose anything for trying? It's what I'd do if mine would die outside of warranty.
  • System
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    System admin
    These guys might be able to help http://forums.xbox-scene.com they also list suppliers of replacement parts.

    edit: It seems that the CPU handles the audio so it's probably not that at fault which may be good news.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I would go with trying to fix it first. It's worth at least an attempt.
    If not, then now is the best time to buy a new one. There are a crapload of deals out there right now for Christmas, and some of them I've seen including 5 or 6 games with the system. So, if anything, you'll get more games out of the deal ;) Plus you get the HDMI upgrade.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    oh yeah btw joe, the hdd transfer cable (if you go for rick's solution, which is a pretty good one too) only allows for 2 transferts, but I only used mine once, so if you need it, i'll send it (again, it's free from MS)
  • ScudzAlmighty
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    when you contacted micorsoft about getting it fixed, did you go through the website or did you call the 1 800 number and talk to the creepy-ass computer a.i. ? i got a rrod about a month after my warrenty expired and when i went to the website they rejected it based on the serial number, not the date of purchase. i called them anyway (the website didn't even list a price to fix it) and maybe it's just cause of the rrod, but the computer voice didn't even ask about my warrenty, just sent me a traking number for the account and a box to send the 360 back in. took about a month but i got a brand-new 360 and a free month of live out of it.
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    The PSU on my 360 died earlier this fall, and I still haven't bothered to replace it. I went through the steps of checking my warranty and confirming which part was broken; I even looked at a ps3.

    Then I remembered that my PC can run Crysis on high settings, and I haven't even overclocked yet... Who needs a console when you've got that?
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Earthquake: Same exact thing happened to me. I ended up taking advantage of an elite on sale, but if you want to go arcade and avoid ebay, Gamestop will buy a broken 360 for 40-50 bucks. They do not want your hd either, so you can put that on your arcade unit. All they want is a system, power cable, av cable and controller. They even let me 'rent' a mem card to transfer my stuff over to my new hd.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    My brothers just bought a refurbed arcade from Gamestop for like $130. Things been running fine so far. Might look into that too?
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