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Help: How to remove polygon left by Extrude?

once again i found myself facing a silly issue, yet constant and annoying.

what happened, and it's not the first time, is that i extruded a polygon to the element's inside. by doing that, because the command 'extrude' extrudes the polygon itself and not the edges (it'd be impossible to extrude edges..) i am left behind with a thin polygon on the top, as previewed in the image:


so the question is: how do i remove this upper polygon?
if i remove the edge (of that polygon) it'll just disappear but the poly will remain..

thank you in advance.


  • Eric Chadwick
    Delete the polygon. Or enable backface culling. Or if you see the "ceiling" from a lower angle then simply move the far edge down a bit.
  • Piflik
    Offline / Send Message
    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Why not just delete it? You'll also have to delete the top polygon and recap it...
  • crozer
    Delete the polygon. Or enable backface culling. Or if you see the "ceiling" from a lower angle then simply move the far edge down a bit.

    thank you for the answer. i searched for 'enabling backface culling', but found nothing. i have never worked with that feature (not knowing at least), so could you explain me a bit more what you mean with it.. and the 'move the far edge down a bit'.
    Why not just delete it? You'll also have to delete the top polygon and recap it...
    delete what, the green polygon or the upper [red] one?
    - if i delete the red one it is technically removed, but it is still there, and if i try to select it again it selects the whole roof.
    - i haven't tried deleting the green one (before extruding i guess?)

    thank you all for your answers.
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    What software is this?
  • Piflik
    Offline / Send Message
    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    It's Max...

    If you delete the polygon it is not technicaly still there...it is gone. What you see is the Backface of the top polygon (the 'roof'). You have to delete the roof and recap the resulting hole (select the border and hit 'Cap'), or add two Vertices to the edge (the one between the 1 and 2 in your image) and move the new Verticews to the top Vertices of the green Polygon and weld them. Deleting and recapping is faster and easier...
  • Junkie_XL
    Offline / Send Message
    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    and if i try to select it again it selects the whole roof.

    You want polygon mode not element mode.
  • crozer
    yes, sorry. i totally forgot, it's 3dsmax 2010.
    Piflik wrote: »
    It's Max...

    If you delete the polygon it is not technicaly still there...it is gone. What you see is the Backface of the top polygon (the 'roof'). You have to delete the roof and recap the resulting hole (select the border and hit 'Cap'), or add two Vertices to the edge (the one between the 1 and 2 in your image) and move the new Verticews to the top Vertices of the green Polygon and weld them. Deleting and recapping is faster and easier...

    thank you very much.
    i didn't realise that when deleting the single polygon, the roof'd remain.
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