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My life just got hacked :(

Apparently, some douche bag hacked into my Aion accuont, and subsequently got my primary email which contains all my job contacts, CC info, bank info, passwords and logins for all the sites I visit.

Because gmail makes it impossible to get your email back after it's been hacked, I have to spend all day cancelling cards, changing passwords, creating emails,and rebranding my website which contains my old info. As well as emailing all my old contacts letting them know of the change.

People can be douches, don't you agree?



  • MALicivs
    Offline / Send Message
    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    how can the dude get into your mail through your aion account?
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    You put your bank info in your google mail?

    Though that totally sucks, it'd mildly weird/amusing that they got all that just from wanting to play Aion for free
  • Taylor Hood
    Holy shit, you better not be joking. But who jokes about something like this :S:S
    Sorry man
  • chademond
    Lol, well, the Aion password was the same as my email, mostly because I usually use 1 password so I dont forget. So maybe htat wasnt the best thing, but I never thought it could happen, especially since I havent even played aion for 2 weeks.

    Really frustrating. And I didn't put my bank info there, when I signed up for online banking, they email you a copy of some of your info. He doesn't have my bank number, but I mean he has all my CC numbers, contacts, passwords for websites like polycount, personal emails, etc...

    Just pisses me off I have to spend all day setting up stuff over again, including redoing the images on my website, that are all branded with my old email.

    Gmail is kinda stupid that way too, the only way to get your account back, is to have the exact day you made the account, the last 4 emails you sent, and the confirmation number. Rediculous.
  • Taylor Hood
    Thats BS mate.
    But you should have atleast 4 passwords or something ;P
  • chademond
    lol I'm thinking about it now.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    no waaaay.. thats shitty...
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ouch sounds harsh! :/

    was it a keylogger or something like that?
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    ouch that sounds like a pain, hopefully everything gets sorten out.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for that reminder. I just went and removed the credit card listing I had temporarily attached to my google account a few months back.

    This is exactly why I don't care for using an email provider like google for my main email address. Never mind that most of google's stuff is in perpetual beta, the fact that you don't really have any outside way of controlling your account except for your actual login (as opposed to an ISP, web host, or self provided email) is something I find a little disconcerting, yet I know so many people for which google or something similar is their primamry means of internet communication.
  • hawken
  • gaganjain
    @ chademond
    Do know what was your Security Question ?
    Request for lost password exactly after 24 hour go same lost password it will now ask you Security Question that you have set it.
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Passwords should always be REALLY freakin' hard for important stuff.
  • sampson
    Offline / Send Message
    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    tell me guys - is my current password for my bank account good? - it's "coolplaya69"
  • Taylor Hood
    sampson wrote: »
    tell me guys - is my current password for my bank account good? - it's "coolplaya69"
    Well I lol'd ;)
  • Mark Dygert
    Wow that really sucks.

    The misses and I once bought a couch on a no interest for 90 days deal. Turns out the deal was a line of credit and about 2 weeks later they sent us a card in the mail with no mention of the purchase or the store. Just a card and a "thanks for opening a line of credit with us, happy spending!" letter.

    I come home and my wife is knee deep in paperwork, canceling accounts, requesting statements and for some reason she's waving a copy of my Washington State birth certificate (which I've never actually seen before) yelling into the phone "Hawaii is a state you jackass!"

    Just about the time the black GMC Jimmy pulls up to take us into the witness relocation program she hangs up the phone, laughs and says it was the 90 day deal for the couch. "Cool. Is the baby in here somewhere and whats for dinner?"

    So I haven't been though your pain but I saw someone go through it once, it was pretty crazy, best of luck.
  • System
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    System admin
    Now that's annoying, bad luck man :( Hopefully someday this fraudster will be punished.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Offline usb drive with 1.txt file of passwords only, you know your screen names and anyone who finds the passwords can't do jack with them with out the associated screen names/emails so don't share that e-mail with anyone, delete the e-mails you get from the registered area for extra precaution.

    Every password you make should be different, every single one.

    Besides that make them all the maximum length the password is allowed (use every character) to have so that usb drive becomes your safety net, put it on your keychain and you got yourself something you keep with you at all times instead of on the net or in your e-mail, offline is key!

    If you have another tower that isn't online then put them right on your desktop on that machine and access them when you need them, burn a blank disk if you feel the need to back it up just incase.

    Good luck, hope it all works out and yes these kiddies are douche's.
  • rolfness
    Offline / Send Message
    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    my neighbours house just got haxxed :S.. shit 2 guys broke in and raided the place.. they (husband,wife & 3 kids) were all in bed and barricaded themselves in the room.. shitty stuff...

    Im going to buy a shotgun...
  • Surfa
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    Surfa polycounter lvl 12
    I mean normally I wouldn't recommend using the same password for everything but it can be ok in some cases. Like using the same pass word for your email and bank account is normally fine as long as it is hard to guess and isn't something you forget. But I would never use the same password for stuff such as mmo's I mean the amount of account hacking that goes on it is just ridiculous.

    Sorry to hear that though man.
  • Pankake
    Offline / Send Message
    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    Sorry to hear this bro.

    I have 4 passwords on a level of importance. Like the defcon scale. Works a treat.
  • 3DLee
    I just started using this nifty little program thanks to the advice of a co-worker:


    I'm now using a 20-character randomly generated password for my bank account. Win.
  • slipsius
    man, that suuucks. Worst thing that happened to me was last year, i use to go lap swimming 3 times a week, and someone went into the guys change room, CUT MY LOCK, and stole my pants/bag which had my phone, keys, and wallet in it. They used my credit card twice before i had even gotten out of the pool... luckily i still had my shoes and shirt, there was another guy there stuck in a speedo... lol. but ya, cancelling cards, explaining it wasnt you that made those purchases, and basically getting your paper life back in order just suuuucks
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    someone bought 1500 bucks worth of pot with my credit card a couple weeks ago... dunno how they got my number...
  • slipsius
    ummmm, aesir.... what kind of drug dealer accepts credit cards?
  • slipsius
    double post, sorry, but for those of you that dont know, the new bank cards with the microchips on them.... that includes credit cards... they are less secure than the old ones... people can sit in their car in the parking lot and scan the microchip from a far because its all wireless.... just a hint... go back to cash
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    slipsius wrote: »
    ummmm, aesir.... what kind of drug dealer accepts credit cards?

    haha, i live in LA. I work in venice. There are more medical pot dispensaries than supermarkets around here...
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    GCMP wrote: »
    Now that's annoying, bad luck man :( Hopefully someday this fraudster will be punished.

    is it a crime?

    depends where you're from.
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    Pankake wrote: »
    Sorry to hear this bro.

    I have 4 passwords on a level of importance. Like the defcon scale. Works a treat.

    This is my strategy as well. A few passwords on an importance level. This way if someone steals passwords from some forum install or online account they don't have access to everything.

    You can have the most complex password in the world but if you use the same one for a game or forum as your bank....you are putting yourself at risk.
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    another idea might be using different email accounts for different matters.
    eg an email for bank account handling (eg paypal, ebay etc) which you dont give out to anyone,
    an email you give out to friends and such, a business email, and a spam email account (like i have for polycount ;) ) for forum stuff and other weird shit..

    it´s unlikely that you bank data or such will be hacked if you keep things seperate and don´t spread out your email like a wildfire..

    havent received any spam on my accounts other than the spam one.
  • Zotter
    Shit, that sucks >.< . I wouldn't even know where to begin dealing with that. Sorry to hear about this.
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
  • dv8ix
    Even your Bank Info! Who post bank info on the internet! THERES HACKERS YA KNOW

    well you learn from your mustakes. Lesson learned. Bank info STAYS OFF INTERNETS

    becuz internets haz them hackers.

    maybe your hacker is a very attractive sexy woman stalker.
    Theres some positive sides to this


    two options, i think


    or.. Lure your hacker into a submission

    get his ip: address
    then find his ass on the map. you can buy a membership to some websites to get that kind of address information

    thers got to be something out there


    and when you find him/her. tie his balls around barbwire tie the barb wire to the back of the vehicle and step on the gasssss
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