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Help Finding a Blizzcon Environment Video

Was wondering if anyone knew where I could find the video that was originally posted in the Unearthly Inspiration thread. It was a video of some new WoW engine stuff; with some apparantly lovely examples of vertex painting and some new water? I haven't actually seen it, but would love to have a gander.

http://boards.polycount.net/showpost.php?p=986657&postcount=85 <- actual post

http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=64505&highlight=environment+concept&page=4 <- thread page

Adam posted a link to it, but the link no longer works and I couldn't find it on the site.

I've trawled through so many bad handcam videos of Blizzcon trying to find it; but so far no success.

So anyone who can find me a link to that vid gets a cookie :)



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