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[character] - Lauren Freeze

polycounter lvl 17
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bugo polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys, here's a new character I did for portfolio, I hope you guys like it. I'm not a rigger, so I dont know how to create facial rigging. Brice Vandermoortele CGFX shader is being used.



  • raiskul
    very clean edge loops, love the design

    there are really good facial rigging tuts (using blender - concepts can be used with any program)
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    raiskul - thanks man, kinda not my interest on doing a face rig, hehe ;)
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments lampoly, as for poseing her I consider ok trying some more. She's good, but not with a good manner. She has the power of ice, as she shots beams of ice. I would think some more and see what I can do, and IF I have the time to touch more into it ;)

    Thanks anyway
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Just jumped onto you website link, excellent work! Love the lil cottages, and that football player is silly huge! Yun is sick too, but wheres his skateboard? Ha, good work man
  • achillesian

    does the backstory of the character really matter? This is a showcase of his modeling and texturing ability, most likely from a reference made by someone else.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17

    does the backstory of the character really matter? This is a showcase of his modeling and texturing ability, most likely from a reference made by someone else.

    You took the words from my tongue! ;) I understand what Lampoly said, but I am no concepter artist.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15

    does the backstory of the character really matter? This is a showcase of his modeling and texturing ability, most likely from a reference made by someone else.

    I see his comments directed more towards the story should be read without telling the story, but imbeded within the character herself via pose, clothing, maybe some icon or background.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Lol. I think I know what this was for! I totally failed this(got sick right in the middle), but yours looks WAY better anyway. I'd like to see your other one, if I may. PM me?
    I love the face. Looks awesome!
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    She's got a real cold stare....

    har har
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    REAL clean, good anatomy, proportions, texture, im impressed and its kinda hard to impress us polycounters. bravo
  • achillesian
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    She's got a real cold stare....

    har har

    lawls were had
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Lol. I think I know what this was for! I totally failed this(got sick right in the middle), but yours looks WAY better anyway. I'd like to see your other one, if I may. PM me?
    I love the face. Looks awesome!

    Other one? Really not sure what you are talking here, heh, but let me know...
  • frubes
    Lampoly is spot on. Its a great demonstration of technical skill, really clean and nicely finished, but you will never be asked to produce a character without character. Character comes from a backstory and then that story can be worked into her look. A picture tells a thousand words but yours doesn't really tell me anything other than her power. I want to know more about her but i would just be guessing. I guess its your job to give us an more of an insight into her as a character artist.

    I think if you could address that then this would be a really great piece. Like i said, excellent technically but i think theres another gear in there somewhere to take it to the next level.

    Good stuff.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Alright guys, i totaly understand what you guys want to know about her story, skills, etc... but this is not the deal, I see so many people posting here characters without story or any concepts at all.... I wanted to show my art skills, only. My goal was to make a hero woman. If you see a hero woman picture, you might not know what she does... or who she is. I'm not here to make her story, I'm here as an artist to create good looking characters. I agree creating a better pose tho, mine is not good.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    well done, bugo!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I think shes cool, a better background would help, something subtle in a complementary colour, she just blends into the blue blobs otherwise. Also I think a backlight or fresnel effect would really sell the cold look
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, i wanted so much a backlight, but the CGFX shader has only one light and rim lighting, but the rim is already there, subtle, if I exagerate it it goes in the hair and gets weird. But thanks! :)
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I really really like her. Great stuff!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I disagree with the bulge in her pubic arch, i see this a lot on female characters with tight clothing and it is infuriating. It should not be like that. If it's extremely dense muscle it's going to form a 'v' down from the abdominals, if it's a whatsoever human physique there's going to be no bulge on a tight, tense fabric.

    otherwise fantastic

    The arms are awesome, very strong and yet feminine
  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    I like it a lot ! very nice clean polys and nice shader!
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    thanks guys! im going to post some more poses whenever i get home.
  • Krypteia
    Hey Bugo,

    I know you've addressed the story thing twice, but I'm just gonna throw in my two cents (and some will be a rehash of what has been previously said). Commentary and expounding on the importance of story:

    First, I'm not asking you to write a two page thesis describing every detail of her life - but keeping some general personality traits and history will help direct a character. Is this warrior reckless in battle, charging into the fray at a moment's notice? They might wear more armor and protection than others, carry more melee oriented weapons, etc. Are they cunning and stealthy, preferring to sneak behind enemy lines? Less armor, darker colors, weapons or gadgets suited for stealth (or lack thereof).

    Giving her some sort of story will at least help with your texturing and modeling in the sense that it will force you to add extra details that you might otherwise not - to go above and beyond a perhaps basic concept and make it truly original and special.

    For example:

    1) Is she a new recruit? A fresh face in the hero community? Then there probably won't be the scars and lines of age that a veteran would have.

    2) Or has she faced enemies across the galaxy, been thrown through a few walls, lost a few loved ones and been jaded? Then maybe there's a scar on her face, or even knee, from that one time she saved the world. Perhaps she carries a trinket to remember a fallen comrade or lover. Her face might show a bit more tiredness and wisdom, regardless of her age. Even something as simple as a birthmark - or some freckles.

    3) What's her upbringing? Is it a high socialite who was taught proper posture or a streetwise kid who fought for her life? Her stance, etc. would reflect that. I understand that's more an animator thing, but her background would certainly carry over into physical characteristics as well. You said "she's good, but not with a good manner" - how can you sell that even more?

    4) How does she use her powers? Yes, she shoots ice beams out of her hands - but do her hands always glow? Maybe she'd have to wear gloves to cover them up so she could go out in public without being exposed as a super. Is she impervious to cold or does she feel temperature like everyone else? That might reflect on her type of clothing and how much she wears, etc. etc.

    It's true, you can't judge a book by it's cover in full. But you can certainly pick up clues from one. Our experiences, our personalities, our approach to life - shows through in how we dress, how we wear our hair, our battle scars, our choice of weapons, etc. It's our life, history, etc. that makes us different from a plastic mannequin.

    As What's_True pointed out: a story that is able to be read without telling a story - and frubes spoke of a "character with character".

    So think about adding little details that make her unique - you have an idea of who she is (your description of her being "good, without having a good manner" shows that) so go with that and push that.

    You said you're not a concept artist? But why not? Maybe not in a traditional sense of drawing environments and characters, but I'm sure you have ideas too - let them show through and experiment with them.
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