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polycounter lvl 13
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guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
Today something that I did had annoyed me for hours.I open Windows->settings/preferences->Tool settings.Then the tool setting panel on the right of my screen disappeared,and a float tool setting panel appeared.I closed it.Then I found My Atrribute editor And Tool setting panel on the right of the screen can not switch automatically.If it is the tool setting panel appearing on the right screen now,I LMB a asset in the scene then the tool setting change to Atrribute editor automatically beforetime.But now it dose not.I cao not make them back to beforetime anyway.How can make them switch automatically?Please tell me.Thank you very much!!!2eaf631d5b8990e534ef698510f7309b.jpg


  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    What should I do?I will waiting online!!
  • fade1
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    fade1 polycounter lvl 14
    i couldn't really understand or reproduce your problem. but if it's rellay a big problem i would backup your prefs folder under "mysettings"(then you can revet anytime), and then delete it. this makes your maya go back into the "install" settings. at least maya works the old way and the problem you stated should be gone.
  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    eh``,My problem is that if you do not select anything in the scene,your Select Tool setup panel display on the right of the screen as the image above.And then if you select anything in the scene,the Select Tool setup panel change to Attribute editor of the asset that you just select, automatically.But mine not .It does not change to Attribute editor automatically.I confused.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    I understand!

    I think you just need to press Control + A to toggle between the channel editor and attribute editor.
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    I used maya since 4.5 and I never know that you can automatically switch tool setting and attribute editor. Probably you have attribute editor opened, and activated one of the tool which create node and that node appeared in the AE, therefore it "looks" like tools setting?

    And btw, your image doesn't give any hint.
  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    Thank you! I had checked maya help for 3 hours and found nothing.No infomation about this.Maybe just as your words,the attribute editor opened, and I activated one of the tool which create node and that node appeared in the AE. But now It does not change anymore no matter what I do, activting any tool,restoring default settings,creating a primitive.There always attribute editor displayed sticky
    ,or the tool setting .what can I do to make them change?
  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    I had asked my friends ,even they can not understand me at beginning.
  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    I had been using maya for a long time too,but this is the first time that such a small problem coming up. Now I trry to adapt this small change, alter my habit.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    i dont understand your problem either.

    there are 3 things that can show up on the right - channel editor, tool settings and attribute editor.

    by default when you create or select a mesh your channel editor(translation, rotation, scale etc) should show up on the right.

    tool settings show up either when u double click on a tool icon or click on the tool settings icon on the top right on maya window (there are three small icons on top right, left one for attribute editor, middle is tool settings and right is channel editor/layers)

    attribute editor shows up with ctrl+a usually and not automatically when u select an object.

    also when show the channel editor there are three icons withing it on top left of it. u should click on the icon on far right to show both channel editor and layer window.

    if some how all of these windows are messed up you can delete you maya.env file usually located in your documents\maya folder.
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    Window > Settings / Preferences

    It will open to the interface dialog, simply select which windows you want to open in the main Maya UI window as part of the interface, or as a seperate floating window.

    EDIT : These are my settings : -

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