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Gypsy realtime game model

Hello! I haven't on here before but I've seen some amazing game models. I've posted sculpts on other forums before but not my game models so I thought where better? I wanted to create a character which would be different from the female characters you usually see in games(ie bikini chick with a gun) so I created this gypsy partially inspired by that bit in 'From Russia with love' where the gypsies fight with each other(it's hot!:P) Modelled in Modo and Max, sculpted in Zbrush, textured in PS and shaded and rendered in the fantastic Marmoset Toolbag. Comments and Crits welcomed!



  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    No image is showing.
  • Taylor Hood
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Welcome to the forums Finbo.

    You'll need to edit your post in order for us to see your images. place your image url inside of the [IMG]tags like so:[/img]image url here
  • Finbo
    thanks brandoom! yeh sorry bout the lack of images. I was waiting for the thread to be approved because I thought I would then be able to use attachments, apparently not the case. Why is that? I've linked to them elsewhere. Not a great start!:P
    here are some more pics:



  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Finbo wrote: »
    Hi yeh sorry bout the lack of images. I was waiting for the thread to be approved because I thought I would then be able to use attachments, apparently not the case. Why is that? I've linked to them elsewhere. Not a great start!:P
    Unfortunately, we currently have attachments disabled for a few reasons. Primarily its to reduce the cost of server space and data transfer. It's why you don't see ads on Polycount :D
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    That looks sexy! One thing I'd look into though is adding some AO, if possible, into your textures to help pop the layers of fabric off of one another. Nothing TOO strong but just a little shadow baked in to give it more punch.
  • Orb
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    Orb polycounter lvl 13
    the model is pretty good

    Perhaps, the shoulder needs some loop, to be a bit less angular. I think you should try to reduce the lightning intensity, which is actually too strong (pure white areas). Perhaps try the skin environment channel model in marmoset engine (with a purple/blue skin specular). Finally, the jewelry metal shaders needs to be darker and with some bumpy spec (again the lighting doesnt help).
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    looks good, BUT the eyes are looking "flat." Try pumping up the normals in that area, and maybe put her eye lashes on an alpha. Also, her toes seem really long. You could try to fix them or just give her a closed shoe for a quick fix. Also, her head seems slighty too big, slightly, and i think her neck is a little thick, especially at the collar. all minor details, but that's why human anatomy is such a pain.
  • Sauron
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    Sauron polycounter lvl 10
    WOW! That is amaizing! But i'm sure, she needs some AO baked!!!
  • Finbo
    thanks for all the comments! really helpful!

    Caseyjones: thanks I was paranoid it was just me who couldn't do it, I'm all in favor of no ads!

    Gav: cheers I've baked in some AO to the new model as suggested

    Orb: I had trouble with the lighting in marmoset, I read that shady is a good one to use but I find it blows out the light parts of the model too much, I've tried to get a less extremely lit render, I also added a loop to the shoulder to make the silhouette a bit nicer. I altered the spec map for the jewellry but I'm worried it looks too dark? It looks great from certain angles but doesnt show up too well here.

    P442: I moved the proportions of the model around a bit based on what you said and also changed the lens angle in marmoset, I think it was set too wide which was making my model look more wrong than it is. I added a normal map to the eyes, although I'm not sure how well it comes across. it certainly breaks up the spec a bit more.




  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    dang- very nice use of fabric! Although the blue and orange clash something fierce. :P might be good pull them appart from each other, be it a shadow, or some sort of trim on the blue.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Its a pretty dang sold model. Excellent stuff to put into the folio i reckon. Not many crits from me now.That Ao makes her look so much better. Great job on the update. I liked the specular the way it was before (as you mentioned, its abit dark now). I think now you should go in and hand tweak the AO (if the Ao is overlayed on the diffuse) and add some shadows of overlaying object (as the AO was baked with each element seperated). Like darken up her waist, area under her bangles, jewelry, her clothe shoulder straps etc). That will really help settle everythign down in my opinion
    Only thing i dont like abit the model is her shoulders,they still look like they could use less noise and more spec-loving to make it pop more. I think the feet are a bit pale as compared to the rest of the skin...must be the lighting though?
    NOw make a pose + pedestal! :D
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty cool. Agree with the comments about needing some shadow baked in to separate out those cloth pieces.
    The normals look nice and detailed, good folds there, but the diffuse is just far too flat, it's really hurting the end result.

    Also I wonder why you have all that lowpoly geometry detail around the nipple area of the breast? There's just cloth there, I don't see any reason to have geometry like that, you never see it, it's a waste.

    I'd say it's a decent model and texture on the verge of being very good. You just need to do another pass on the texture to get more depth into the diffuse (mainly shadow and AO as suggested), a little dirt and wear would hurt either.

    Keep it up! :)
  • Finbo
    Thanks again for the comments!

    konstruct: Thanks!The choice of colour was decided to make the gypsy costume look thrown together, but I know what you mean, I have baked in some shadows.

    butt sahib:Cheers! I edited the ao as suggested and baked in some shadows from a skylight. It was tricky to get shadows from all those alpha cards and bits! Took ages to render! I think it works well on the coins on her head and on the waist though I agree about the shoulders so I edited the diffuse and spec.

    Mop: Hey Paul! It's Finlay here btw, How's it going? I added some dirt and wear and tear to all the cloth and broke up the spec a bit more on the metal as per your suggestion, and I have changed the topology on the chest so there is less waste. I know there are still blown out bits on the spec but I think this was the best result of the lighting options in the marmoset engine,here are the pics:


  • Max
    Cool model, I really like the hands, they feel alive and natural. so does her whole lower section, everything's got a natural touch to it. Her face perhaps isn't the most interesting, but I don't really know what you're after. As you say the gypsy fight in 'from russia with love' hot, she could be a little bit more seductive. Not as super hot as Esmeralda in the Hunchback of Notre Dame but I think you where I'm getting at. And I don't think you're gonna change the whole character NOW but maybe next time.
    Once again. Great hands
  • Taylor Hood
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Excellent update.Great job on taking the crits and making it work.

    I personally love the face btw :)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    the head looks like a sphere and the chest like a box also this woman looks a little bit to masculine to me mainly because from the front she is to wide in her chest part. From the side she looks good.
    I like how the hair texture works but many of the other textures have less saturation and feel dull, almost like a base color + AO multiply alone,- it needs some extra tone or flesh colors that make the surfaces come more alive.
  • achillesian
  • whipSwitch
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    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    did you make her eyes bigger? they look a bit oversized now, and didn't so much in the previous images..
  • Moskamorta
    I love this model. Congratulation for this job.
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