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Subdivision Dump - Pdude2K7

polycounter lvl 13
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Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys,
I have been browsing the forum for some time and decided to drop in and post a few shots of things I have worked on during the past year or so while not freelancing.

I hope all of the pictures show up, there should be 23:p:

Beretta M9 inspired weapon:

Gas Pump:


More pics in the next post.

8 Monkey Labs for their awesome realtime renderer:
Marmoset Engine | 8monkey Labs

Artem for the clean rendering set up tutorial:
Material Rendering Tutorial :: Artem Volchik


  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks good!

    Isn't the $ sign on your gas pump backwards, though?
  • carlo_c
    Very nice, it would be nice to see that pistol baked down to a low poly and textured :)
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah the pistol is awesome, and it would render a really good normal map.
  • Kimono
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    Kimono polycounter lvl 10
    I agree, aside from too much needless greebling it's a cool take on the m9 :)
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Nice SubD work you got there. ;)
  • Ben Apuna
    Cool engine! Is it modeled after a real engine? I know next to nothing about engines :poly136:
  • pyromania
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    pyromania polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know if you are going for realism on the pistol, but as it is right now it wouldn't function.

    Those 2 top tabs on the magazine would have to go. The top edge of the magazine needs to be a straight edge so the extractor can grab the cartridge and slide it out of the magazine.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the great replies guys!

    @ MoP - An astute observation, I'll fix it on my next pass, thanks.

    @ carlo_c, commander_keen - Definitely, I plan on getting to the lowpoly/uv/bake stage pretty soon.

    @ Kimono - About the needless greebling, do you mean on the barrel?

    @ Eraserhead - Its great to hear that , your portfolio is amazing.

    @ Ben Apuna - It contains parts foun in a real engine but as it is there is a critical flaw, the
    crankshaft and the pistons will collide if the engine was to be turned on.

    @ pyromania - It was loosely based on the M9. about the magazine, I definitely agree but decided to model that as I though it looked as if there is something preventing the bullets from falling out.

    Some more stuff that didnt make the first post cut:):

    Technical, Gears of war inspired:

    Seven Deadly Sins inspired scene:


    Old stuff:
  • vj_box
    pdude you have got some Sick models here,really like the way some models are done.
    So as few others mentioned,it will be more cool,when u are able to show some processed maps on a real time game mesh.

  • Surface
    Hey, Some nice stuff you got there, very creative.

    Mind explaining how you prepare before modelling something? Is everything you make thought up as you go, or do you always look for inspiration somewhere and work you way from there?, The beretta is obviouse, however the sci fi look you gave it did you get that idea from somewhere?

    Anyway just curiosue how you work, you're really creative and the stuff you made looks really great. =)
  • shabba
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    shabba polycounter lvl 15
    Hey there,
    Really awesome looking stuff! I was wondering if you could show the wires on the pistol? I'm just curious about your edge loops!

  • dolemite
    shit that pistol is really boss. Really inspiring stuff there.
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    post some wires please! lovely stuff, but i love to see how people have prepared it for subdivision, to learn from them. rendered really nicely too!
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    everything here is pretty much awesome, i love the gun as well as the gears of war style of buildings, very nice!
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, all that stuff is sub-d'ed? If that's even a word...either way, that's great stuff there. I'm hoping to get to that level soon enough, seeing as how a lot of those must've created problems at times for your sub-d model and such throughout the process. Real cool stuff and inspirational.
  • Ubersock
    I enjoyed looking at all your hard work. my next project im going to look at your scifi wall for ref and that archway is sweet.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    thats some crazy good highpoly models u got there.
  • bounchfx
    wow, thanks for sharing!
  • ArtsyFartsy
    Pdude2K7 wrote: »


    This is my favorite by far. I'm working on some similar decorative motifs myself. What kind of workflow are you using on this?
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Man this is pure WIN.
    I love subD and i definitely lubb this
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely some very nice modeling going on here! Your edges tend to lean on the soft side, but there are only a few places it really bothers me, like the tip of the M9 spinoff's barrel and overall front end of the slide.

    I can really appreciate that you took the time to model out all of the separate parts and details of the gun (something I love to do myself and know how maddening it can be), but if you're going to take it that far it seems like a shame to have something as fixable as the magazine tips stick around to spoil the fun. The bullets are held in by small tabs, but they're normally towards/on the back end of the magazine (the rim side, opposite of the bullet) and they're usually a bit more subtle in arch. You load them into the magazine by pushing down on the spring and sliding them backwards. They're not really held in by a great deal, but that's what allows them to feed out of the gun without frequent jamming.

    Personally, the indents on the grip are a bit deep for my tastes as well, but that's a pretty minor gripe.

    Otherwise you have some really nice work here, it's cool to see some nice mechanical illustration-style work.
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