so i got so far on this , but as with xgen I want to make a distinct parting , but the clump modifier tries to push together the hair guides either side of the parting. I guess there whould be a way to use a texture map to do some kind of region control map.
Any ideas?
I did try a black and white texture map for the factor, but it did nothing

I have a weird feeling the interpolation and the hair index can lead to weird results
so yeah its similar to region control maps in xgen, but its jsut a case of painting a black line where the parting should be. it also depends where the guides are in relation to the parting, so its stll a bit fiddly
But I have got used to styling with particle hair and the good thing is I can convert it to geometry nodes hair afterwards,
either convert the parent and child hair or just the parent if I want to layer it up with clumps, frizz etc
I still find the new sytem a bit WIP , but I am sure they will carry on improving it
The current problem is with the clump interpolation, no good way to separate them for partings
This was done with the old method
yeah I agree with your points, producing hair is a 'really' painful process, makes me lose a lot of sleep.
I spent maybe 4 years learning how to style particle hair reasonably well and can just about do stuff I am pleased with
I have tried max hair, xgen , blender, maya and they all make me feel as though I have to become a hair specialist ( I am not)
I even got some good results with max's hair system, but it is buggy as hell and crashes all the time, so gave up
By now you would think the would have a more inventive solution to what is essentially a modelling problem. If I have the artistic skill
to sculpt hair, then I should not have to worry about how to make the shapes for real looking hair, but it is what it is
clumping is the real problem at the moment, there should be a simple way to define regions where you want a parting for example.
you can paint texture maps to control various things with the new system, but you have to set the nodes up yourself, but its not that difficult and is pretty
I bought 'hair tools' a while ago and that has some good tools, so might give that a try next( he has updated the addon to use the new system)
I tried the method of building curves separately, but it takes me a really really long time , but you can add other splines like in a max loft to give the single spline some volume, which works quite well for cartoony hair
I also sculpt particle hair by only using the parent hair and set the radius
quite high so they look like big planes. This really helps visualise what I am sculpting. The problem is that Blenders interpolation is really bad, so when you add the children hair its a bit inconsistent
Here are a few methods I have tried over the years, not trying to educate anyone, just trying to show my processes so far
Blender building from curves - with a bevel object use to control the the strands/thickness ( like a loft in 3ds max) works great for cartoony hair
works well but takes a long time. In theory you could use a bunch of thin bevel obects to simulate hair and control with the main spline
Particle hair using only parent hair with radius of 1 or 2 cm for better visualisation. i directly plug in a color ramp to the material output.
you then have to use interpolation, but set the amount to zero and enable the children tick box in the comb tool
This is probably my easiest method and I still use it . I often use the curves in other systems like xgen, hair tools etc
Blender particle hair. Short hair is ok to sculpt, but the interpolation sucks a bit. you cannot directly sculpt the child particles like in
xgen which is a big minus - tidying up stray hairs on a new sculpting layer would be awesome
Blender 3.6 new hair system.
so i kind f worked out how to do the parting in the hair . Normally when you add a clump modifier, it does not do the parting correctly
Buit all you have to do assign a texture map to the factor ( or amount of clumping). I paint black where i don't want the clump( ie the parting ) and this fixes it. refer to my first image I posted above to see the problem where the sub clumps do not know which guide to belong to, so they create a bunch of smaller distorted hairs
Native 3ds max hair system, crashes more than windows 95 . It was actually surpsingly controllable, but lots of features missing.
Despite being in very early version of max. they did not really update it in 20 years. if only they cared
zbrush hair sculpting using fibremesh. this system is a bit awkward in my opinion, you can't add new hairs as you are going along
but I did get some useful curves out of it in the end. A bit too quirky for my liking
so yeah I know a lot more about hair, but still i find the whole process very frustrating .probably the main reason
I gave up on doing characters TBH
It's like trying model a crash helmet out of a bunch of sticks
added this one. I had waay too many parent hairs, so started deleting a bunch to make it more manageable
you can see the areas I need to fix
To get the same modifiers for each new bit of empty hair I just used link tansfer data/ copy modifiers
I actually have that hair brush addon, but was not really sure of the benefit, might give it another try with the update
fun times
You can repeat this to get smaller 'hair islands'
I also added one click option to pick and select guides belonging to given island (you just click on island, and guides that are spawned on that island are selected ready for combing).
I could not though of simpler way than this. On top of that you can add child system which will follow these parted guides (u can add any effect on these - curl, clumps, braids etc). No need to setup any masks, textures etc.
test it out so far
In the mean time I kind of have a solution of sorts, where I 'slide' the roots around until the weird parting disappears in the area where the parting goes. works ok.
also sometimes you dont want a hard parting, but to overlap clumps from either side
I did try spitting edges which did work to a degree, but if it's part of the same mesh , it still tries to grab hairs from the other side
also depends on the interpolation distance. I really hate that feature
I tried working on separate meshes like top , sides, nape etc, but foud it a real pain to keep the density consistent
ironically i am doing some really good stuff with particle hair now, just as they are stopping the development of it
This my current method using particle hair. I jsut make my own clumps by selecting groups of hair, which you can now save the selection for
This is the only way to get more organic hair split line.
The disadvantage is though, you have to convert fully procedural hair to 'real' curves thus you loose some ability to tweak e.g. their density.
How do you select store selection for particle hair?
I did not encounter any issues like problem of interpolation distance, issues with density or child following strand from one island, going to the 'other' side. But then I do not use particle hair or default hair nodes, so yes, maybe they have those issues.
So particle hair has some basic functionality for storing selections now.
In the tools section of the comb brush there is a hair group option. it is supposed to also colour each group, but does not work.It does store the selection, but you can't seem to rename them.
its a nice little additon, but i tend to select on the fly, using the arrow keys to select and deselect the hairs i need ( once I have selected the intial bunch of hairs)
i think I will probably switch to yuor new system once I get the hang of it as I will still have to output my hairstyles as polys at some point anyway
yeah the defualt hair system still has issues, but maybe they will fix them at some point?
EDIT The split polys method does kind of work but only using the 'Exisiting Guide Map'. if you uncheck that it stops separating by mesh islands
Actually I kind of made it work. you set the factor to 'guide curve index' and it works
Nice hair and character btw.
so they might have it covered( hopefully)
TBH I still prefer sculpting with particle hair, then converting afterwards( either to hair tools or now the new system). I just wanted to learn the latest system in case I need it at some point
it will only let me slide some of the guides or sometimes it will just say i have a missing mesh
is that a bug or did I do something wrong? if I add new guides I can slide them around, but not the existing ones
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