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Material ID's not Baking as expected

polycounter lvl 9
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shxsy polycounter lvl 9
Hey folks... I've been trying to get correct material ID's to bake all day and have hit a wall. I've set up unique lamberts in Maya for each ID on my high poly pieces that I want to bake out in Painter. All of those high poly pieces are combined as my low poly is once piece of geometry - I think this might be the problem, but am not 100% sure. When I export the high poly FBX I'm getting a warning, which I've had before - 

2021-03-28 17:25:58: LOG: [WARNING] Unable to export some material(s) - The plug-in does not support the following material types:
Material  will be exported as a grey Lambert material.

I've tried baking it out of marmoset and painter and am getting the same result... I've re-checked names on my objects, re-assigned new materials, tired separating and baking as just a group, etc...
At a dead end now. Any help would be appreciated.


  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    its maya

    that means you have some sort of dead shape node that's got a weird material assigned to it and it's ruining everything. 

    do the following things in this order

    paint a line of lambs blood over your front door
    delete history
    open hypergraph and expand connections on your object
    delete any nodes that look shape related and grayed out
    pray it doesn't wreck your mesh
    delete history again
    delete history again to make sure
    create a cube
    combine your object with the cube - ensuring that the cube is the parent 
    delete history
    sacrifice your firstborn to the elder gods
    delete history
    remove the cube geometry
    delete history

    if that works - hurray
    if not, uninstall maya, install 3dsmax and use that instead because it works properly.

    (I admit I was being facetious but it will work almost all the time)
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