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[Finished] Payphone

LT Ajax
polycounter lvl 8
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LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
So I think I'm pretty much finished now with this project, It has been a very informative learning experience, 

Here are the renders and the model, any feedback will as always be fantastic.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my thread and taking a look :)


  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    Quick update. 

    Currently working on the yellow shell, and the cable and buttons are done. I have blocked out the rest of the materials just so I have a better idea of how everything looks together.

  • Sora123
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    Sora123 polycounter lvl 5
    maybi add like a advertisement in form of a sticker? I dont know where you based that phoneboot on but on certain country there is always a emergency line nummer next to the boot like police, fire department or even a suicide hotline. Alos it feels like the phoneboot is a bit to short? maybi use human scale as ref side by side? 
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    I have some decals I'm working on for instructions and emergency numbers atm, just haven't added them yet, also have branding logos for the telecoms company that operates the booth. The model is based on US payphones, scale-wise. I used a schematic to get the proportions of the phone correct then eyeballed the scaling to this. The volume box represents the character scale from the unreal engine.


    I can always up its scale a bit later on as long as my proportions are correct, thanks for the feedback :)
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    Update Time

    So today I did some more work on the plastic side panels and refined the worn painted metal material, still loads to do on the entire thing but I feel like I'm starting to make some headway on this :)

  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    Thought I'd share an update, the payphone part is nearly done, just the stand to do after that, then to reapply my stickers and graphite. Substance had an update that included a new graffiti tool that I want to use. After that ill do a final pass over it just to make sure everything looks good :)
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    Time for another update,

    So since the last update, I've added bird poop, chewing gum, and a bunch of stickers in various states of ruin and the graffiti I previously mentioned.  I need to make a few more stencils and decals, some of these are for the payphone, the rest are for the narrow black stand area.

    Any feedback as always is welcome, thank you for taking the time to look at my work if you have stumbled into this thread :)

  • teodar23
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    teodar23 sublime tool
    I think you have taken the wear and tear a bit too far maybe... i like subtlety and almost pristine-ness.
    Also you should post more pics with different lighting conditions, close-ups of the most important areas, etc. Not just a shot of the "good side" and hide all the defects, because its hard to give feedback like this.
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    So here is an update, have updated the piece based on feedback I've received here and from friends. Thinking this is nearing completion now :)

    Any feedback as always is welcome, thank you for taking the time to look at my work.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Looking good! I would suggest bunching the graffiti up so its not all spread around the model so evenly.
  • Fernando Tejada
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    Fernando Tejada polycounter lvl 6
    I would tone down a bit more the wear and tear specially on the yellow paint texture, but it's looking very cool! For the presentation have you considered setting a small scene and light it up? I think a night scene with a blueish background could make it pop!
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    Looking good! I would suggest bunching the graffiti up so its not all spread around the model so evenly.
    Thanks for the feedback :) I agree, it could do with looking a bit more cluttered. I think I was too worried about the tags being legable

    .Nandx said:
    I would tone down a bit more the wear and tear specially on the yellow paint texture, but it's looking very cool! For the presentation have you considered setting a small scene and light it up? I think a night scene with a blueish background could make it pop!
    Personally I like the wear, but in hindsight, I think I have overdone it on the edges.

    These are originally what I was aiming for.

    As for your suggestion for a small night scene for it, it is something I would love to do for it. I just need to build a small set and learn lighting and basic particle effects in the unreal engine or something similar. If you have any suggestions on alternates to create the scene in, I'm open to suggestions :)
  • LT Ajax
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    LT Ajax polycounter lvl 8
    So I think I'm finally finished, I've updated my first post to show the final result. Thanks for reading :)
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