Software: Blender 2.8X (Eevee Render)
Style: 3D Stylized environment (hand painted as well as procedural), with some 2D elements (tree & grass patch only)
Hello, I'm new to this site, and would like to share my wip artwork that I'm about to finish. To be honest, when I started this project, I had very little of knowledge of how to texture paint, but by trial and error, I learned the various methods to do it.

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Yeah, I started with this one way back (about 2 years ago!) when I didn't even knew how to properly UV unwrap properly. I'm aware about the ropes issue, but there were a few things broken under the hood to fix it. And the project was just collecting dust and making me depressed.
On the bright side, I managed to learn a lot of tricks of how to implement Ghibli in 3D for the future.