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UE4 triangulation problem

polycounter lvl 2
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GoDomo polycounter lvl 2
 it looks ok in Substance Painter but when i put the low poly in UE4 i get these triangulation errors. I tired exporting from 3d max with or without tangents and bit normals, with or without triangulate but nothing works. How could I fix this?


  • icegodofhungary
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    icegodofhungary interpolator
    What does the wire frame look like in that area? Check our smoothing groups or smoothing angle.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    how do you import your mesh to unreal?

    import normals? then triangulate on export or via modfier in max

    compute normals? the export your mesh from unreal to fbx and use this to bake. 

    Do NOT reimport this "flushed" mesh, unreal compresses UVs and it does is more each import


    do you by any chance use mirrored UVs? is the triangulation symmetrical? You might have to hard triangulate by hand if your ex/importers fuck up
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like the classic triangulation mismatch error. The X pattern is very recognizable and its a clear sign of this issue. This happens when you have different triangulation on the bake mesh and the game engine mesh. To avoid this, simply triangulate the mesh before baking and use that same mesh for importing into the game engine.
  • GoDomo
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    GoDomo polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you so much. When I exported from 3d max with triangulation ticked on it didn't do anything but if I did it manually I worked fine weird. Anyway thank you again. 
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