Hello Polygon,
Ive started on a new project yesterday of the protagonist of Silent HIll 2, James Sunderland. Im wanting to do a bust of him and render it in Marmoset. My hope is to make it look photo real. Instead of working in a vat ide love to get some feedback and hopefully some of you can catch the flaws i might not see.
Below is a reference board of the character.

Here is my sculpt so far. The render in the top left is in marmoset re using some textures from my last project and the eyes specifically are from somewhere online.

Let me know what you think and if you have any solutions for low poly open zippers that would be helpful!
So I decided to go back to the head and clean up the skin textures a bit from the generics I had on it before. These are all hand painted save for the displacement map from TexturingXYZ. Im happy with this for a first draft but i definitely need to clean some things up. I really need to fix the eyes in his head properly and get some hiar on him soon.
Please give any feedback you might have!
Hey Polycount, I wanted to update my post with my current progress. Ive blocked in the hair finally and done the basic texturing for his jacket and shirt. They both need more attention and now that I have the hair mostly in place I feel I can finally give it to them. Let me know what you think and if you see any problems with where I am Currently at.
Hey Polycount. I wanted to update my thread here on James with my latest progress. He is nearing completion I think, He finally has an entire body and a decent set of base textures. What my plan now is to go through all of them a second time and adjust them to make them more finalized as well as condensing down my number of materials. After that Ill do a very basic HumanIK rig for rendering him out in a few poses. I have a few accessories I want to make for him to that ill use for the final renders. Once again I would appreciate any feedback you have for me.