Heya everyone, been having a weird issue while trying to learn UE4 the snapping seems off with every mesh i import, and im not sure what to change about the settings too make the meshes not intersect. or if its my dimensions from modeling that are wrong or something. I have a small video its like 40 seconds showing me changing things a little to show how its always sorta jittering.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkgBdw6nbOE&feature=youtu.beHopefully that link works as its unlisted
The website (link above) explains how to set up the grid in Maya to match the grid's size in UE4. Make sure you snap the vertices to the grid in Maya. So you can snap everything together easily once you imported your models into UE4.
Gustavo mentioned this above that it is just basically caused by the overlapping mesh in the exact same location.
Good luck