Hey all, thought i'd do a quick post about the project i'm currently working on, and hopefully keep this page updated with my progress throughout!
The original concept i fell in love with was by
Beau Lamb I believe, although not featured on his Artstation.
So far I've just been blocking it out and trying to get proportions roughly how i want them, keeping all the shapes pretty simple. I use object colour in 3DS Max to help me visualise the materials.
I've made a few changes to the original concept, just some things that I wasn't super keen on and also added a few extra fun features of my own.
Here's some images of where the block out is currently, I'm pretty happy with where this is and i'm going to move forward with production now
Thanks for reading and check back for updates soon (hopefully!)
Here's a couple of renders, there's plenty more on Artstation - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k45RDn
Thanks for looking!