Hi guys !
I'm going to begin a new 3D environment project, I would like to reproduce an environment scene from Ratchet and Clank video game, the first game remastered in 2016 on PS4.
The scene will be finally rendered in Unreal Engine 4, modeled in Maya and textured in Substance Painter/Substance Designer.
I'll try to do it during 1 month, and i'll show you every step of the creation, hoping you'll help me to make it well with your advices and critics !
I'll begin to show you my reference :

I don't know yet what i'm going to do for everything out of the area but visible in the game, like the big city behind, buildings around.. If you have some tricks i'll enjoyed your advices !
I totally forgot to post what i've done the last time.
Well, I started to model the scene !
I did the floor and all the back part of the scene (modeled and unfolded). When I analized more in detail my references i've seen some elements I haven't seen before, like the last huge arch against the wall.
To optimise the floor for the UV, i made it with quarter circles :
Next step : to make the last things part of the building (plant pots, landing air, boxes, jar and the type of cylinder on the floor making the path going to the arch !
I'm happy to show you what I've done with all the building part of the scene ! Currently the scene has 40192 triangles.
Everything is unfolded too, I currently have 5 different UVs for the all scene. Next week I'll start to model the foliage !
I’ll do my best to make this scene great !
I started to work on props textures. I thought it'll be easier to have the right saturation and color etc first before begin the foliage modelisation and texture.
Next time I work on the scene, I'll fix that, and make the ground texture probably on Substance Designer !
NB : I wait to put the foliage on the scene to know if I increase the amount of tris on some props because right now we really see every angles.
See you later and don't be shy to C&C !
Yeah That's why i said in my previous post that i wait to see what it'll look like with the foliage ! but I totally agree with you !
Tahnk you again ! o\
And, yeah I'd agree with @Avenger84 just add more edges or polys on the sides of the cylinders. Those read more then the edge loops around the cylinders.
I will add some edges, promised !
It's been a long time since the last time I show you what I've done with the scene.
So as i said the last time, and with your comments, I increased the amount of tris on certains meshes like the type of plant plots and on the base of the scene.
Currently I'm going to make the extra decoration around the scene to fake the fact it's litteraly flying in the void. I'm not totally sure of how I'll do that, if I try to put everything in a huge sphere with an image, or an fx of clouds, or both... If you have some ideas it could be helpful
One critique I have, is your hard surface stuff is lacking the normal map bevels that Insomniac's ultimate trim technique provides. This allows them to keep the polycount relatively low, while making it look like all the hard surfaces have beveled edges. I actually made a breakdown of this process if you'd like to check it out:
And if you'd like to check out the environment I made from this game:
I'm really liking where things are going in your environment! Keep up the great work!
For now i don't know if i will adapt my scene with it, as i have less hard surface stuff and mostly hide by the foliage etc. But it's really cool and thank you for sharing this technic !
Thank you ! I hope i'll succeed with the final rendering
For the lighting/rendering, the most "complicated" thing to do is to approach as much as possible the real scene of Ratchet & Clank. However I think i'm not far away of it
There's the final render I've done with the scene !
I'm pretty glad of it, hope you like it too !
There's a short video to see a bit more in details every shader effects :