Hi !
There is a long time i didn't post, so here is my work in progress thread for all my futur projects do during my spare time.
I don't know yet where this chara lead me even i have some ideas in mind.
Lets start with some pictures:
I started with a simple sphere in dynamesh follow with a quick zremesher. I think i will continue on the retopo before refining my sculpt

Great block out , only thing that I can point out is that you missing some volume here and there and the way you connect scapula and serratus make it look to long
I also painted over some other small things that you might want to add
I will fix this soon !
I stream regularly on twitch, you can following my process and the project
Normally gluteus maximus grow diagonally to and below greater trochanter also same location is occupied by a fat pad so my suggestion is to add more volume below and backward from greater trochanter - lateral from gluteal fold
You have to pick ear design and run with it and probably raise them up a bit
I guess is possible to have such skinny neck but if you take a bunch of females and measure them neck is about ~1/2 of the head height both in front and side view
I think i could share my Marvelous Designer pattern once time it will be finished.
Here is a new update, a lot of refining and detailing.
I also started the gun entirely done with zmodeler
New wip finally
The retopo and the backing are done, let's play with substance painter !
Feel free to feedback and ask for more information on my process
Yes that's true now that you tell me, i think i could have damaging a little bit more the belts. i keep it in mind for my next project.
So let's start with the head, then the body and the blocking, following by a bit of Marvelous designer
Feel free to take a look of my process on twitch !
Here is a new update of my Deamon, i added some detail on the skin and the stuff.
I blocked his stick too.
Next step:
Finish to detail the skin and refine all the metal piece.
Also would love some insight into how you did her hair if you've the time, it came out fantastic.
All the render are done in Marmoset, and edited in adobe premiere.
For the hair, i follow this tuto:
There is a long time, i have not posted anything.
i'm working on a new personal project, that you can follow as usual the process on my twitch.
I wanted to start on a creature, mixte with a God of War stuff. Still a lot of work but now i'm pretty happy with my shapes, i think i need to find something more interesting on the forarms.
Feel free to post every feedbacks you want.
Let me know what you think
Feel free to take a look to my artstation there is some turntable for each armor, and also to take a look on the work of the team !
Here is some of my work did on the game: Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

I was responsible of all 3d aspect of those creatures
More will come soon
you can also see some turntable on my artstation