Working on a Geiger counter, this is yesterday and today's progress. Initial modelling is nearly completed, soon to be UV unwrapped and taken off in to Substance Painter for texturing
Doesn't look bad at all. I like that it's not too complex geometry-wise. Still, a great-looking model... but I mainly wanted to say that don't use PNGs, because they're too heavy on forums. Use JPGs instead.
I did a couple more hours work today, about another 3/4 hours and the model will be ready for UV unwrap and substance. The cage/Low res mesh is sitting around 9k Tri's. I think I could get it down to a little bit less than that but as it's a personal project for a bit of chillaxing I'm gonna push ahead without worrying too much about optimisation. I've got no immediate plan to put it in an engine. Anyway, a few pics.
Work commitments got in the way again so with my day off today I'm finishing this model. I need some advice/critique on the damage/wear on the model. It's dated circa 1980's and is obviously a tool that would see heavy outdoor and industrial use. Too much damage/wear? Not enough? Happy medium? All critique welcome.
I've not yet started to distress the chrome elements.
TY for the kind words also man!
Tonight's progress
Work commitments got in the way again so with my day off today I'm finishing this model. I need some advice/critique on the damage/wear on the model. It's dated circa 1980's and is obviously a tool that would see heavy outdoor and industrial use. Too much damage/wear? Not enough? Happy medium? All critique welcome.
I've not yet started to distress the chrome elements.