Finished! Made a tutorial-thing video; 

Hello! I'm back after a long break from 3D personal work for another installment of what seems to be becoming my annual 3D project venture!
After a lot of frustration with 3D, perhaps partially because I do it as my day job now, I've finally found a project that I feel excited about and want to stick with. Only took 10 months. So.
To begin with I've made myself an early concept to work from, the idea being that it's an abandoned building which someone has transformed into a cosy space... perhaps to create art in... I'm yet to decide, hence the details of what is in the building are currently lacking. I wanted it to be colouful and cute mostly, haha, but I also want the lighting to be very atmospheric- reflecting off lots of surfaces and brightening things up. The plants will probably be very time consuming because I want them to be lush, colourful, and verdant- covering the ground of the diorama (within reason).

I'd really appreciate any critique and opinions on the concept so far. I'm really looking forward to bringing it alive in UE4!
In the mean time, the next stage is for me to create some close-up design sheets for things like the plants, flowers, birds, etc. I think I'll start thinking about what I put inside the building further down the line.

I look forward to hearing your critiques!
If you were planning on making it a creative space I think it would be nice to have a person standing in the ruins and painting. Would be more work of course.
Do you plan to make it a floating island or have it be in a lake or something "realistic"?
Looking forward to seeing the progress on this project
Yes, I have a few plans for the interior such as a still life and easel setup, paint tubes etc. so I'll see how that plays out
As far as the actual 3D diorama goes, it'll pretty much look exactly how it's presented here- a floating island with water and rocks falling off it.
Here is what I have so far;
For the plants I wanted the colours to work well together, and also to have a nice mix of tall - medium - small - ground covering plants for variation and lushness in the scene. Hopefully I can make the scene feel really rich and verdant without being messy and chaotic. We shall see!
I think next I will be onto the more in depth blockout and lighting tests in UE4.
Let me know what you think, crit welcome!
I'm working very slowly as I work full time, but I'm having lots of fun with this project in my spare time. I'd say it's not even remotely 1/4 done yet so who knows when I'll be able to call it finished!
Everything is very much WIP, but I'm trying to get several things up to a part-finished standard before going in and finalising textures in one pass. Then I'll move on to the next section. Firstly I've been working on the ground section. The boat is placeholder right now, as is the tree (duh) and the building.
Let me know what you think, I find critique really helpful!
Really liked your last dioramas, can't wait to see what you will make out of this
@Shyralon Ah thankyou so much
Please excuse the mental bloom on everything, I just noticed...
Done most of the foliage for now. Maybe I'll add some clover, yellow flowers, other bits later but for now most of the textures are up to a standard where I will come back to them later to refine if I feel the need to (rocks and grass I'm looking at you). Things like the gravel bed under the water are very much unfinished. So basically everything needs revisiting.
I've been putting it off for a while but now it's time to work on the boat! Not sure how I'll go about it but I think it'll look pretty cool when it's done and hopefully tie the scene together nicely. I want it to have lots of paint falling off it, cracked and rotting wood, all that good stuff. Hopefully I'll make it work in hand painted textures. I'm not working from a 3D base or AO bakes on this project because I feel like avoiding that stuff after I get home from work. I think smaller scale future projects I'll come back to practicing sculpting though.
After the boat I'll be on to the building or tree!
Let me know if you have any crits, they're very important to me.
Hey! Dropping in with an update on this... blocked out the tree and now I'm going to texture it.
Also started work on the boat and rubble textures, which are WIP. No idea what I'm doing with the stairs, they feel a bit flat and unvaried.
Any advice welcomed!
Tree is now textured with vertex colours to add flower colour variation, tree trunk is not done.
Stairs have vertex colours added too and the ropes blow in the wind all subtle like.
Added falling leaves and sparkle particle effects.
Worked on the boat a bit but still not done, same for things like the gravel and ground grass.
Most importantly I've started work on the building and ivy! They are both very much WIP in terms of colour/texture but I hope to have them done soonish so I can finalise the rest of the textures and then finish the overall scene with things like lighting/maybe some props.
Would appreciate any critique :c
Aw yay thanks!
I really wish you could have let the leaves fall onto the roof and staircase. That is my only critique.
Really Fantastic work. Nice Job!
@Steampoweredman483 Thankssss!
@Ged I did try it against a softer background and I was soooo indecisive! I think it's pretty much 50/50 in my mind but I decided to go for black because it looks a lot more striking/contrasty, but I really liked a light background too. It's very much personal opinion I think but yeah I was losing my mind over that decision haha. Thanks for your input
@franman Yay thanks a lot
@tristamus Aw thankyou, that means a lot. to me. Yes I do agree with you. I couldn't get the particle system to make it work exactly how it was in my mind though (I'm not super skilled at that stuff) so I decided in the end to just have them fade out as they fell. Perhaps I should have made some decals or something though for static leaves that were gathering on the roof...
@Detilium Hey man!! Thankyou!
@JamieMc Thanks Jamie!
@Felixenfeu Thankyou!! I like your website
@Ged Thanks Ged, I'll be back when that time comes for sure!