I notice strange problem I am not sure if I did it wrong but when I add wood material for my desk model,
and my desk got symmetrical UV
it show a noticeable seam line
here some image :

but in substance painter looks fine .

in left substance painter in right DDO
This appears to be related to mirrored UVs. I'm not an expert on this subject, so I've moved this to Technical Talk where this subject has been discussed before. Sorry about the trouble!
ok and thanks,
the thing is not about baking stuff.
it's about adding material like wood and wood got their normal map right.
and as you can see in the image it show these seam.
not like in substance painter which is fine, so I was wondering is there something I need to do in quixel ?
I found out a lot of topics with similar to my problem , its issue from the mirror.
better to avoid it when I have hi reflection, mirror or any flat surface.