Can someone show me a set-up of Quixel textures correctly applied to a v-ray material? So the Albedo, Specular, Gloss, Normal and Bump. I know where most of them go but often get confused because they have different names. So for Instance:
Albedo > Diffuse
Bump > Maps/Standard/Normal Bump/Flip Green (y)
I've seen this question asked a bunch of times, but no clear answer. Anyone care to help?
I've moved this discussion to Technical Talk. You'll have a wider audience for your question here. I unfortunately do not know enough about VRay to advise you, but I believe many people here will.
In Vray spec would be reflection, gloss would be reflection glossiness.
Substance Painter, for instance, uses offline renderer(vray/arnold/etc) presets to convert the metal/rough data to maps that suit the vray material. The key map being fresnel ior. So the preset outputs these maps in order to recreate the shader:
Reflection glossiness
Fresnel ior
Height (bump) -normal and height are combined in the Max normal bump map.
Vray | Quixel
Diffuse Map | Albedo Map
Reflect Map | Specular Map
Refl. Gloss. | Gloss Map
Bump>Normal Bump | Normal
Thanks for the replies guys!
Oh and I forgot to add that I eported several masks from Quixel as I needed ot add dirt and other things .
This is what I got exported from DDO
I also exported sometimes masks of the painted metal to get the scratches etc to reproduce out of Quixel .
But indeed I did not get the same results anyway .
Oh I also used curvature, but I had to manually fix it in PS too because it created black dots all time .
I have to manually make spec and gloss maps myself which defeats the point. I'm not exactly sure whats going on. I 'm creating them as a Vray (srgb) but the only usable maps are normal and albedo.
I exported textures from QuxelSuite 2.0 with the Gloss-Spec settings and didn't modify them to use in 3ds Max 2016 Vray 3.4. The lighting is slightly different because I don't know what lighting setup is in 3DO but I used the same HDR map for the lighting. I think that it is pretty close approach. If someone wants to check the material settings and 3ds max scene setup I have these files in my Dropbox folder (31 Mb).