I have decided to recreate the analog control panels that appear frequently in science fiction. They seem iconic to the genre and I thought it would be a fun direction to go.

This was my original concept, just to test it out. It was quite sloppy and scarce to begin with, as expected. After making sure it would go as planned, I scaled everything to a more reasonable size and began to pack in the details.

This is its current state. I've got a ways to go still. Right now I'm doing a lot of guess-and-check adjustments and repositioning. The back needs work, but it'll get there soon enough.
Made a mess of the buttons for the moment, but adjusted the background color for some added contrast. I'll most likely keep the lighter color.
More guess and check. Seeing what works and what doesn't. I tried adding some colored objects on the front half, but that doesn't seem to fit.
Time for a bit of spring cleaning. After getting some feedback, I went back to the darker background, cleaned up some clutter, and fixed the alignment.
Lines have finally matched up! There are just a few more elements I want to work with, but I think it's just about there.