Hi guys this is something I made a few weeks ago.
It was inspired by the San Francisco Wharf area and Ids Rage.
Its pretty much finished but I have some optimizing and minor tweaks left.
Im thinking of using it in my portfolio so all suggestions are welcomed

Great work on the mood, really nice texturework as well. I would suggest that you stay away from completely black shadows. Other than than , good work!
2nd shot reminds me of the old iso Fallout games.
If you're putting it in your portfolio be sure to show a wireframe or triangle count as well as some mapping.
I agree with all of you the boat is way to small compared to the house
Ill scale It up, and post a wireframe version and textures as well
Boat size could be a little bigger...Look at the door for the house compared to the door for the boat cabin.
Maybe it's just me but the lightmaps seems a bit low or needs adjustment on the second pic on the side of boat.
Looking great !
The blown out texture on the wall is because of the bright sunlight.
I was going for a "mid day in the desert" type of feel. But I agree it looks a bit too much
Ill soon post the new version and wireframe etc
Also, the door on the house is too narrow. Doors tend to have a standard size and straying from that doesn't look right.
I fixed the boat size, the overexposed sun and the low-res shadows.
Im trying to get the shadows to appear less dark without loosing the over all contrast.
But no luck so far
Ill start working on the door and the boat textures as soon as I get the time but ill be sure to keep you uppdated
This is my first attempt to make something in udk so bare with me
Also if someones interested
Tri count: around 25 k
Texture size: 3X 1024*1024
Time making: around three weeks
and once again thanks everyone for the help!. Its easy to get snow-blind
Looks good over all, I like the changes you made.
If I had to suggest anything aesthetically I'd say the scene dropping off from a flat plane and the uniform humps in the ground could use some changes.
Nice work.
Mind sharing your workflow/breakdown?
Well first of all I want to apologize for the late reply!
Ive been really busy finishing a game project in school and various other work for my portfolio.
Here's a quick update I inverted the green chanel and fixed some minor stuff.
The sunlight in this one is a bit booring
Ill post a final uppdate later on but at the moment I have to focus on my other works.
Check out http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94949
If youre interested
Thanks everyone for the help It has been really helpfull!
wow thanks that helped alot and I got rid of some wierd problems
Thanks man thats kinda what I was going for
Well my workflow on this one was pretty straight forward. Nothing fancy really just basic modeling/texturing
I started of by collecting a ****load of referance/inspiration images.
I usually start of by blocking out the scene to get a good view of how things might look.
(This is probably where the scale of the boat got screwed up)
The scene wasn't first ment to be in udk but I then deicided to try it out since udk is capable
of some pretty exiting things.
The modeling part was pretty easy. And the texturing too. Like I said nothing fancy.
I tried out different PP settings and various colorgradings before I deicided to go with this one.
At first I was going more for a rage type of look. But I deicided to tone it down a notch.
This has really been like a big "try cool things in udk" project for me.
Since i didnt have any experience prior to this. This project has been really helpfull for me.
I hope I answered your question about the workflow.
Please tell me if you want more detailed breakdown!
Once again I apologize for the late reply!