Hi Everyone! My name is Oliver Farrell and i am a game design masters student studying at Uclan. My main focus is environment art and I am aiming to create Blizzard styled props and environments.
I created this thread to basicly get some feedback and show my progress, i hope you guys like it!
So firstly to familiarise myself with the Blizzard style I followed a tutorial on 3Dmotive created by Tyson Murphy. The tutorial is great and goes into detail on his techniques and processes on creating a lowpoly hand painted sword and sheild.
I have followed this tutorial the best i could and bellow is my progress:
Im sorry I am a complete Noob at this, do you know how to post Images from PC?
Upload them, click the picture and copy the URL to the mesasge box and press the image button with it highlighted.
Sometimes massively
/Just sayin
2) Copy the link they provide with the [img][/img] tags.
3) Past it here.
Does anyone else agree with this? I might believe you MadnessImport, but sometimes you 'just sayin' some crazy things xD
I can see the sword and shield. Looking good so far...
I would recommend for wireframe shots to just screen grab them as gray object with white lines. Or some combo that's easier to see.
I see the uvwed sword and shield, looks good so far.
I guess i must watch what i say from now on thus i become another buy who cried wolf then huh
Never copy the link directly from the address bar.
Unless it ends with an image file extension
Thats usually how i find someone adding images incorrectly
Agreed. All that shot really shows is the wireframe anyway.
Do what fatty says to show of wireframe of model. To show of uv mapping better to just put a checker board on there, that's shows you the amount of stretching you'll have so a much better indicator of how well done the unwrap is.
Seeing forward to textures
The initial shading on the sword.
Working in the form.
Applying rust and completing tonal value on blade.
Adding in Scratches.
More kinks and fine details.
More shine added to the blade, sharpening of details.
Top part of Blade painted.
Gold studs painted onto sword.
Top section of sword handle painted.
Close up of top section handle, adding details.
Finished sword.
Initial work on shield.
Working in the wood texture.
Nearly done, Shield needs lighting information to be fixed.
Finished! Happy with the exercise I can't wait to make my own props now!
A quick comparison of the textures at 1024 and 256.
Texture map.
Finished render 1.
Finished render 2.
This exercise helped make me more confident in my hand painted texturing ability, I would suggest anyone who wants to improve to take a look at the tutorial.
I am now going to design and model a weapon and shield of my own, after this I will move onto more environment based props, I will keep posting daily!
Have you have experience doing hand painted stuff before?
Thanks, ye i know i was itching to do that, Im working on my own Weapon and Shield now so hopefully you will get to see my personal touches! Stay tuned!
Thank you Jimmy! I came from a fine art background and haven't really used it in my texture work, I mainly used Photo Manipulation, but now I am going to continue with this style of work, i will post more stuff as soon as I have it.
Thank you so much MadnessImport, I will have more stuff up soon!
you shouldnt follow directly any tutorial imo.
nobody ever does exactly from point a to point b anything. we all have different styles.. u cant copy one without making it it ur own ?
Until i saw his last post that made me glad. Doing a tutorial 100% and then mooving on to create something of his own using the techniques tought in the lessons, way to go! Looking foreward to it.
Look forward to seeing your own weaponary done like your concept above, you could make a little black/weaponsmith environment.
Hay thanks for the reply, well im new on here, it was my first post. I guess I wanted to show this becuase I wanted to gather some interest before I start posting my own work.
The position I am applying for classes weapons, props and environments under the role of environment artist so I need to show I can do this as well as the rest. Dont worry I will post Environment stuff over the next few weeks.
Thanks for the comment Robby, the reason I chose to follow it exactly was becuase I learn best that way, I guess it comes down too personal opinion. The style I am trying to replicate and explore is that of Blizzard. The style I copied is that of the Blizzard games and Is necessary for me to adapt too. Of course I will develop my own techniques but aesthetically It has to replicate there unique stlyle.
Will start on the Sheild soon.
I am not sure what the material is on the part of the axe that adjoins the blades and the hilt. I think its metal? Could also be mistaken as wood... at any rate, I feel like it competes too much with the leather wrappings on the handle. One of these colors should change, and personally I think it should be the handle... the handle could be something completely different (purple?) and the adjoining part for the blades could be more of a rusty metal.
I watched this tutorial myself during an afternoon, great to see you take it to the next level
Hay Limewax, thanks for the advice, I completely agree with you about all you said and am greatful full your advice. Here is a comparison of the two concepts, let me know what you think.
Thanks man! I would heighly remcomend watching the tutorial, it definetly helped me out!
New version Stands out, better relationship betweek axe and handle. More visually interesting.
I am pritty happy with the outcome, i structured my work flow symilarly to that of the tutorial when it came to texturing:
1- Work in Tonal Value ( Direction of light. )
2- Dark Detail ( Scratches, kinks and textural definition. )
3- Light Detail ( Highliting the scratches, kinks and textural definition. )
4- Bounce light.
Textures still read well at 256.
Texture map at 1024x1024.
Finished render.
The texture also lacks contrast. It feels very soft and flat. I would make the highlights brighter and the shadows darker.
The gold needs brighter highlights.
Additional color (and saturation) variation in the blue metal would help it read better too.
Great job of following the Tyler's 3dmotive tutorial to a T. I would try to push your work with your environment piece in your own style though.