Oh hai Polycount!

I now feel confident enough to really start up this project.
Nothing is set in stone at the moment and we'll probably need more people once the project has taken off but at the moment we're looking for three skilled artists with a good grasp of aesthetics and quality.
You can either reach me via pm or add me on skype (kalle.wrangback)
Positions available:
- Texture/material Artist - Submit earlier work.
- Concept Artist - Submit earlier work.
Filled positions:
- Environment & Prop Artist
- Level & Environment Artist
The plan is to have it so that every member of the team is able to contribute to the project in a unique way and thus being an essential element.
The whole idea of the project is to evolve as artists and also pull out some awesome game art to sprinkle on our portfolios/demo reels.
I am currently working on some random foliage for the project:

And some other stuff I've been doing(some old and some new):

Also some title thingy I did yesterday:
We have lots of fun ahead! :thumbup:
Don't be afraid to contact me about anything regarding the project:)
One person might be interested in the level artist position.
I will post on other forums as well. The more applying the merrier
I've also started rigging a cage fight for people applying :thumbup:
Nah, seriously the whole aim with the project is to give us people who want to make it in to the gaming industry a chance...
That doesn't however mean that I exclude people who already work within the industry. Everyone can apply and I hope we'll have a blast pushing the boundaries of awesome :poly142:
Goal 2: Add the last details...:\
The reason to why I aimed for a small team was more or less because I wanted to restrict it. We do aim to do a remake of the exteriors of Balmora, but we have some short term goals to reach before we might even show stuff to the public.
I'm happy for all of the good lucks but I rather see someone fill the Texture/material Artist position
I'm really looking forward to this, and I wish I could help! Too bad now of these positions fit my skillset. Oh well, haha.
Yeah, the thing is that since this is such a large project it felt like the best decision to have one person in control and supervising all the textures and making sure that the quality is coherent, making tweaks that will gain the overall environment, adding details the environment artists hasn't thought about or had the time to implement. Detail normal maps, and a lot of other tweaks that will help the visuals of the project. We could just call him Material Artist but since he must have a firm grasp of texturing and creating it felt goofy to leave that out
He will of course not make all the textures for the environment, but he will supervise the production of all of them and also in the end be responsible for the consistency and that all materials fit nicely in the environment.
But we'll have to see how everything works out now in the beginning and if things doesn't work we'll probably be able to locate the source of the problem quite early one. We aim for a strong core where everyone has a specific part in the making of the project.
And there is certainly people who's main objective is to create textures and materials in the industry. Even if there title isn't there is certainly people who have been allocated to only do textures or materials. I could name a couple of people who does it for a job.
Kind of a long post with no pictures but since I've already chosen this path I might as well just keep on going. The Level Artist position has been filled, he's extremely talented and I'm eager to start working with him.
We still need to fill the other positions and if you're interested don't have any hesitations to contact me :thumbup:.
I'm still working on foliage at the moment. And there's a lot of it that needs to be done.. :poly136: We as a team will start looking at the landscape and since I already have a somewhat accurate height map I think we'll be able to concentrate on tweaking and thinking about some things to incorporate into the design and shi.
The hell are you talking about? There are tons of studios that have people dedicated to textures/shaders.
Also, Nocty, I totally understand. Just wanted to make sure it was thought-out. And it was, very. So, carry on, I can't wait to see some more work!
What is the deal with the oil rig and the rifle?
More importantly, what is the purpose of the project? How will this project be put to use? Or will it be used simply for pretty pictures?
PS: I fucking love Morrowind! Modding Morrowind is responsible for getting me interested in game art.
Same here! Remember the Tomb of St. Nerevar? I made that for the armor resource. It was my first popular mod.
samples of my work www.samuel-gonzalez.com and http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80002
Would be moore intresting to see entire enviorments than just some of the details. Just sayin
I was thinking to get it back in New Skyrim Creation Engine ...
But we do have some blockouts, mainly rough proportions and nothing that we feel the need to show. Making environments from the ground takes time and requires a team, at least if you aim for quality. I should probably have stated that pictures above mostly were to show of the direction and quality of the project and me as an artist. I don't want to make people expect to join a AAA game or have any other high expectations of the project. We are simply two humble and open minded guys that love to make art.
We are certainly not stating that we are the game artists equivalence of an corvette, even though we probably have the potential and certainly ambition of becoming.
The aim of the project is mostly just creating great game art atm. But the more people that hear of it the better. We would love to take a shot converting it for the creation engine once it's out. But time will tell. We don't want to say to much since the main priority is to create great art, not split an atom
We foremost want to get a greater body of work before we can start discuss stuff of that nature.
I know that this is kind of a leap of faith for many people since this is so new and in many ways this definitely is a leap of faith. I wish I could write more but we are busy having a discussion on skype, and sharing ref in our dropbox folder.
We have high hope and I expect to do some awesome updates very soon.
But we still do need a texture artist! We want to be able to somewhat concentrate on doing the landscape atm and the sooner we can get a better picture of the feel and the environment as a whole, the better.
We will also need concept artist(s)... Spread it around..
the only way indie projects like this will last is with a strong *and* productive leader.
there are plenty of artists on this board who could fill any position you need but im betting most dont step up due the trepedation of the foundation that they see. namely they just need to see more. if i were you i would spam even blockouts, and also atleast start on new assets and spam those in this thread right now. that way this thread will atleast stay alive long enough for you to hopefully get exactly the help you want.
good luck though, projects like this are always harder then you think!
But I'm all better now!
We have a steady progression on the project! Most recently we've taken care of some scaling issues. Besides that we've mostly started adding some vital geometry. The layout is 100% done and everything that we model should now fit right into place
This might not seem that big but it's definitely a extremely important part that will eliminate allot of problems later down the road. I've started adding some geometry that is easy to instance(bridges and stairs) while Samuel has done some modular house parts.
Next off now is probably for me to start tweaking the landmass a bit more intensively, also getting the walls on each side into udk, so we can get a bit better perspective and locate scaling problems from ref better. Some wip rocks and what not.
The house & bridges should be corresponding to the landmass in terms of scale on the x&y however we are still working on the height. This works for now though. We will probably scale the landmass a bit once we get a better picture of it all. I think the walls will add a lot of perspective.
The communication is going awesomely within the project and I think that we've really nailed down a good system for it, and even though were just two people atm it feels like it wont be that much of a problem to scale up the team. We will however be a bit careful since we don't want it to get out of hand.
EDIT: Everything that you see is wip. But we would still like all crit we can get.
We did try floppy disks and then use my cat as a courier but that didn't work out that good...
From the project log:
2/18 2011
- Tweaked the landmass
- landmass no more dynamic shadows while developing
- Doing the walls
- Added support edge for the river
- Added southern lower wall
- Added new double sided support column(support_column01)
I will start fixing some environment props like stones and maybe trees. Just something to instance around. Will probably fix the other pieces of walls first.
Since no one has stepped up to the plate for material artist I'll might have to do the landmass mats and start paint that on... Need to tweak the landmass flow some more but think it'll be easier doing that later.
Give us all that hard crit that you usually do.. We still need every listed position. Really need a good concept artist atm. We have some alterations that we want to make to the original environment.
Tested out some new techniques. Tried to broaden my spectrum. Took a lot more time than I'd plan but next try will go a lot faster since I won't fall in all those traps. We have texture week. Don't really feel like writting something long.
Still looking for Texture/Material artist but I guess we can survive. We have a lot of work on our four foots. I've done some concepting and I guess it's passable.
Samuel is currently working really hard for GDC and I'm working on portfolio/Demo Reel. I also have this nagging lod and fbx problem on my hand..