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video card help/nvidia 400 series issues?

polycounter lvl 19
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SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
Hey guys
My 8800gts finally blew out today :(
I'm looking to get a new video card fast, for about $200.

I'm looking at this nvidia gtx 460 1gb right now for $190

I see a bunch of these evga 460's though and I don't really get the differences between them. Anyone know what the deal is with that?

Do you guys think this is a good card for my money?



  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I always check sites like Toms Hardware for that kind of stuff.

    They have an article specifically about the GTX460 from last week:
    EVGA GeForce GTX 460 FTW

    And also, their best card for the money lists are good:
    Best Graphics Card for the Money: December

    I think the GTX460 is a great card though, just personally. Good price too.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    For $200 I suggest the GTX 460 for sure! MSI has a great card, and so does EVGA.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    GTX 460 for that price range. Also the difference between the different SKU's for evga is that some are stock while others are factory overclocked.
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks for the help guys!
  • fullofclovers
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    fullofclovers polygon
    I got the MSI GTX460 Hawk Talon Attack for Christmas and am loving it's performance. Great card for your money.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    I would advise ANYONE who is considering buying a 400 series card for anything but
    gaming to avoid it.
    Nvidia crippled their entire 400 series of cards to such an extent that cards two generations
    old routinely outperform their contemporaries when it comes to viewport performance.

    I was going to buy a 460 myself, but luckily I saw this before it was taken off:

    Then I searched around the net and found many people having similar problems, with
    absolutely no acknowledgement from Nvidia(Support rep is hardly an official spokesperson).

    I would love though for someone to come forth and show that their viewport performance is stellar.
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    aw dude I hope you're wrong about that. I just ordered one :\
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I've heard of that problem before. I got two questions about that.

    First is it any and all OpenGL apps? If so, then that sucks, but I guess not that big a deal since most stuff is DX anyway. Which makes me further wonder:

    Second, in 3dsmax, if you set the viewport to D3D, which is what I use usually, does it still have that problem?

    Basically, are those cards crippled on purpose for 3D CG apps, or is it just their OpenGL that's borked?
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    SideEffect man I feel your pain, I am totally at a loss as to which card to buy now...

    Bigjohn from what I've read it affect your viewport performance even if its set to
    I've seen posts about problems in many 3D apps, from Max to Maya to it affecting Blender.

    Who knows, maybe they crippled it so that people would get Quadros, maybe
    its their new architecture thats the problem.
    Have a look here:
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    ugh well thanks for the heads up man. Just wish it was a bit sooner :(
    I guess I'll be the guinea pig though haha. I'll let you know firsthand if I have problems.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks a lot man! I am really sorry it worked out that way though:(
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Curious if and how this issue affects zBrush.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Sideeffect: if I read the hours right it's been just a few since u've ordered. Cancel it? It won't be until tomorrow, at least, that they ship it. And then, of course, u can always return it for a full refund.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    I doubt it will have any effect on it. I am using a VERY lame replacement for my deceased 8800 and zbrush runs just the same as it ran with the 8800.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    Hey guys,
    I am on the lookout for a new video card after my ageing 8800 finally bit the dust(Literally it appears), so now I am searching for something worthy to purchase
    and fill that empty PCIe slot that's been gathering dust in the meantime.

    As an Nvidia devotee I figured I'd look up their latest models and get something
    that fit more or less into my price range, immediately I noticed that the GTX 460
    was moderately priced and a fairly competative performance card. I was overjoyed
    since I figured my search was over after only fifteen minutes or so of
    searching(Minus the coffee...). Then, before I was to make my joyful purchase I stumbled upon this:

    Which to put into words crushed my Nvidia bubble and essentially left me
    wondering on for another suitable video card.
    So, my question boils down to this, should I get an ATI card(HD 5xxxx or 6xxxx), or
    buy a pricey 200 series Nvidia card(Say 270)?

    I am a bit hesitant to get an ATI card mainly due to two reasons, one being they
    are less developer friendly(Nvidia has CUDA and PhysX), have a pretty lousy
    track record as far as drivers and 3D app performance.

    I really would appreciate any input on this, and if any of you own a 400 series
    card, I would love to hear your experiences regarding viewport performance.

    Thanks a bunch!
  • EarthQuake
    merged threads, no need for two threads to discuss the same topic
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    wrong site,wrong forums.

    I dont see a question or anything to respond too?

    Polycount is a very reasonable place to talk about video cards, computer hardware threads often pop up in GD and tech talk, either of which are fine.

    Which to put into words crushed my Nvidia bubble and essentially left me
    wondering on for another suitable video card.
    So, my question boils down to this, should I get an ATI card(HD 5xxxx or 6xxxx), or
    buy a pricey 200 series Nvidia card(Say 270)?
    So, not really sure what you're getting at about not asking a question?
  • Ben Apuna
    Modo is a Open GL 3D app and according to this thread people are getting amazing sculpting performance with higher end GeForce 4 and 5 series cards as opposed to abysmal performance with various ATI cards.

    One person does mention that he can not get the "High Quality" viewport mode in Maya working with his GeForce 570.

    From what I've seen over the years Maya has always been the most finicky 3D software when it comes to graphics cards and drivers. So I suppose if you are a Maya user you'd best complain to Autodesk to get their act together.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Don't buy an ATI/AMD videocard for 3d work. I have a 5770 in my game pc, and in modo i have selection lags all the way (it's horrible!, and i'm always with hot fixes for the catalysts drivers), and very very very bad perfomance compared to the gtx285 of my brother.

    So, if you want a gamer card for some 3d work, don't consider to buy an ATI, that's my recommendation.

    BTW, Zbrush does not depend of the GPU.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Hm...I have a gtx480 in my pc at work and I havent noticed any viewport problems in 3dsmax.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, I hate to sound like an Nvidia fanboy, but every. single. ati card I've purchased has been a terrible experience. Crap drivers, hardware that fails early, etc. Nvidia, like Wacom, has won my loyalty by simply making the best product and the competition has completely failed to truly compete, IMO. Sure, they make some cards that are apparently comparably fast, and I'm sure there are folks on both sides with horror stories, but my completely subjective experience puts Nvidia chipsets ahead by a mile.

    I use a Quadro CX in my home machine and I think a Quadro 460? in my work machine. Both have been great, as were the multiple nvidia cards I used before them.
  • XenoKratios
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    The issue with the 400 series is a problem with 2 sided lighting and only effects opengl viewport rendering.
    I made a post about it on the another 400 series issue thread a while back
    Hey guys,
    I just thought i would update everyone with my recent support chat about the performance drop in viewport opengl with the 400 series gefore cards

    Apparently its a problem with 2 sided lighting and its not present on the Quadro based cards, only the 400 series Geforce family.

    Here is a snippet of the chat.

    Support: so some bad news, i just went through some reported issues in our database and it looks like the low performance for apps such as Blender, Cinema 4D and Maya all have the same issues due to it being a hardware issue on the card itself, and something to do with 2 sided lighting

    Andy Davies: ahh
    Andy Davies: is there anything to be done?

    Support: so if they are able to find a way to resolve this on a driver side which im not sure if they will or not, so for now there isnt a way to resolve this, unless you were to use a Quadro based graphics card

    Andy Davies: hmm
    Andy Davies: isnt quadro the same architecture?
    Andy Davies: just with better drivers etc.

    Support: it is yes, but for some reason it doesn't have this same hardware limitation that the 400 series card has, not sure why specifically, its a little over my head

    Andy Davies: ah ok
    Andy Davies: so i just wait for a driver update then?

    Support: this is only present on our Fermi 400 series cards and was not present on previous series cards too
    Support: Pretty much all i can suggest, that or use a different card in the mean time

    Andy Davies:
    is it present on the 500 series?

    Support: I didn't see anything mentioning the 500 series in our DB but i can only assume it is since based off of the same reference design as far as i know
    Support: since blender is an open source application it is something that could be addressed on their side to from what i read

    Andy Davies: do you have anything that i could have that explains the issue on a more technical basis?
    Andy Davies: problem with 2 sided lighting isnt very clear for a dev.

    Support: all i can find is references to 2 sided lighting nothing as to way this is the problem technically or specifically

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be causing the issue with 2 sided lighting?

    Hope that helps :)
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    That being the case, it sounds like a very trivial issue.

    zBrush doesn't do OpenGL (not sure if it even uses the GPU at all), 3dsmax's viewport supports OpenGL, but I think most people just use D3D. Games are all DX as well.

    So when does that issue come into play?
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    A few questions:

    Is Tiger Direct as respectable and safe to purchase from as newegg?

    I've looked at the 200 series, and they are significantly slower in almost every aspect except for the core-clock. So, is a 400 card still okay to buy for 3d apps when ATI is out of the question (I've had bad experiences too, and all the reading I've done looks very bad for ATI) and 500s very likely could have the same problems as the 400 (but are just more expensive)?

    I ask this because I'm considering the card XenoKratios had mentioned (the 465). Please let me know ASAP, I haven't got much time left! :(
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter

    The more I look the worse things are looking for 400 series...even the older 8000 and 9000 series run 4-6x more polygons than a way newer card such as the 470 or 480...what about a newer 500 series? Anything on that or how the 200 series does?

    I really don't want to pay $1-5k for a Quadro. :( More like way less.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Generally, i think its an issue with any application that is cross platform (apart from ZB), so apps like Maya, Modo, Silo, C4D and Blender really....though i think Maya had D3D support now, doesnt it?
  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    I just got an MSI 460 1gb as it was cheap and my budget atm is low. I have noticed an improvement in Maya ( over a 8800 ), in Maya 2011 it seems better than 2009.. so will try it out a little harder to see if I find any problems. Seems to be ok though, the OpenGL issue mentioned earlier is a worry though.... :/
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    BigErn: How's the 460 doing in regards to viewport polycount for you? Apparently there's been talk that it can barely handle a few thousand polies, and yet a 200 series can take 2 million with no lag.

    I guess no one really has a definitive answer.
    So, is it wise to make the switch to ATI?
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    Makkon wrote: »
    The more I look the worse things are looking for 400 series...even the older 8000 and 9000 series run 4-6x more polygons than a way newer card such as the 470 or 480...

    :poly122: I just ordered a GTX470 as my 8800GT died sometime ago... I don't want ATI (never liked it, also drivers and games support)

    care to elaborate more on these 400 series problem? how bad are they? :(
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Cant Maya and Max users just switch to the DX viewport rendering?
    That would stop the problem :)
  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    Makkon wrote: »
    BigErn: How's the 460 doing in regards to viewport polycount for you? Apparently there's been talk that it can barely handle a few thousand polies, and yet a 200 series can take 2 million with no lag.

    I guess no one really has a definitive answer.
    So, is it wise to make the switch to ATI?

    Hey Makkon,

    I have chucked about 2.5million polys into Maya 2011 and its ok, I guess its quicker than the 8800 but its prolly not a whole lot quicker. See the problem is I have never used, or even seen a Quadro or something 'high end' in action, so dont really know how good it gets. As for ATI, I`m not sure I would personally make the switch, seems to be a lot of Nvidia goodness to change, but maybe this range of cards does have a problem in 3d Apps, I`ll need to play more to find out, but it would be very annoying as its the exact thing I bought the thing for!! :poly118:
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    So if the 400 and 500 series will have problems with OGL and D3D, therefore making using Maya awful no matter what... that's not good.

    An older 8800 is good with Maya still, it can apparently handle 5-10 million polygons just fine. How's the 200 series? It seems the problems didn't start until the 400s.

    The 400 and 500 series are really just good for gaming...

    Could I, for example, theoretically SLI an 8800 and a 470 in one rig, therefore taking care of the viewport, etc. issues (8800) and still be able to play amazing games (470)?

    I'd really like to know. :)
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    @ Makkon - "In an SLI configuration, cards can be of mixed manufacturers, card model names, BIOS revisions or clock speeds. However, they must be of the same GPU series (e.g. 8600, 8800) and GPU model name (e.g. GT, GTS, GTX)."
    From SLI's wiki article.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Im not sure why people are getting issues with DX tbh.
    I dont see how Nvidia could cripple only certain applications and not everything in one go (games included).

    The problem is rendering double sided lighting in opengl and if i turn off double sided in Blender the viewport speeds up an is super fast...if they were crippling applications surly they would use a more ingenious method to do this?
    Im still hoping for a driver update to fix this though...Nvidia must realise that game studios are not going to buy Quadro cards when the target platform is consumer based GPUs.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Pdude2K7 wrote: »
    @ Makkon - "In an SLI configuration, cards can be of mixed manufacturers, card model names, BIOS revisions or clock speeds. However, they must be of the same GPU series (e.g. 8600, 8800) and GPU model name (e.g. GT, GTS, GTX)."
    From SLI's wiki article.

    Not true. My mate has a GTX 400 line (Not sure which) but uses my old 8800GT as his extra card, which handles shit like physics etc perfectly.
  • Pdude2K7
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    Pdude2K7 polycounter lvl 16
    Reading about the problem on OpenGL forums seems to indicate something other than
    two sided lighting, they've got a benchmark that might be useful and informing to run.
    Check references for this section:

    @odium - That seems to contradict what's written in the literature, unless the core of
    the 400 line is very similar to the 8800, could you elaborate on how he has it set up?
    Since it doesn't seem to fit what's written here:
    "There are rare exceptions for "mixed SLI" configurations on some cards that only have a matching core codename (e.g. G70, G73, G80, etc.), but this is otherwise not possible, and only happens when two matched cards differ only very slightly, an example being a differing amount of video memory, stream processors, or clockspeed. In this case, the slower/lesser card becomes dominant, and the other card matches. Another exception is the GTS 250, which can SLI with the 9800 GTX+, as the GTS 250 GPU is a rebadged 9800 GTX+ GPU."

    Also if he does run it like that somehow then it still kinda sucks:
    "In cases where two cards are not identical, the fastest card – or the card with more memory - will run at the speed of the slower card or disable its additional memory. (Note that while the FAQ still claims different memory size support, the support has been removed since revision 100.xx of NVIDIA's Forceware driver suite."
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Pdude2K7 wrote: »
    Reading about the problem on OpenGL forums seems to indicate something other than
    two sided lighting, they've got a benchmark that might be useful and informing to run.
    Check references for this section:

    Yea, im just passing on what the Nvidia tech support have told me :)
    I quoted all the articles on the wiki page in my initial support request to Nvidia.

    I spoke to them today and the support guys said

    Unfortunately there is not word on a fix for this issue at this time, if one does become available in a future patch you will have to keep an eye on the patch notes to see if anything regarding this was addressed.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    Not true. My mate has a GTX 400 line (Not sure which) but uses my old 8800GT as his extra card, which handles shit like physics etc perfectly.

    That's a whole different animal. You can hook up an Nvidia card (even a 9600) to be exclusively a PhysX card. That's not SLI though, that's just a dedicated PhysX card, which gives quite a significant performance boost for games using PhysX.

    A common thing today is to get a 3-way SLI motherboard, hook up two identical cards in SLI, then a third cheaper one in the third slot just for PhysX.

    None of this has to do with 3dsmax though.
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    I installed the GTX470, and tried loading a scene with over 200 millions triangles (baking stuff) and it couldn't handle it (very low fps) :( running on 260.99 drivers, anyone knows any solution? My 8800GT could handle that scene (not perfectly, but i think i was able to move stuff around) :(
  • yeman
    JostVice wrote: »
    I installed the GTX470, and tried loading a scene with over 200 millions triangles (baking stuff) and it couldn't handle it (very low fps) :( running on 260.99 drivers, anyone knows any solution? My 8800GT could handle that scene (not perfectly, but i think i was able to move stuff around) :(

    Are you in Maya? Try turning two sided lighting off and backface culling on, see if that helps~:poly121:
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    Wish I had read this a week ago now I'm sitting here hating life. Don't buy this card, viewports are broken in maya, 3d coat works in dx mode but not opengl.
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    3d max 2010 user, sorry. under 64 bits win 7, if that matters. my condolences to maya users :(
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    So there is a way to fix this issue. Openngl is working like a champ now for me in 3dcoat. People using maya will also have to get the hotfix 3 or service pack 1 as it fixes some issues with opengl.

    Anyways, check out this thread over at cgtalk, it will explain everything.

  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    Ok so finally the service pack 1 version has finished d/ling and with the quadro driver fix, maya works perfectly. I still need to install max and test it but I'm sure it will fix issues in that as well. Seeing as now 3d coat and maya are working for me.
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    Just a thought, but might help some people here. I had a bit of trouble after updating my driver to the current WHQL driver 260.99. I had some trouble in both OpenGL and DirectX apps and games, with frequent stuttering, framerate drops etc. After a while I figured out that the driver somehow limited the memory clock to about half speed. I used MSI Afterburner (essentially a RivaTuner derivative) to fix the memory clock, had no trouble since, running at 2560x1600@60Hz with 300-400fps with about 16 million polys (untextured)
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Rapante wrote: »
    Just a thought, but might help some people here. I had a bit of trouble after updating my driver to the current WHQL driver 260.99. I had some trouble in both OpenGL and DirectX apps and games, with frequent stuttering, framerate drops etc. After a while I figured out that the driver somehow limited the memory clock to about half speed. I used MSI Afterburner (essentially a RivaTuner derivative) to fix the memory clock, had no trouble since, running at 2560x1600@60Hz with 300-400fps with about 16 million polys (untextured)
    This is very interesting!
    How did you figure out that the memory clock dropped?
    I have been running Blender with 16 million polys but Afterburnder doesn't register a memory clock drop.
    Currently im getting 4fps on my 460gtx with the latest Beta drivers :/
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    checked it with a few tools, including afterburner, and the "performance" plugin for the nvidia control panel stated weird ass speeds for all the components, core was set to 903 minimum (didn't even let me set the standard 725mhz my card is running with) and both shader and memory clocks were similarly out of place/context.

    now I am running the 266.35 and it's without any hick-ups so far
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    This is very interesting!
    How did you figure out that the memory clock dropped?
    I have been running Blender with 16 million polys but Afterburnder doesn't register a memory clock drop.
    Currently im getting 4fps on my 460gtx with the latest Beta drivers :/

    The beta drivers didn't work for me either, you should give the quadro drivers a shot. I have the same card, same issue, quadro drivers fixed it. For the most part, I still feel it should be faster but it's definitely an improvement.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Yea i may just give this a try :)

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