Let's face it. There's polycounters all over the world and odds are that a polycounter at one time or another will visit another polycounters country/city/etc. Thus I've made this thread so we can share some wisdom with each other.
I'm currently in London and I will be here for a few months (lot's of time to see stuff in other words).
I went to a natural museum today that was kinda lame... Then i went to a second museum close by that i THINK is called V&S and it rocked so hard I have to go back.
So. Got any must see London-things on the list guys?

I'm not much for the bigger attractions like Buckingham palace, or big ben... or in comparison the wall in china or the white house. You usually already know how it looks from all the millions of movies and gazillion tourists that have been there before.
I prefer museums and just roaming around in the cities to be honest. Being an everyday "pretend"-londoner mixed in with some rare sights.
EDIT: I think i'm gonna put some time into seeing if it's possible to check out the catacombs and stuff

Didn't know about the Duck tours though. Seems more like a thing my girlfriend might like when she visits
Oh Camden Market is pretty sweet in London too.
Well I live in Edinburgh so the castle is always a good start
im thinkin of doing this tour http://ca.contiki.com/tours/85-grand-explorer then doing my own thing for a week and possibly another, shorter, tour
Something I notice you don't have on your itinerary is a trip to Napier which is definitely worthwhile. It was completely flattened by an earthquake back in 1930 and then rebuilt entirely in Art Deco style. It's supposed to be one of the worlds best preserved art deco cities, alongside one other city in the US.
When you're in Wellington, you might like to head out to the Weta Cave - a museum and store attached to the Weta film studio. It's pretty small, but they've got a bunch of props and maquettes and things from various movies there along with a video tour of the studio. The guys working there are great to chat with too.
Those are the two that come to mind at the moment. There's loads to see in New Zealand, but it looks like your tour is going to cover a lot of it, albeit way to quickly to really experience much, IMO.
The British Museum is also very recommended.
What's also really cool (especially since you're an env guy Wahlgren), St. Paul's cathedral. One of the most beautiful churches ever. Make sure to climb up all the way to the dome so you can look down to the inside (then climb some more) and look down at the outside.
I heard you can also get a guided tour thru some old war time tunnels of the tube - I never got around doing that, but it sounds interesting.
If anyone cares, I can give travel trips for Oslo, Austria, Beijing, Shanghai, South Florida, little bit of London
LoTekK: Singapore...I might visit eventually. When it's not sooo hot
I'll be in singapore before the end of the month.. go there quite regularl and know all the nice places to go.. and no I dont mean geylang.. =.=
Seconded. I was there on Thursday for the Renaissance drawings exhibition, and being inches away from so many genuine Da Vinci and Michelangelo sketches was an incredible experience. I was also blown away by what I can assume is one of the earliest wireframe 'renders' by Paolo Uccelo:
I think the exhibition is due to close pretty soon, but they've got the Egyptian Book of the Dead on display in September - a really awesome museum. If you're visiting, you've gotta go.