looks like im having the same ideas as others, so i figured id better jump on here and throw down a spot. been talking with some friends and i want to do an engi building, possibly a jukebox dispenser since the engi seems to be a music lover. The Talented Mr. Engineer?
or possibly a horror pack for the soldier. think it came from beneath the sea and teenage werewolf hats. i think a hockey mask and a machete would be cool, but jason is from the 80's so i dont think it would work.
still thinking up ideas though, try to get something by the end of this week
It might be worth making the screen(?) at the top one size through all the levels since there's not really any obvious way of making it bigger. On the regular dispenser it's one of the parts that doesn't change.
Regardless I look forward to seeing how you develop this.
seriously just you guys responding has me pumped
yea im having issues with that screen. the idea is to have the tubes on the corners extend and connect, but then i have this blank space. i want the screen to be there, but im a bit lost on how to do it.
im not sure if we are supposed to provide a function for said thing we make, but i was thinking about it possibly playing some tf2 music in game, and instead of healing it deals out mini crits possibly. still developing that too hahaha
thought it would be cool to do a phonogram for the medic that charges his uber faster, but transforming a phonogram is something i dont think i could tackle
Ghetto blaster is kind of 80s-90s, not 50s-60s. What about something modeled after an old automobile radio? Some refs: http://www.tubesandtransistorsandmore.com/old-Borg-site/Philcar.gif - http://www.tubesandtransistorsandmore.com/old-Borg-site/802-c.jpg - http://www.radiodoctor.org/image-files/55fordmf8.jpg
That light on the dial could be the thing that stays in place during the upgrades.
@mv12 - i dig what your saying, but i cant see a way to transfrom from one to the other, which is proving the hardest part for me
@khthon - the automobile radio is gold, thanks for sharing those with me. i decided i want to try and incorporate some pieces from radios and tvs, i want to add a few more details here and there as well.
this is stage three, i figured if i get the complicated last level done, i can just simplify from there and get my previous two stages. a friend said to try and change the silohuette a bit more. i like the ghetto blaster idea, and i think it would be funny to have more and more speakers pop out but that feels off from the 60's. i dont know how i feel about this yet, i dont want it to be a plain jukebox, but i dont want to go overboard so any feedback is appreciated!
also, i believe this is obligatory
Here's some antique inner TV mechanisms for a ref
I can see multiple engineers building more than one of these at different times just to greif teams with noise spam.
Noise Spam is already an incredibly bad problem in TF2. A very large chunk of players enjoy just the sound of the game, relying heavily on sound to alert them to things happening around them. Especially with the addition of the Dead(OP)Ringger.
But yea, that's a possibility, but if this is implemented I'm sure Valve will design a function for it that isn't completely noise related, but rather give it some music that makes it relatively easy to detect, but not noise spam loud.
But your jukebox concept!
As far as noise spam, I wouldn't worry about the thing's effects just yet. You can make suggestions, but in the end, it's all up to Valve anyway. Just make models and textures you can be proud of... and you can definitely be proud of these.
I can still see people going engineer just to build a music dispenser next to them so they cant hear uncloaking spies.
Any form of music gets old very quickly if put on a loop. Try listening to the portal radio's music for an hour and you'll see what i mean.
the radius idea is what i thought of too, but since i dont really have to worry about it im not going to
Visually interesting, lots of potential in a jukebox combined with a vintage vending machine. You ARE allowed to incorporate small detail from existing Valve assets, saw in another thread, so you CAN use the ammo/health models available in the slots.
If not, a vintage vending machine aesthetic is still awesome for looks and parts.
Some refs-
the pink would be some sort of light effect equivalent to this
Really? Stuff like the spanish flea dispenser mod seems to work fine even with the announcer talking and explosives going off.
Considered a label for the record in the player? Rocket Jump Waltz or something? Or just use the TF2 logo on it?
Take a look at LaroLaro and Swizzle's textures for ideas on texture work.
i took the tf2 color palette they have and used that for my bases and did a quick AO bake for depth. tf2 is pretty simple texture wise and you were on the right path but that AO bake is something that every one of their assets has. but this is just with flat color and the bake compared to your old texture in flat view.
will post progress tomorrow
Also, a name suggestion: "The Acoustic Armament"
The Party Machine
updated it with spec and emmisive so those bars will glow a bit
Looks better and better
Also, it may be a bit late, but I was going to say this may have been a better choice for the lights, just to stick with the original color scheme. Otherwise, great work.
Good stats would be it only healed from the front using the power of rock and if an enemy stands by it they start to get hurt.
(I played brutal legend alot so i want this as a dispenser reskin if it can't make it into the game.