First time posting a WIP thread here, but I have been working on some assets for an apartment scene. Trying to achieve a "lived in" look with everything. I am using Substance Designer 5 to procedurally generate all of my textures.

Ceiling Pendant Lamp

Lamps and first pass of table inside UE4

...and second pass of table within UE4 with some updated textures and a lighting rework.
Any C&C is welcome, thanks for checking it out! =]
Ok so this one is not completely procedurally generated, but i thought it was funny =]
haha your Mug is pretty great xD
@RogelioD Hahah yessss! and thank you sir! So I read on your blog you've just started at Bungie? How does it feel to be a made man?
o_o but all in all I think this scene is coming together. Hope you like and Crits are welcome, and probably needed! =]
It's a cool scene and looks like it's coming together, I just hate to see it suffer due to this glaring issue.
If you want to read through these threads they may help:
The materials and lighting looks solid.
Thank you so much for taking the time to crit @Tobbo, I've been waiting for some pointers =]
Also something to keep in mind is if you have a hard/sharp edge you have to split the UVs into separate islands and you have to have edge padding for each island.
Are you asking for references of how beveled your edges should be? Or where your edges are too sharp on your objects?
This will show up pretty good and look good far away
@Stranger do you have wireframes of those two examples? I can see what's going on but not completely.
new door
and new lamps
another small update. Added some trim, a few paintings to the walls and a first pass on the TV stand.