Hey all, it's been a while since i last posted on polycount, so i figured its time to change that.
I have been doing some head sculpting recently and i could use some feedback. Goal is to make 1 head per day until i get the main shapes right and then start detailing.
I kind of liked the ones i did the last 2 days, so here we go
Both started from a sphere(192 dynamesh resolution right now).


I am not really using a specific reference , its mostly work from other artists and a couple of handsome dudes i happened to find.
Edit : Does anybody know whats the deal with the Dynamic Perspective? These 2 screencaps are both with the dynamic option turned off.
Also, I know when I attempted my first head, it was incredibly helpful to use the Asaro head model to see the planes and angles of the head. Try sketching the forms from the Asaro head onto a picture of your reference and you will be able to map out all of the planes of that subject's head. It takes a bit more time but in the end you will subconsciously be aware of the different facing planes of the face while you are sculpting.
Keep going, I'm excited to see how you progress!
Today's head (again without a specific reference :poly141:):
I hope you dont mind but i have done a quick paintover and tried to highlight some of the areas you need to swap around on the profile view.
The red lines where the guides i gave myself when painting over! The main areas for change are where the sternocleidomastoid muscle joins up at the back of the head, and also the double eyelid area where the brow meets the surrounds of the eye. Your individual facial components are improoving rapidly though!
I would recommend using reference of an actor or someone else easily available rather than just working with reference for the planes of the face ( although that is a great image to refer to if you ever have a picture that is slightly skewed or off kilter).
Hope this helps!
Anthricus: Thanks for the paintover, i appreciate it. I tried to fix these areas in the new head. As for the actor, truth is i am still afraid to approach likeness but i have in mind 1-2 guys i would love to sculpt.
Today's sculpt:
Right now it's sitting at 170k polys, but i want to push this one and start adding some fancy skin details, so i would love any feedback
Few more tips from me :
the head shape at the moment is quite pointy with the centre of the cranium protruding very high. does this match your reference?
Also the neck still needs reigning in a little if this guy is supposed to be thin / muscular in build, currently from the profile view his neck looks a bit fatty/ oversized.
Keep it up dude!
Started something a little different this morning, based loosely on this concept
I am not sure where i am heading with this though, so any cool ideas for the design are appreciated.
Something I would suggest is doing different kinds of heads, like men vs women, old vs young, white, asian, black, etc. Mix and match really. It will help your understanding the head a lot and will get you out of the habit of recreating the same type of head again and again.
As for the last head, i worked a little more on it, render is within zbrush.
I think i could have spent more time polishing it but i wanna get back on sculpting.
Keep it up!
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Main ref :
A sculpt of Vision from Marvel Comics, tried to go really planar with this one, quite enjoyed it.
I am not that happy with the nose and clothes are hard... but overall i think it's ok.
If i don't start something new, i will try and make her a little more interesting tomorrow , by breaking the symmetry and posing.
C&C appreciated.
Hair is a little weird but i got a little tired of them in the end so i just let them be.
Here are some suggestions for your female sculpt. Hope, my scribbles are readable and this actually helps:
The most prominent thing was the circumference of her neck.
I also brought her eyes and nose down. If you wanted it to look like she's looking up she would have needed some more mass on the back of her head, I think.
Made here chin less pronounced.
Eyes were opened up a bit as well.
Started on the awesome Kronk today, still early wip but i think it's getting there
I will probably leave the hair for last because i am super afraid of them, and lazy :poly142:
I am not sure about the smile yet but i think it looks better like that.
Well finals are getting the better part of my days... and like every semester in one of my "i am so bored to study, let's aimlessly browse youtube" journeys i came upon this awesome cartoon called Korgoth of Barbaria (too bad it's just one episode) and decided to make the main character.
It's still a wip but i like it so far.
For those of you that don't know it , that's how this guy looks most the time :
I think corner of the jaw on your newest female sculpt is too pronounced, though. Also eyes should be lower, like last time:
So i started a new likeness, this time going for Tyrion Lannister but i have to say i am having a hard time finding some good ref for this guy with shorter hair , so i can take a better look to his forehead.
Andd with so many heads i was actually starting to forget my anatomy to the point where i was looking for muscle origins and insertions again, so i decided to start a couple of anatomy studies too.
A muscular guy which i didn't want to make too muscular to the point where he looks stylized or incorrect.
And a thinner guy which again i didn't want to make too thin, he is not supposed to be starving, just not eating that much.
Any feedback is welcome