hey! I'm a junior year Game Artist, been working away at my character art final. I decided to recreate one of my Final Fantasy faves, Gilgamesh. He's got a lot of swords and arms, look him up.
This is his FF14 design, but I'm using the swords from FF12. Right now I'm doing my second texture pass and adding front/back lighting. Be keeping you all updated!
hmu at my portfolio if you wish!

sword reference from ff12

You could do it in photoshop just duplicate the layer of the sun for instance and in the sun of the layer below give it a little blur.
cleaned up his arms and UVS, also posed the swords for fun! Sad that I have to do those last
Do you have spots for the rest of his arms to attach to, like you do for the main ones?
Just a little more working the texture, and then I'm gonna move on to swords! (So tempting, I wanna do them now!!)