Hey guys
I'm starting a new project and will be posting my progress as I go. I am going to be making Carl Weathers from Predator. Plans for the project are to have him clothed in his pants, hat, vest, gloves and boots like in the bottom left pictures of the reference sheet. Not looking to tackle the guns for this project though, but maybe in the future. I'm going to be modeling him in zBrush, then making a low poly and textures.
C&C please

I'll be posting constant updates!
Here's what I've got so far today:

And here is my reference sheet! I've got some from his appearance in Rocky to be able to see exactly how his muscles look. I believe he used steroids so some of his muscle proportions are a bit absurd.

Good reference sheet!
And pixelpatron, such a good line!
Don't forget to nail that hand of his :P
Going to post updates either tonight or tomorrow. Been working on the body and proportions more, going to start the head today I think.
A bit of an update today. I am working on the head now trying to get down the proportions and spacing, as well as working with the proportions of the body a bit. I am still using symmetry until I get closer to where I want it to be, and I am still using dynamesh so it's still at a pretty low polycount. Critiques on likeness and proportion or anatomy are what I'm going for now but seriously any comments or encouragement is welcome as usual.
For reference this is what he looks like without hair (and a bit older).
The face looks nice but it also looks very carefully done. I miss the facial planes that give it the character that you can see in the ref images you posted above. Looks like there is a lot of ambient diffuse in the material making everything soft atm. I think you could be a bit more brutal with the forms but watch that there is not to much expression as a start point.
Nice stuff already!
I would love to know what you think or any C&C please!
I'm trying to finish up the high poly now, all that I have let to work through is the boots I think. I'd love to have some critiques on the rest of him though in case there is anything I can fix before I move onto the low poly.
@kanga I lowered the wax modifier slightly and angled the face a liiittle bit more. I'm having trouble because I don't want to go too far. Do you think it's good or I should go farther?
Topology looks pretty solid. Probably don't need the extra geo for the pockets as they're pretty flat and can just be handled by the normals. Are you planning to add shoelaces seperately?
I agree the High Poly feels a bit soft. I had to move on from the high poly due to the deadline of the course sadly. I am definitely going to go back into this after I submit the final and take all the critiques and try to apply them I think. Does the high poly feel soft as a whole? Or are there certain parts that stand out? For me I feel like the pants are what is making it feel very soft at the moment and they're something that I want to spend a lot more time on.
You're right, I definitely can just get rid of the geometry for the pockets especially on the jacket I think.
And as for the shoelaces, I was planning on just trying to add them through using CrazyBump. If that doesn't work well then I'll probably just model them bake the boots again.
Here's an update, I'm starting to add some color. I am going to be trying to tackle the hair next probably, then the boots, and finally the eyes.
The wireframe is very clean and neat and looks like it will animate well! Likewise the textures are also well done.
There are a lot of really good things in the model. It looks like you know where everything is supposed to go. I think proportions and stance could help the character further. Its always up to the artist how real they want the model to be and how much to use emphasis to amplify some things and play down others.
If you look at the high poly full figure it looks like he is floating. I find it easier to sculpt the figure as if it has weight. Giving the start pose some attitude makes it easier to judge how much expression to put in and where. Maybe the souls of the shoes are correct but they dont look as if there is much weight being applied to them. I reckon the head could be a bit smaller and the forearms thicker and hands a little bigger.
In general I think you are going to get a lot out of doing a full naked figure before applying the costume. The legs are looking a bit straight up and down atm and the figure could use some wear and tear here and there.
The technique is really good maybe you should take a breather and free sculpt some figures for fun and study in between the fully worked out pieces.
OMG YES! I was hoping someone would link it. love it!
Kanga has some good advice.
I think the skin could be a bit darker. You should bend the some of the fingers to make it more interesting, he's looking too stiff.
I have to finish this project for a class, but I'm definitely going to do more work over the summer. I had a lot of fun on my last project doing an anatomy study and kind of jumped over it this project as far as the lower body goes because he was going to be wearing pants but I think it caused me to have a few proportion issues.
Here's my update for today: I added the eyes, hair and laces. I've got an annoying seam on the top of his chest right now that I think is due to my AO. I also made the legs a bit longer, the face shorter (which I think helped a lot), the hands bigger and grounded the boots a bit.
Project is due in a few days would love some more advice
Would love some C&C. I have to submit tomorrow night, but I am going to be working on it still after my school work is done for the semester!
Love the sweat,,... what is that specular? If you are going to pose it tonight try bring the crotch up a bit that should make the torso a little shorter and the legs longer, if you do that you might want to bring the knee up a touch. The arms still need more volume I think.
I'll adjust all of those things tonight, hopefully that'll fix the proportion problems that I'm seeing
Kinda wished you got more cloth texture out of the pants. Can barely see it at the resolution you rendered it out at.
Might be nice to also Photoshop out that neck seam (don't let your teacher know though).
I was trying to figure out how to do that because the type of pants I was going far was this material and the texture is barely visible (to me at least).
Also, is the resolution too small?
Might make a watch tomorrow? Not sure if I should, or just call this done? Thoughts?
Going to be moving onto doing an environment project for the summer now
Howl's living room sounds fun. I'd definitely like to see where you take that
@kosh_fotsirk: I was struggling with how to sculpt the pants but that reference really helps actually
Also, I was instructed to just do a busy cityscape like in China during a festival instead. So I may push that project back I think until after the Summer.
Thanks everyone